Who is Jeff Greene?
Hey folks,

Yes, there is a new face in Florida, his name is Jeff Green. But who is he? Typical Politician. In 1982, he was on the Republican Ticket. That's right. he claims the reason is this.
Hey folks,

Yes, there is a new face in Florida, his name is Jeff Green. But who is he? Typical Politician. In 1982, he was on the Republican Ticket. That's right. he claims the reason is this.
"For a year of my life I was a Republican, and then I quickly got back to what I really believed in. I learned that I'm a Democrat."
He claims that is was because of the Carter Administration and the Gas Prices of the 70's that made him "try" Republicanism. {Smile} But he is really a Democrat. Since he lost. Yet I guess he just didn't get around to filling out those stupid papers. On record, He was a Republican until 1992. Then he dropped everything, then became a Democrat in 2008. So? What is he? Politically expedient.
Now the real Democrat Candidate is U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek of Miami. He doesn't really stand a chance against either Rubio or Crist. But Green said he is willing to sped $40 million of his own money to run. Where did he get that money from? Betting on the housing collapse. It did, he got rich while some very good people lost everything.
But this really doesn't matter either way. Some are saying, {Democrats} that they are ready to vote for Crist. You know, the SNAKE and Weasel that just SCREWED everyone that Voted for him, even called the White House looking for Obama support when he left the Republican Party? Yes, this Moron screwed EVERYONE that Voted for him. They will not Vote for him again.
So regardless of what happens on the Left. Be it Green or Meeks, they will be facing Marco Rubio. I do not really have all that much fear that Rubio is going to lose. But then again, Alvin Greene beat Vic Rawl , a Charleston County councilman in South Carolina 60 percent of the June 8 vote. Which is impressive since Greene spent no money, other than the $10,400 campaign filing fee that no one knows how he came up with, did no campaigning, and had no experience in Politics. So stranger things are happening.
One thing you are guaranteed to win Mr. Green? The Idiot of the Week Award. That's right, YOU get the IWA for Sunday 062010. For your Political wavering and showmanship, you are neither trustworthy, nor believable,,oh, wait, your a Democrat again, uh, never mind. Hey You MIGHT win the Nomination. But My money would be on Rubio in November.
Miami Herald - In an earlier life, Democrat Jeff Greene ran as a Republican
Now the real Democrat Candidate is U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek of Miami. He doesn't really stand a chance against either Rubio or Crist. But Green said he is willing to sped $40 million of his own money to run. Where did he get that money from? Betting on the housing collapse. It did, he got rich while some very good people lost everything.
But this really doesn't matter either way. Some are saying, {Democrats} that they are ready to vote for Crist. You know, the SNAKE and Weasel that just SCREWED everyone that Voted for him, even called the White House looking for Obama support when he left the Republican Party? Yes, this Moron screwed EVERYONE that Voted for him. They will not Vote for him again.
So regardless of what happens on the Left. Be it Green or Meeks, they will be facing Marco Rubio. I do not really have all that much fear that Rubio is going to lose. But then again, Alvin Greene beat Vic Rawl , a Charleston County councilman in South Carolina 60 percent of the June 8 vote. Which is impressive since Greene spent no money, other than the $10,400 campaign filing fee that no one knows how he came up with, did no campaigning, and had no experience in Politics. So stranger things are happening.
One thing you are guaranteed to win Mr. Green? The Idiot of the Week Award. That's right, YOU get the IWA for Sunday 062010. For your Political wavering and showmanship, you are neither trustworthy, nor believable,,oh, wait, your a Democrat again, uh, never mind. Hey You MIGHT win the Nomination. But My money would be on Rubio in November.
Miami Herald - In an earlier life, Democrat Jeff Greene ran as a Republican
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