She has been an Inside the whole time.
Hey folks,
Turns out that Kagan is not just some Judge that Obama read some back round, reviewed some cases, and thought "Hey, maybe SHE would be a good choice." No. She has been there the whole time. Started out with the Clintons. How much? What was her involvement in the whole Lawsuit that lead up to the Impeachment? What was her involvement in White Water? Well, they will not tell us.
According to the AP - Kagan role in Clinton sex harassment suit withheld By Associated Press Writer Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press Writer – Fri Jun 11, 5:29 pm ET
AP - Kagan role in Clinton sex harassment suit withheld
Hey folks,

According to the AP - Kagan role in Clinton sex harassment suit withheld By Associated Press Writer Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press Writer – Fri Jun 11, 5:29 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Bill Clinton's presidential library won't publicly release memos and notes Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan wrote about the sexual harassment lawsuit that triggered Clinton's impeachment.Why?
Kagan was involved in defending Clinton in the lawsuit brought by ex-Arkansas state worker Paula Jones, according to documents released Friday. Clinton's testimony for the Jones lawsuit, denying a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, led to his impeachment.
The library held back several of Kagan's memos to Clinton's top advisers in the case, saying that publicly releasing them would divulge confidential advice. They were turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that will hold hearings on Kagan's nomination, however.So why all the secrecy? Why not just release them?
It's clear from files that were made public that Kagan had a hand in the Jones case. In a September 1996 memo, Kagan writes that she's been in touch with other lawyers on a brief in the Jones lawsuit and, "I am happy with the direction they seem to be taking."
Earlier that year, she forwards to colleagues a brief written by then-Solicitor General Walter Dellinger supporting Clinton's bid to postpone the civil trial until after he had left office.
"It's really pretty good," Kagan says of Dellinger's brief. She notes approvingly that the brief "downplays" the question of whether the president should have immunity for conduct before he took office, and instead focuses on the argument that the case should be delayed because it would disrupt the performance of Clinton's duties as chief executive.
The White House said Kagan, who didn't focus on litigation matters, played only a tangential role in both the Jones case and the Whitewater investigation of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's financial dealings.
"Kagan's work focused principally on providing legal advice to the policy and legislative staff," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest. Her "work on Whitewater and Paula Jones involved reviewing legal pleadings, assisting in response to document requests, and offering legal research on short-term projects."But then again, how many Illinois people are in the White House? These people are ALL Incestuous. It should be no surprise that Kagan is already one of the Crew.
Clinton could have chosen to keep the records off-limits entirely, Earnest said, but instead gave them to the Senate panel "in the interest of transparency."
The papers are part of a roughly 40,000-page cache of records released Friday, most related to Kagan's stint in the White House counsel's office in 1995 and 1996.
Clinton settled the Jones case before trial. Although the House impeached him on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, the Senate rejected both counts.
AP - Kagan role in Clinton sex harassment suit withheld
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