I just do not get it.
Hey folks,
That's not true. I DO get it. What I do not get is the fact there are still some in this country that think Obama and Crew are doing the right thing when it comes to Iran. The MMD are reporting all these breakthrough, ground breaking, historic, whatever, Sanctions that Obama and Crew are putting into place against Iran. Problem is, they are now attempting to WEAKEN their own Sanctions.
According to the LA Times - White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress The Obama administration fears tough U.S. sanctions against companies doing business in Iran would anger foreign allies. By Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times June 11, 2010
What ever happened to the World will love us as soon as Obama ascends to power? China threatening us. North Korea playing war games, and threatening us. Little Hitler in Iran? According to the AFP - Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel is 'doomed' By D'Arcy Doran (AFP) – 13 hours ago
So Ahmadinejad continues to stall. Obama and Crew back peddle on the Sanctions, and Israel continues to be threatened. However, Israel is not in this alone. Make no mistake about it. If Little Hitler gets the opportunity, he will attack US as well. We really do need a grown up to take back the power of this country, and remind the likes of Ahmadinejad, that his defiance is not acceptable. To ensure our FRIENDS and ALLIES, that they are STILL our FRIENDS and ALLIES. Someone who is not a coward. Someone who understands that the only thing people like Ahmadinejad understands IS force.
LA Times - White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress
AFP - Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel is 'doomed'
Hey folks,

According to the LA Times - White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress The Obama administration fears tough U.S. sanctions against companies doing business in Iran would anger foreign allies. By Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times June 11, 2010
Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration, which labored for months to impose tough new United Nations sanctions against Iran, now is pushing in the opposite direction against Congress as it crafts U.S. sanctions that the White House fears may go too far.They ARE. They SAID SO! They just called Israel "DOOMED." So this months of laboring was nothing but SHOW folks. Obama LIKES Iran. He admires people like Ahmadinejad. And as we have discussed many times in the past, he is no friend of Israel.
Administration officials have begun negotiations with congressional leaders, who are working on versions of House and Senate bills that would punish companies that sell refined petroleum products to Iran or help the country's oil industry.
Unlike the U.N. measures, congressional action would pertain only to U.S. policies and agencies and would not be binding on other countries. Other countries and groups of nations also are considering adopting measures to augment the U.N. action.
The sanctions are aimed at forcing Iran to giving up its nuclear program, which Western nations fear is geared toward developing nuclear weapons. Iran insists it is only interested in peaceful energy projects.
U.S. sanctions have strong support in Congress, and the administration backs them in principle as a way to strengthen the mild strictures adopted on Wednesday by the U.N. Security Council.So on paper, the US and the Obama Administration is TOUGH, but in reality, it really means nothing.
But the administration fears that the legislation also could damage relations with Europe, Russia and China, all of whom cooperated with U.S. efforts on the U.N. sanctions.
To avoid that possibility, the administration wants authority to waive U.S. punishment against companies from countries that have cooperated on Iran.
Many lawmakers are wary. Some say the Obama administration, like its predecessors, has been lax in enforcing existing Iran sanctions out of concern for good relations with other world powers.
"The administration doesn't carry out the laws that are on the books, and they want the new law to be as weak and loophole-ridden as possible," said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks), who has been pushing for years for such legislation.
Republicans have been ratcheting up their demands for Congress to hang tough, arguing that the U.N. resolution fell short of what was needed.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called the U.N. sanctions a "goose egg" and demanded that Congress impose "crippling sanctions against Iran."
Russia already has warned that penalizing Russian companies "could lead to retaliatory measures."
Russia said Thursday that it intends to go ahead with sales to Iran of a highly sophisticated surface-to-air missile that has been a source of U.S. concern.
There are serious issues with Europe, as well. Catherine Ashton, the European Union foreign policy chief, reminded Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in a recent letter that U.S. officials agreed in 1998 not to hit European companies with sanctions for doing business with Iran.
The pending legislation presents other difficulties for the administration. Since a petroleum cutoff would strike broadly at the Iranian population, such sanctions would be seen as undermining the Obama administration's argument that it supports only those sanctions that focus narrowly on the Iranian leadership, said Peter Crail of the Arms Control Assn., a Washington-based advocacy group.
Meanwhile, U.S. business groups have been complaining that the legislation could punish them by barring U.S. firms from doing business with any foreign firms that have commercial ties to Iran.
Many oil and trading companies already have halted sales to Iran because of the looming threat of sanctions. But some that still could be penalized are Shell, Total and China Oil, said Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a policy institute based in Washington.
