Hey folks,

GREAT NEWS!!! You see, you see? Obama is doing it. No, not really. Out of the 431,000 jobs that were added in May, 411,000 were Census hires. Those positions are TEMPORARY to say the least, and some even question the truth in these numbers. A LOT of people all over the Web and elsewhere are telling the same story. That the US Census Bureau fire them on Friday, then REHIRE them on Monday, which increases the numbers.
But forget that. Also forget that these are not real numbers to begin with. Part timers that want full time. People who gave up or who's benefits have run out. Lets just say that the number is real. 411,000 out of 431,000. These are:
1 - Government jobs. Which means YOU are paying their salaries.
2 - Temporary to say the least. At the most, MAYBE one year. MAYBE.
3 - NOT stirring the Market Place. Not increasing capital. Not improving the Economy. Nothing.
Pelosi Statement on May Jobs Report?Truth is, Private-sector employment rose by only 41,000, the smallest monthly increase since January. So where are these 200,000 Jobs? Yeah. The do not exist. They are not real. Pelosi is outright lying about all this. So is Obama. They want you to believe that everything is getting better. They want you to believe that THEY are to thank for it, right in time for the Mid Term Elections.
WASHINGTON, June 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in response to the report that the economy added 431,000 jobs in May and saw the unemployment rate fall to 9.7 percent:"Today's jobs report marks another step forward for our middle class, working families, and small businesses, but it is not enough. We must do more to strengthen our private sector, support our small businesses, and keep our economy moving in the right direction.
"Last month, the unemployment rate fell and private sector jobs expanded; we have added jobs in six of the last seven months. This year, we have added an average of 200,000 jobs per month, a majority in the private sector, a stark contrast to the Bush Administration record of losing an average of nearly 750,000 jobs per month in its last three months.
"Democrats in Congress will continue taking action on our number one priority: creating good-paying jobs for the American people. Last week, the House passed the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act - to create jobs, close loopholes that allow companies to ship jobs overseas, cut taxes for our middle class, and help Americans who lost work through no fault of their own. We will work with the Senate to complete this legislation and take more steps forward for our economy, such as expanding lending for the small businesses that are the engine of our economy.
"While congressional Republicans do the bidding of Wall Street, Democrats will keep fighting for Main Street. While Republicans side with special interests and Big Oil, Democrats will side with the people's interest and investments in clean energy and innovation. While Republicans threaten to take us back to the failed Bush policies that produced devastating job losses, record deficits, and the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Democrats will stand up for middle class families, workers, and small businesses."
Source: Office of the Speaker of the House
Just the Fact that she said this, "While congressional Republicans do the bidding of Wall Street, Democrats will keep fighting for Main Street."shows how absurd this whole thing is. Purely Political. Not dealing in facts. Just Political rhetoric. Truth is, improve the Economy this does not.
WSJ - Hiring Recovery Sputters
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