Yeah I know. Just kidding. I understand that the Osgood File is on the CBS Radio Network, and I do not think Charles Osgood is what you would call a Conservative. But he is far from a Kook. He has a GREAT Voice, and a great sense of humour. Ever See "Horton Hears a Who!?" That's Charles Osgood. The Narrator.
Anyway, I tune in to my local Radio station nearly daily and they have the Osgood Files. I refereed to them once before I think. Well, the voice I heard was NOT that of Charles Osgood. No, no, no. It was Dave Ross filling in.
Now I will give him a break since I know little about him. Big time actor wannabe, Radio guy, fill in guy. Perhaps he was trying to be humorous like Charles, I don't know. But I know he showed, unless joking, that he is completely clueless.
The topic? The Left's Favorite Target since Bush left office. Well, OK. STILL second. Sarah Palin. Why? Because she told the truth, and REPEATED what I Said. It is the Envionuts to blame for this horrible accident in the Gulf. Remember we just talked about this.
So she says the same thing. Including that these new,,well, here is the Osgood File.
WHO'S THE REAL VILLAIN IN THE GULF OIL DISASTER?There are so many things wrong with this, I'm not sure where to begin.
The Osgood File. Sponsored by The Nook from Barnes and Noble, a better reading experience. This is Dave Ross on the CBS Radio Network.
Sarah Plain fingers the real villain in the BP oil blowout.
More after this from Charlie...
((( SPOTS )))
Here come the dead birds...
SOT - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
"This is not only heartbreaking but it ticks us off. You see, again, these are birds trapped in this oil. This shows you what's at risk along our coast."
Gov. Jindal and everybody else on the Gulf have become radical environmentalists, demanding that BP and the Government pay whatever it takes to save the wetlands.
SOT - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
"We're done talking to attorneys, we're done trying to fill out a bunch of paperwork. This is about our wetlands, this is about our way of life."
Which is why it was so interesting to read Sarah Palin's latest Facebook post --- where she argues that by slapping all sorts of extreme restrictions on drilling in Alaska, it was the environmentalists who forced the oil companies to resort to the kind of deepwater drilling that's now killing the Gulf of Mexico.
She said that her cry of "Drill, Baby Drill!" in no way referred to deepwater drilling in the Gulf --- it referred to drilling on Alaska 's North Slope.
Of course, when that was being debated, environmentalists worried about the effect on the caribou herds. But with the Gulf of Mexico dying before our eyes, the caribou don't seem like much of a rallying cry anymore.
In fact, we may be able to cut a deal here.
Sarah is from Alaska , after all --- and if she says the choice is between trashing the Gulf of Mexico , where there's a huge fishing industry and millions of tourists --- and potentially trashing the North Slope of Alaska, where nobody goes but the caribou --- I bet most Americans at this point would stick it to the caribou.
So, how about this: since even Sarah Palin now argues that deepwater drilling is a bad idea, she joins the enviros to ban deepwater drilling entirely, in exchange for the enviros agreeing to join her in unleashing BP on her home state.
I'm sure BP's learned their lesson. And if not, worse case, we have to power wash a few hundred caribou.
The Osgood File. Dave Ross on the CBS Radio Network.
Governor Jindal.
"Gov. Jindal and everybody else on the Gulf have become radical environmentalists," No they haven't. They have ALWAYS been concerned for the Environment. You do not have to be Radical or a kook to want to be good Stewards. "demanding that BP and the Government pay whatever it takes to save the wetlands." {Sigh} It's not about money. It is about saving the Wetlands. He would not care if it were FREE. He just wants the Government to DO something, or get the hell out of the way.
The Envionuts ARE to blame for a whole lot of things. No new Power Planets, Nuclear or otherwise. No new refineries. No new Domestic Drilling. Deep Water Drilling. They ARE to blame for this. Sarah is telling the truth. When she was talking about "Drill Baby, Drill." OF COURSE she was talking about Alaska. I and many others are STILL talking about "Drill Baby, Drill." HERE! NOW!
"Of course, when that was being debated, environmentalists worried about the effect on the caribou herds." {Laughing} "But with the Gulf of Mexico dying before our eyes, the caribou don't seem like much of a rallying cry anymore." The Caribou LOVE the Alaskan Pipeline. The Caribou numbers have multiplied GREATLY since all those "debates." Just like a few months, a year or two after this gets resolved, you most likely will not be able to tell anything happened at all. If it were not for the Evionuts continuously reminding us. Nature is not as Fragile as some who like you to believe.
It really NOT a hard concept to understand. If we were not a MILE down where no one can go, something happens, we could fix it no problem. A mile down? We can't send many things down that far without them being crushed. So? If this was in shallower waters, or even {Gasp} on land, something happens, we plug the whole. No problem.
As Dave Ross says, "Here come the dead birds..." The Envionuts will use this to attempt to BAN the already over regulated Energy Industry. So HERE comes the $5.00 plus a gallon gas.
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