Tuesday, November 23, 2010

EPA Out Of Control

Give Liberals Unlimited Freedom and Power, they will take yours.

Hey folks,

Happy Tuesday in this short week to ya. Hope you are ready for Turkey Day. I am. Thanksgiving. My favorite Holiday.

I first told you about E15 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 E15, Liberal Dreams Have Consequences
So you may have heard, the E.P.A. is considering raising the maximum blend of ethanol in unleaded gasoline from 10 percent to 15%. Great. So what's the problem? No one knows how it will effect the Engine, Pollution, OR the World Food Source.
I reminded you about the Food Riots and told you how this was guaranteed to cause even more. Then you add in the fact it has not even been tested?

Then on Tuesday, November 09, 2010 EPA, One of Many Things, Needs To Be Reeled In we talked about how Obama and the Kooks in Congress, do not have enough Votes to get some of the things he wanted Passed. Now he has even less. So?

So what to do, what to do? Give the EPA, nearly unlimited power to do it for ya. This way when it hits the fan, you can say, "Hey, wasn't me, it was the EPA." If there is to be a GREAT back lash to it, then Obama and Crew could come in for the rescue, and attack the very TOOL that they are using to get Cap and Tax. Get the point?
We talked about the EPA, through it's "Clean Air Act," is set to completely destroy Private Industries. The EPA proposed 42 significant regulations, with an annual Economic impact of $100 Million or more, during the Administration's first 18 months. One of the most damaging and outrageous, is the "New Ozone Standard." When this is implemented, the experts say it will cost ANOTHER 7.3 Million U.S. Jobs, and raise the cost of EVERYTHING in your daily life.

As I said then, this is all a bunch of gobbledygook.

They know this is all Bunk. All Political. Why else do you think that they came out on Tuesday, yes Election Day, when the Republicans TRAMPLED the Democrats all across the country, to say that it would postpone the release of the new Ozone Standard until the end of the year. My guess is that it will be shelved. They know that their new found Authority can be limited by the New House. They will not want to push it. My guess would be that they will attempt to lay low for the next two years in the hopes that the Democrats take over again in 2012.
Here is an EXCELLENT Video about all this.

If you have trouble viewing the Video, go to YouTube. But this is why you still need to be concerned about this. Even though they postponed, and may even shelve the new Ozone Standard, this doesn't mean that they can not bring it back, when Congress is more "friendly" toward them.

No folks, it really is simple. Give Liberals unlimited Freedom and Power, they will take yours. Every time. From the Food Police, to the EPA, TSA, Federal and Local Governments. Left unchecked, Liberalism is dangerous and WILL impede your Freedoms and Will. They do not care what you think, if they actually CAN legally, or what the actual outcome may be. They TRULY feel that they are smarter than you, and they know better. Screw you and what you think. THEY are large and in charge. You will know your role, and obey.

Problem is, for them, THIS IS AMERICA. Home of the Free, and Land of the Brave. We will NOT lay down and give up our Freedoms. They have been bought with too great a price. We will NOT become complacent with Tyranny, or allow a Dictatorship to rise. We will not accept unfounded, and unproven gobbledygook as FACT. Why do you think they lost the "Global Warming" argument? Why do you think they were thrown out on their arse, this past election? We are NOT stupid, nor shall we ever be complacent with stupidity.

EPA is just one more thing that needs to be reeled in. Their power limited. We need to bring control back to the People. We need Adults running the show and Intelligence in Government. We need checks and balances. Safeguards and Limits as to how far ANY group, especially non elected groups, can go in dictating or impeding Freedoms. The new Republicans in the House sure do have their work cut out for them. Let's hope they are.

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