Hey folks,

Then I clinked the LINK. OH. OK. Now this makes sense.
Congratulations Helen, you are without a DOUBT, THE Idiot of the Week. I agree, there is NO WAY that she can be taken seriously now. There is no way that anyone can even remotely claim she is unbiased. She is a TWIT.
We know that Obama is no friend of the Jews. We know that people like Obama believe in things like, "An enemy of my enemy, is my friend." We also know that Six Million Jews were killed in Germany and Poland. We know that Israel IS the State for the Jews. ISRAEL IS JEWISH. The Jews are not occupiers, they ARE HOME in Jerusalem. Could someone enlighten this Twit? Please, I'm begging. Someone PLEASE educate these Morons on HISTORY and TRUTH. {Sigh}
You know, she is also the First Place holder at this time for Idiot of the YEAR. I know, we are only in June, but seriously? To make a statement like this? Yeah.
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