As well she should.
Hey folks,
Happy Thursday to you. Sorry for my absence yesterday, Doctors again. Today I have little time as well, as I have some urgent business to attend to right after I leave here. Then, the rest of my day will be spent with my Niece. Getting her a French Manicure, and whatever else she needs to get ready for Graduation. That's right, this little girl that I use to hold in one arm, is now 18 years old and about to Graduate into the real world. I would not miss this for anything.
So lets wrap a few things up. First, the "Ass" thing. You know, for the past two days, on ANY and EVERY Radio show I caught, Right or Lib, everyone is talking about Obama using the "Ass" word. Some of you want to know what I think of it. Short answer? I don't care.
Seriously. I have no problem with a President, TRULY pissed off for the well being of Americans, using a bit of PG-13 Language. The Left LOVE it, the Right is trying to condemn him for it. I don't get it. Let's say a President, comes out following an attack that killed 3000 Americans, and says something like "It's time to kick some one's Ass." I would stand and applaud. If a President, from day one, was on the ground of a major accident, that killed Americans, and threaten many more, and the destruction of Business and our way of life, getting his hands dirty, surrounding himself with experts, saying, "How do we stop this. Who is to blame. It's time to kick some Ass." I would stand and applaud.
But here is the thing. This is NOT genuine anger. This is SHOW. Lets see. Since this accident happened, Obama has taken TWO Vacations, hosted fund raisers, hosted ex-Rock Stars, and showed NO emotion whatsoever. So then we have this PR Stunt, that is all this interview with Lauer and Obama was. Here is the exchange everyone is talking about. Am I the only one that caught this? Seems like it. Here it is.
No. I couldn't care less about Obama using the word "Ass." I have a problem with the fact he really doesn't care. I have a problem with the Mainstream Media selling out. I have a problem with the insane idea that we should cease all drilling. Thousands of jobs will be lost in some of the area's that will already be hurt by the spill itself. Yet, for politics sake, Obama will do anything. Even FAKE anger.
OK. Now for our Idiot. This past Sunday I awarded the Idiot of the Week to Helen Thomas from saying Jews are occupiers, and that they should go home to Poland and Germany. For that CLEAR anti-Semitic, Racist statement, I awarded this Twit, the Idiot Award. It didn't take long. Even Obama had to come out against this. So she was forced to say this.
That's it for today. Got to run. See you all tomorrow for the Friday "From the Email Segment." See you then.
Hey folks,
Happy Thursday to you. Sorry for my absence yesterday, Doctors again. Today I have little time as well, as I have some urgent business to attend to right after I leave here. Then, the rest of my day will be spent with my Niece. Getting her a French Manicure, and whatever else she needs to get ready for Graduation. That's right, this little girl that I use to hold in one arm, is now 18 years old and about to Graduate into the real world. I would not miss this for anything.

Seriously. I have no problem with a President, TRULY pissed off for the well being of Americans, using a bit of PG-13 Language. The Left LOVE it, the Right is trying to condemn him for it. I don't get it. Let's say a President, comes out following an attack that killed 3000 Americans, and says something like "It's time to kick some one's Ass." I would stand and applaud. If a President, from day one, was on the ground of a major accident, that killed Americans, and threaten many more, and the destruction of Business and our way of life, getting his hands dirty, surrounding himself with experts, saying, "How do we stop this. Who is to blame. It's time to kick some Ass." I would stand and applaud.
But here is the thing. This is NOT genuine anger. This is SHOW. Lets see. Since this accident happened, Obama has taken TWO Vacations, hosted fund raisers, hosted ex-Rock Stars, and showed NO emotion whatsoever. So then we have this PR Stunt, that is all this interview with Lauer and Obama was. Here is the exchange everyone is talking about. Am I the only one that caught this? Seems like it. Here it is.
MR. LAUER: Critics are now talking about your style, which is the first time I've heard that in a long time. And they're saying here's a guy who likes to be known as cool and calm and collected, and this isn't the time for cool, calm and collected --This is ALL Theater. All show. Obama was ALWAYS going to say "Kick Ass." It was scripted. Lauer said,"kick some butt" and Obama said he was trying to figure out "whose ass to kick." It was a soft ball underhand lob that Lauer pitched to Obama so Obama could knock it out of the park. Obama is good with set up and prearranged questions. He is great at delivering pre-written Speeches via Teleprompters. This whole interview was nothing more than PR. Lauer bringing up the Families and the 11 who died, in this case, makes me sick to my stomach. It was a swipe at BP and it was another set up for Obama to look tough. {Sigh} When was the last time ANYONE in the Mainstream Media talked about those that lost their lives and or their families?
MR. LAUER: -- that this is not the time to meet with experts and advisers. This is a time to spend more time in the Gulf and -- I never thought I'd say this to a president -- but kick some butt.
MR. LAUER: And I don't mean it to be funny.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: No. And I understand. And here's what -- I'm going to push back hard on this, because I think that this is just an idea that got in folks' heads and the media has run with it. I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the Gulf. A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be.
And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers so I know whose ass to kick, right?
So, you know, this is not theater.
No. I couldn't care less about Obama using the word "Ass." I have a problem with the fact he really doesn't care. I have a problem with the Mainstream Media selling out. I have a problem with the insane idea that we should cease all drilling. Thousands of jobs will be lost in some of the area's that will already be hurt by the spill itself. Yet, for politics sake, Obama will do anything. Even FAKE anger.

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians," Thomas said in a statement on her Web site. "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."No. That is spin and BS. What she REALLY meant was what she REALLY said. "Jews go home."
Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring, effective immediately, in the wake of a controversy over her comments on Israel, according to a report from her employer, Hearst News Service.Good ridden Helen. I'm sad to see that you threw away such a long career because of your Bias attitude, and down right Hatred for the Jewish people. Do have to give her an A for Honesty though. She was asked what she thought, and boy did she tell us.
That's it for today. Got to run. See you all tomorrow for the Friday "From the Email Segment." See you then.
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