BP, which is facing public relations problems because of the gulf oil spill in April, stopped selling gasoline to Iran in 2008, he said.

SHANGHAI — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday Israel was "doomed" and singled out US President Barack Obama for scorn, blaming Washington for orchestrating new nuclear sanctions against Tehran.Patience Mahmoud. Give Obama time. He is working hard at weakening those Sanctions.
Speaking during a visit to the World Expo in Shanghai, Ahmadinejad denounced the UN Security Council's sanctions resolution adopted Wednesday with Chinese and Russian backing as "worthless paper".All Little Hitler is doing here is STALLING. As for the Sanctions. They truly ARE worthless. Ahmadinejad has even come out in the past and repeated what I have said. Pete's Paraphrase "How many times and in how many ways do I have to tell the Americans, Sanctions will not work?"
The firebrand leader accused global nuclear powers of "monopolising" atomic technology and said the new sanctions would "have no effect" -- reserving most of his tough rhetoric for the United States, not his ally Beijing.
Swatting aside the US leader's offers of dialogue and rapprochement if Iran relents on its nuclear ambitions, Ahmadinejad said: "I think President Obama has made a big mistake... he knows the resolution will have no effect.
"Very soon he will come to understand he has not made the right choice and he has blocked the way to having friendly ties with the Iranian people."
Ahmadinejad chose a visit to his country's national pavilion during "Iran Day" at the Shanghai Expo over an appearance at a regional security summit in Uzbekistan attended by the Chinese and Russian leaders.Yeah because we have a Coward as Commander and Chief. Worse than that, we have someone who LOVES Muslims, and Terrorists alike. He empathizes with them. He even compared the Palestinians to American Black Slaves. Remember that?
Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev are in Tashkent for the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
The SCO on Friday snubbed Iran's membership bid, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the group's new guidelines did not allow countries under UN sanctions to join, leaving Tehran increasingly isolated over its refusal to renounce uranium enrichment.
Ahmadinejad's visit to the Expo comes at a delicate time in Tehran's relations with China, one of the Council's five permanent veto-wielding members.
His government had earlier reacted furiously to China's decision to fall into line with the United States and other powers that accuse Iran of covertly trying to build nuclear weapons.
Ahmadinejad nevertheless shied away from criticising Beijing, which has emerged as Iran's closest trading partner.
"The main problem is the US administration, and we have no problem with others," he told reporters, accusing the United States of seeking to "swallow" the Middle East.
"Not only China but others also announced the resolution is going to open a way for diplomacy."
The UN resolution expands an arms embargo and bars Iran from sensitive activities such as uranium mining.
It also authorises states to conduct high-seas inspections of vessels believed to be ferrying banned items for Iran and adds 40 entities to a list of people and groups subject to travel restrictions and financial sanctions.
Not for the first time, Ahmadinejad reserved his harshest rhetoric for Israel.
"It is clear the United States is not against nuclear bombs because they have a Zionist regime with nuclear bombs in the region," he said.
"They are trying to save the Zionist regime, but the Zionist regime will not survive. It is doomed."
Israel, which has the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear arsenal, regards Iran as its principal threat after repeated predictions by Ahmadinejad of the Jewish state's demise.Little Hitler has come right out and said he will wipe Israel off the map. He has not issued repeated predictions of Israel's demise, he has said he will CAUSE it.
Israeli leaders have refused to rule out a resort to military action to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapons capability.
Ahmadinejad said the entire architecture of global power was built to keep out smaller states.
"We have always said the Security Council is a tool in the hands of the United States. It is not democratic, it is a tool of dictatorship," he said.
"Five powers have the veto right and the nuclear bombs and the monopoly and they want to monopolise nuclear energy for themselves," he added.
Russia appears to be taking a tougher line with Iran. Officials said Friday that Moscow would comply strictly with the new UN sanctions, and signalled that a deal to supply Iran with air-defence missiles was now off.
China has kept up a more emollient line on Iran. Foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Thursday that China "highly values relations with Iran and feels they are conducive to regional peace, stability and development."
So Ahmadinejad continues to stall. Obama and Crew back peddle on the Sanctions, and Israel continues to be threatened. However, Israel is not in this alone. Make no mistake about it. If Little Hitler gets the opportunity, he will attack US as well. We really do need a grown up to take back the power of this country, and remind the likes of Ahmadinejad, that his defiance is not acceptable. To ensure our FRIENDS and ALLIES, that they are STILL our FRIENDS and ALLIES. Someone who is not a coward. Someone who understands that the only thing people like Ahmadinejad understands IS force.
LA Times - White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress
AFP - Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel is 'doomed'
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