She REALLY is delusional
Hey folks,
As I told you just this past Sunday, Pelosi Not Going Away .
So even the Democrats understand that she is Delusional. They really do get it. But no mater how Delusional she may be. No matter how hard Obama tries to jam through as much as he can in this next Lame Duck Session and or, the next two years, it IS the Republicans to keep or lose. It really is simple. To my Republican friends, FORGET what you THINK the American People want, LISTEN to the American People. Do the right thing. Or this Party we just beat, will return. It really is YOURS to keep or lose.
OPNTalk - IWA For Sunday 102410
Hey folks,
And THIS is why she was the IWA For Sunday 102410 I then said this."I have every anticipation that we'll come together in a similar format as we are now, with me as speaker of the House," Pelosi says.
There really are few words to describe this. We already know she is delusional, but REALLY? This goes to show that these folks in Government really do live in a bubble, FAR disconnected with the American People. Time to burst their bubble folks. Time to burst their bubble.Well, you really did burst their bubble. You spoke on Election Day, and you said GET OUT!
As I told you just this past Sunday, Pelosi Not Going Away .
That's right, Nancy Pelosi may be out as Speaker, THANK YOU, but she is NOT going away. No folks, she wants to be Leader. Forget the fact someone else already holds that job. She don't care. I'm willing to bet someone talked her into this. I'll explain in a second. First, here is her letter of intent.Then I posted her Letter stating her intent on becoming Minority Leader. Most likely hoping to imitate Sam Rayburn, and be in place in 2012, when the Republicans Lose the House again. {In their dreams.}But she hoped to be the Minority Leader and Speaker in waiting. Problem is, NO ONE WANTS HER! {Laughing} Not even her own people. Here is THEIR Letter to HER.
Letter from Defeated Members:The Person that wrote this, leaked it out to Fox News and it has been making it's rounds all over the place. They WANT you to know that THEY do not want Pelosi either.{Laughing} They want her out faster than you do. They understand what this past Election meant. They also know that if the Republicans actually get it right, the Left will be out of power for a LONG time to come. It is all in the Republicans hands. They can solidify their Victory and stay in Leadership, or they can fail to listen to the People, and like in 94, move on with their own agendas, in which case the Senate will stay Democrat, Obama will have Term Two, and the Democrats will have a shot at taking back the House. But they know that this will be VERY difficult with Pelosi waiting in the Shadows. They can not very well attempt to convince the People that they have a new Message and Agenda, if the SAME Leader that made such a mess of things is waiting to take back charge. A Leader that has SHOWN time and time again, nothing but contempt for the People. A Leader that Governed AGAINST the Will of the People. Kind of hard to relay a new message with the same messenger.
Many of us want the chance to run again and reclaim the seats that we lost on Tuesday. With you as the leader of House Democrats, the hangover of 2010 stands no chance of subsiding. Many of us have run our last race but remain committed to our party; we want to help recruit successful candidates to run in our stead.
Unfortunately, we fear that Republicans will further demonize you, and in so doing they will scare potential candidates out. The prospect of having to run against their own party leadership in addition to their Republican opponent is simply too daunting.
This is a difficult letter to write, because we admire your commitment, your drive, and your conviction. You have been an historic figure in our great nation, and for that we are all proud, as should you be. Nonetheless, we each experienced how Republican demonization of you and your leadership contributed to our defeat.
It is impossible not to judge the results of November 2nd as anything but a profound loss. We want to recover. Recovery of our majority in the House necessitates new leadership at the top of our party. We believe that you can and will play an extraordinary role in our party, and it is extremely unfortunate that Republicans have taken away your ability to lead as effectively as you are able.
Nonetheless, one mark of a strong leader is the ability to discern when it is time to pass the baton. As defeated members, whose party needs to rebuild, we are counting on you to show the strength of your leadership in this dark hour. We ask that you step aside as leader of our party in the House.
With utmost respect, we are..
So even the Democrats understand that she is Delusional. They really do get it. But no mater how Delusional she may be. No matter how hard Obama tries to jam through as much as he can in this next Lame Duck Session and or, the next two years, it IS the Republicans to keep or lose. It really is simple. To my Republican friends, FORGET what you THINK the American People want, LISTEN to the American People. Do the right thing. Or this Party we just beat, will return. It really is YOURS to keep or lose.
OPNTalk - IWA For Sunday 102410
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