Hey folks,

Obama Pays Back Political FavorNow there is something you will not see on the All Barack Channel {ABC} New Barack Channel {NBC} the Clinton News Network {CNN} or the New York Times. But then again, this should be no surprise to YOU. A True OPNer should already know these types of things are going to and ARE happening. As I have been telling you, this IS who Obama is.
President Obama has now made the United States an official “state sponsor of terrorism” a designation, applied to other countries, would mean no aid or trade with the US. It is unclear how Obama’s actions will affect our ability to trade with ourselves as a nation.
On June 9, President Obama announced a 400 million dollar aid package to the West Bank and Gaza, which are currently two separate entities; the West Bank under the control of Mahmoud Abbas, a moderate by radical Islamic standards, Gaza is run by the democratically elected Islamic Resistance Movement known otherwise as the terrorist group Hamas. Obama was trying to be sneaky in announcing this “aid package” to Gaza with Abbas present thus conflating the moderate with the radical terrorist group Hamas, a clear attempt to avoid scrutiny of handing over American’s money directly to a terrorist organization that has murdered American citizens. Whatever else you can say about Obama, at least he never forgets his friends. Thanks to the investigative work of Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs we know that in 2007 Obama’s campaign received over 30 thousand dollars in illegal donations from Hamas controlled Gaza.
Curious is the timing of Obama’s announcement. Israel had just taken action against ships attempting to break its blockade of Gaza, which was put into place to stop the flow of weapons and war supplies that Hamas uses to attack Israelis. And Obama joined the rest of the Islamic world in condemning Israel for taking action to defend itself against terrorists who have not only killed Americans and Israelis but have declared that it would drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.
Since 2001, the United States has listed Hamas as a “Specifically Designated Global Terrorist” organization. The sanctions for providing support for a SDGT are harsh.
Even the New York Times, which is as a rule sympathetic to terrorists, stated “The details of how the aid would be used in Gaza remained unclear. Nor was it immediately clear how Mr. Abbas, who has authority in the West Bank but not in Gaza would be able to administer it.”
But, according to the Times, “White House officials said the money would be spent on housing, schools, efforts to provide access to drinking water and other health and infrastructure projects.” Of course, with Americans providing all of their financial needs it frees up Hamas’ other money to buy weapons and afford them more sophisticated means by which to smuggle them into the strip, no more raggedy flotillas for these terrorists.
Obama also used the occasion to attack Israel’s blockade “there should be some way of focusing narrowly on arms shipments rather than focusing in a blanket way on stopping everything and then, in a piecemeal way, allowing things into Gaza.” Even Obama himself acknowledges that supplies still get to the Gazans, Israel just searches the incoming vessels to insure that the cargo isn’t going to be used to kill people. Apparently Obama thinks there is some other magical way to find the weapons among the “humanitarian supplies” other than looking through them. Here’s a thought; how about you get no supplies at all until you stop smuggling weapons and murdering innocent civilians?
The Times reports that international aid organizations “working in Gaza have warned of growing hardship. Deprived of raw materials, local industry has been severely damaged, and the Gaza economy has collapsed.” This account seems to suggest that the poor Gazans have absolutely no control over their situation, the fact is though that they went to the polls and freely elected Hamas agents to run Gaza. These poor victims elected representatives for themselves whose stated objective is to annihilate the Jews. But we should feel sorry for them anyway, Obama and the liberals here tell us the most evil crime in the world is racial discrimination and yet they take our money and give it to people whose sole objective for their existence is to exterminate a race of people. Welcome to Obama’s world.
I reported before the 2008 election that Obama had been endorsed by Hamas leader Ahmed Yousef, who himself had been a Hamas operative inside the United States for years, using several aliases, until I confronted him and informed him that I knew who he was. He denied that he worked for Hamas and then promptly fled the country and two years later turned up in Damascus, Syria as a senior Hamas leader. Obama is either completely ignorant of the war Islamic terrorists such as Hamas are waging against us, or worse. Until we know more I have the unfortunate task of reporting to you that we are now a state sponsor of terrorism.
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