Balance in Government is what we wanted.
Hey folks,
You did it. You spoke, and barring a few calls of Voter Fraud out there, it came out pretty much as predicted. The Republicans take the House, the Democrats hold the Senate. Barely. The "Big News" out there is incumbent Harry Reid was the victor over Republican and Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle. Then, the other news is, O'Donnell "cost the GOP the Senate." Barney Frank is still kicking.
Folks, you are going to hear this type of thing for a few days now. The Tea Party is bad for the GOP. The "kooks" in the fringe that is the Tea Party, could not get it done. "See, the Republicans have to work WITH Obama. The Tea Party doesn't represent 'True Americans'" ETC.
But the TRUTH is, YOU have spoken. 239 to 183 in the House. Pelosi is OUT of power. Sanity now stands a chance to balance a bit of the insanity. The Senate comes out at this time as 51 to 46, still in Democrat control. Reid is still at the helm. But do not be discouraged by this. THIS really is a good thing.
Look, all the way back to 2006, I was telling you that we need balance in Government. If you remember, in 2006 it was the Republicans who controlled ALL. I talked about how the World was, and how it was growing more dangerous, and I said this.
Now there is balance. We have a chance to slow down, if not completely stop the Liberals and Obama's completely Socialistic Agenda. This is a GREAT Victory for the People. Now a message to those in the House that have been given the keys. DO WANT THE PEOPLE SENT YOU TO DO! Stop Obama and the Loons in the Senate. Do not compromise. Do not negotiate. STOP OBAMA. Obama is now heading off to India where he is going to spend 200 MILLION of YOUR tax money a DAY. That's right. 200 MILLION a DAY, for like 5 days? He NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
We do not need to work with him. We do not need to meet him half way. WE do not need to compromise. "But Pete, nothing will get done. We will have gridlock." YES! And THAT is not a bad thing. You STOP people that are doing bad things. You do not compromise or attempt to work with them. Someone is robbing a bank, you do not say "OK. I get it. But lets say you only take $100,000 and I'll let you go. Take more than that, and we may have a problem." NO. YOU STOP THEM. The President is ROBBING the Bank that IS the American Government. He is ROBBING YOU. He is still saying to you, "I have agendas and I'm sticking to them. I deserve to take this trip to India. Michelle DESERVED the trip to London. We do not care that you are unemployed and losing your house. Especially if you are White. It's our time now."
It should be interesting to see what Obama does say about all this. But to my friends out there that truly think he may lean towards the center a bit more now that the People have taken back the House? I wouldn't count on that. He IS what he IS. That is why it IS so important to STOP HIM.
For all of you new House Members? Do what you were sent there to do, or face a similar fate in 2012. DO what you were sent there to do, and you may see the Senate and the White House, change hands again in 2012. Obama needs to be thrown out. I do not care all that much about the Letter after the Name of the next President, R or D. Or even I. What I do care about is SANITY and a Love of Country. What I do care about is the Constitution. Obama cares for NONE of that, and that is why he needs to leave.
This is a GREAT Victory. Do not let those bitter about it, down play it, or burst your enthusiasm. Keep watching, and keep letting those that are in both, the House and Senate KNOW you are watching. Praise them and reward them when they do right, and make sure they understand that they will be punished if they do WRONG. Remind them who it is that they work for. They work for us. Congratulations to all NEW House and Senate Members. Now, go do the right thing.
Hey folks,

Folks, you are going to hear this type of thing for a few days now. The Tea Party is bad for the GOP. The "kooks" in the fringe that is the Tea Party, could not get it done. "See, the Republicans have to work WITH Obama. The Tea Party doesn't represent 'True Americans'" ETC.
But the TRUTH is, YOU have spoken. 239 to 183 in the House. Pelosi is OUT of power. Sanity now stands a chance to balance a bit of the insanity. The Senate comes out at this time as 51 to 46, still in Democrat control. Reid is still at the helm. But do not be discouraged by this. THIS really is a good thing.

The only way to stop this, or at least slow it down, is to bring balance back to the government. With only 199 days left to the election, and two and halve years til 2008, the left is running out of time. They NEED to stop playing the stupid games. They NEED to forget Bush. Get in there and change the things you do not like. With the House, Senate, and even Supreme Court all controlled by one party, the party has total power. I would feel this way no matter which party is in this situation. There must be a balance. In nearly every case, ultimate power leads to ultimate destruction. But the Left is NOT going to get there with "Hate Bush". They are not going to get there with "Impeach Bush". They are not going to get there without a plan.Yes I WAS trying to help the Democrats. Then I learned WHO they really were. I learned WHAT they had become. I tried to stop them. I failed. They took over and we have what we have. They took the House, Senate, and along came Obama. My warning of ultimate power leading to ultimate destruction, was never proven more true.
Now there is balance. We have a chance to slow down, if not completely stop the Liberals and Obama's completely Socialistic Agenda. This is a GREAT Victory for the People. Now a message to those in the House that have been given the keys. DO WANT THE PEOPLE SENT YOU TO DO! Stop Obama and the Loons in the Senate. Do not compromise. Do not negotiate. STOP OBAMA. Obama is now heading off to India where he is going to spend 200 MILLION of YOUR tax money a DAY. That's right. 200 MILLION a DAY, for like 5 days? He NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
We do not need to work with him. We do not need to meet him half way. WE do not need to compromise. "But Pete, nothing will get done. We will have gridlock." YES! And THAT is not a bad thing. You STOP people that are doing bad things. You do not compromise or attempt to work with them. Someone is robbing a bank, you do not say "OK. I get it. But lets say you only take $100,000 and I'll let you go. Take more than that, and we may have a problem." NO. YOU STOP THEM. The President is ROBBING the Bank that IS the American Government. He is ROBBING YOU. He is still saying to you, "I have agendas and I'm sticking to them. I deserve to take this trip to India. Michelle DESERVED the trip to London. We do not care that you are unemployed and losing your house. Especially if you are White. It's our time now."
It should be interesting to see what Obama does say about all this. But to my friends out there that truly think he may lean towards the center a bit more now that the People have taken back the House? I wouldn't count on that. He IS what he IS. That is why it IS so important to STOP HIM.
For all of you new House Members? Do what you were sent there to do, or face a similar fate in 2012. DO what you were sent there to do, and you may see the Senate and the White House, change hands again in 2012. Obama needs to be thrown out. I do not care all that much about the Letter after the Name of the next President, R or D. Or even I. What I do care about is SANITY and a Love of Country. What I do care about is the Constitution. Obama cares for NONE of that, and that is why he needs to leave.
This is a GREAT Victory. Do not let those bitter about it, down play it, or burst your enthusiasm. Keep watching, and keep letting those that are in both, the House and Senate KNOW you are watching. Praise them and reward them when they do right, and make sure they understand that they will be punished if they do WRONG. Remind them who it is that they work for. They work for us. Congratulations to all NEW House and Senate Members. Now, go do the right thing.
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