Do you really care?
Hey folks,
I don't. So some kids, with skulls full of mush, having been brainwashed into thinking that America is Evil and the cause of all the problems in the world, have decided to go on a hunger strike. Why? They want Congress to pass the Dream Act.
What is the DREAM Act? Amnesty. Amnesty in the guise of compassion for those who where Minors when they arrived here. So a Kid, or Teenager of an Illegal Alien would, under this Bunk, being here at least five years, {Proved by how?}be allowed to "Earn" Citizenship, through attending Two Years in College and or the Military. They would have to be "good Moral Character," {As determined by whom?} and they would have to be on the road to getting a College Degree.
Basically, it is a step toward Amnesty. That's all this is. Yet, some Students in Universities across Texas and San Antonio, have gone on a Hunger strike to pressure U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to vote for the DREAM Act. No doubt they have been Brainwashed by those Liberal Institutions to think that all these people want is a better life, and America's Immigration Laws are Draconian and Evil. Then again, many of them that ARE Striking ARE Illegal to begin with.
Anyway, as I said, who cares? According to - DREAM Act hunger strike spreads By Melissa Ludwig - Express-News Web Posted: 11/24/2010 12:00 AM CST
Sources: - DREAM Act hunger strike spreads
Hey folks,

What is the DREAM Act? Amnesty. Amnesty in the guise of compassion for those who where Minors when they arrived here. So a Kid, or Teenager of an Illegal Alien would, under this Bunk, being here at least five years, {Proved by how?}be allowed to "Earn" Citizenship, through attending Two Years in College and or the Military. They would have to be "good Moral Character," {As determined by whom?} and they would have to be on the road to getting a College Degree.
Basically, it is a step toward Amnesty. That's all this is. Yet, some Students in Universities across Texas and San Antonio, have gone on a Hunger strike to pressure U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to vote for the DREAM Act. No doubt they have been Brainwashed by those Liberal Institutions to think that all these people want is a better life, and America's Immigration Laws are Draconian and Evil. Then again, many of them that ARE Striking ARE Illegal to begin with.
Anyway, as I said, who cares? According to - DREAM Act hunger strike spreads By Melissa Ludwig - Express-News Web Posted: 11/24/2010 12:00 AM CST
University students across Texas this week joined San Antonio students in a hunger strike aimed at pressuring U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to vote for the DREAM Act, a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for students and soldiers brought to the country illegally as children.If she cares. What does it matter to her if YOU eat of not? What does it matter to ANYONE but YOU? I don't care. Most Americans do not care. Most Americans do NOT want the Dream Act. What we want, is for those that wish to come to this country, to do so LEGALLY. It really is not that hard a concept. Come here LEGALLY, and we will welcome you with open arms. Come here ILLEGALLY, and you fall privy to the LAW that is on the Books. YOU are then a CRIMINAL and NOT worthy of a chance to circumvent the system. Sorry.
Started two weeks ago by a dozen students at the University of Texas at San Antonio, the hunger strike spread this week to UT campuses in Austin, Dallas, Arlington, Brownsville and Edinburg, as well as the University of North Texas in Denton, according to members of DREAM Act NOW!, the UTSA student group that organized the strike.
The group is part of a national coalition called United We DREAM, which brings together activists in each state. Universities in Florida and Indiana have also begun striking in solidarity, members said.
“Now that they have seen we are still going and not planning to stop, some have joined us,” said Claudia Sanchez, one of the UTSA strikers. Sanchez, 29, is a U.S. citizen, but many of her fellow strikers are in the country illegally.
Hutchison met with a DREAM Act activist in Washington last week in hopes the meeting would end the hunger strike, according to a spokeswoman. Sanchez said San Antonio strikers want a face-to-face meeting with Hutchison when she comes home to Texas for the holidays.
“We want to start talking about the specifics of the DREAM Act so she can tell us exactly what she doesn't agree with,” Sanchez said. “We are giving her until Thanksgiving. If not, we are going to start stepping up our campaign. We will put more pressure on her.”
In a statement issued Tuesday, Hutchison said she would not support the current bill because it “goes far beyond the intended group of children who grew up in the U.S. and attended primary and secondary schools here.”Like I said, who cares. They are Striking for those who are ILLEGAL. This does not sit well with most law abiding Citizens. Should we care if there were a group conducting a Hunger Strike for Bank Robbers? Of course not. We would hope that you have enough money to buy new jeans after you lose the weight from not eating.
Hutchison is concerned for the safety and welfare of the students, but has already met with people from many parts of Texas on the issue and does not plan change her position, the statement said.
Sanchez said she hoped Congress would vote on the bill next week during the lame-duck session.Yeah she wants it jammed through while the Lib Loons still have some power. I do not think that Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has anything to worry about. It's not coming up for a Vote any time soon. They have too much on their plate than to worry about something that they know they do not have the Votes for. Sorry Kiddies. But think of it this way. Maybe you'll lose some weight and look good for Graduation and or the up coming Spring Break. {Smile}
The act would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the country before the age of 16. To be eligible, the immigrants must have no criminal record and either attend college or serve in the military for two years. It would likely benefit about 825,000 immigrants, the vast majority under the age of 35, according to the Migration Policy Institute
Sources: - DREAM Act hunger strike spreads
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