"I'm not a liberal; I'm an American."
And now you are unemployed.
Hey folks,
Time to wrap things up with the IWA. Yes, our Idiot ACTUALLY said this.
Folks, EVERYONE knows that Olbermann is nothing more than a pawn in the State Run Mainstream Media. He lacks the ability to actually THINK for himself. He was good at simply reported whatever he was told to. But he never crossed the line. He never let the Public SEE his bias. Well, he did the whole hiding thing that is so lame a Kindergartner could see through it. But at least he was trying. Make that WAS.
Seems that our Idiot DID cross that imaginary line. He was reckless, and too open. He left a trail that others could pick up on. He exposed himself. Now, he is fired. {Laughing} According to CNN - Olbermann suspended for Dem contributions By: CNN Political Unit
So now, Keith Olbermann is out, because he left a paper trail. Don't he know that's what Freezer Cash is for? Congratulations Olbermann, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. But fret not, I doubt you will be down for long. A- The Left Loves the unemployed. B- I hear there is an opening over at NPR. YOU Sir, seem to be the right type of Bigot for them. Unlike the one they let go. {Smile}
CNN - Olbermann suspended for Dem contributions By: CNN Political Unit
And now you are unemployed.
Hey folks,

"I'm not a liberal; I'm an American."Problem is YOU ARE A LIBERAL. Hell, during the whole Monica Lewinsky thing, our Idiot actually changed his show, "The Big Show with Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC, into "The White House in Crisis." He turned his attention from, uh, unbiased, fair and balanced News Reporting, {Cough} to full attack mode to protect Bill Clinton. But he's not Liberal. No, no, no.

Seems that our Idiot DID cross that imaginary line. He was reckless, and too open. He left a trail that others could pick up on. He exposed himself. Now, he is fired. {Laughing} According to CNN - Olbermann suspended for Dem contributions By: CNN Political Unit
(CNN) - Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's primetime firebrand host, has been suspended indefinitely for violating the ethics policies of his employer earlier this year when he donated to three Democrats seeking federal office, MSNBC announced Friday.{Laughing, banging hand on desk.}"Violating the ethics policies?"{Laughing} Of NBC? The New Barack Channel? Seriously?
"I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay," MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement.As if there is any doubt that NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, ETC, are LIBERAL Media? They are all Democrat Channels, well, wait, they are Liberal Channels. If there is a Democrat that is NOT Liberal enough, THEN they will attack them as well. Like anyone that was opposing Obama.
First reported by Politico and confirmed by Federal Election Commission filings, the primetime television host gave $2,400 – the maximum individual amount allowed – to each of the campaigns of Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway, and Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords.
Conway lost his bid to Republican Rand Paul while Grijalva eked out a win over Tea Party-backed candidate Ruth McClung for a fifth term. Grijalva found himself in an increasingly competitive race after he announced his support of a boycott of Arizona businesses in response to the state's controversial new immigration law and often appeared on Olbermann's show where he found a sympathetic audience. CNN, meanwhile, has yet to declare a winner in Giffords' race, but the Democrat currently holds about a 3,000-vote lead with all precincts reporting.
The contributions may have violated an NBC policy that requires employers of the news organization to obtain permission ahead of any political donations or activities that could be deemed as a conflict of interest. CNN institutes a similar policy.
In a statement to Politico before the suspension was announced, Olbermann defended the contributions:
"One week ago, on the night of Thursday October 28 2010, after a discussion with a friend about the state of politics in Arizona, I donated $2,400 each to the re-election campaigns of Democratic Representatives Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords," he said in the statement. "I also donated the same amount to the campaign of Democratic Senatorial candidate Jack Conway in Kentucky."
Olbermann, as well as MSNBC executives, was a vocal critic of the $1 million donation by Fox News' parent News Corp. to the Republican Governor's Association earlier this year, saying at the time, "We now have another million reasons Fox News is the Republican news channel."
So now, Keith Olbermann is out, because he left a paper trail. Don't he know that's what Freezer Cash is for? Congratulations Olbermann, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. But fret not, I doubt you will be down for long. A- The Left Loves the unemployed. B- I hear there is an opening over at NPR. YOU Sir, seem to be the right type of Bigot for them. Unlike the one they let go. {Smile}
CNN - Olbermann suspended for Dem contributions By: CNN Political Unit
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