Who Pays YOUR Salary
Hey folks,
Imagine going to your boss and telling him that you do not make enough money. Now imagine that you make over THREE TIMES what your Boss makes. That would take some monster size Gonads. Would it not?
Minimum wage in this country is $1320.00 a month. Pre-tax of course. Average rent in US $684/month, mortgage payment being averaged at around $1295/month. Forget about Food, electric, phone, Car, ETC.
Now YOU make $3960.00/month and you tell your Boss who makes about $1156.00/month, yes that is less than minimum wage, that it's just too hard for you, and you need a raise. Well, that is what our Idiot of the Week did.

According to the AFP - Slovenian PM tells students his salary is too low LJUBLJANA (AFP) –
Imagine this folks. Their Minimum Wage is $638.46 LESS than ours. You think you got it tough here? Their average rent is between $400 to $500/month. Again, forget about food, electric, car, ETC.
Congratulations Prime Minister Borut Pahor, for coming out and whining to those that PAY your salary, yet make three times LESS than you, that you have it so tough, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. You know, you could just do like Obama. You need a raise? Just raise taxes. Screw the poeple actually paying for it.
AFP - Slovenian PM tells students his salary is too low
Hey folks,

Minimum wage in this country is $1320.00 a month. Pre-tax of course. Average rent in US $684/month, mortgage payment being averaged at around $1295/month. Forget about Food, electric, phone, Car, ETC.
Now YOU make $3960.00/month and you tell your Boss who makes about $1156.00/month, yes that is less than minimum wage, that it's just too hard for you, and you need a raise. Well, that is what our Idiot of the Week did.

According to the AFP - Slovenian PM tells students his salary is too low LJUBLJANA (AFP) –
Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor told a group of students on Friday he could barely make it through the month with his salary and had to use savings, Slovenian media reported.967 EU Euros are worth $1156.06 United States Dollars, and the minimum wage granted to workers was 562 euros which is $681.54.
"I'm the head of government. My monthly salary is 3,002 euros (3,620 dollars). I can't survive (the month) with only my salary," Pahor told astonished student representatives, Internet news channel 24ur reported.
He later clarified that his financial problems were caused by representation expenses he had to pay as prime minister as he promised to do in 2009 when the government adopted austerity measures to overcome the world
economic crisis.
Friday's meeting was called in an attempt by the government to find a compromise solution with the students concerning a new labour market law that will curb the number of jobs they can do alongside their studies.
Some 30 students were detained and windows at the parliament's building were smashed at a demonstration against the proposed changes organised in May by the student organisations.
The average net salary in EU and euro member Slovenia in March was 967 euros while the minimum wage granted to workers was 562 euros.
Imagine this folks. Their Minimum Wage is $638.46 LESS than ours. You think you got it tough here? Their average rent is between $400 to $500/month. Again, forget about food, electric, car, ETC.
Congratulations Prime Minister Borut Pahor, for coming out and whining to those that PAY your salary, yet make three times LESS than you, that you have it so tough, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. You know, you could just do like Obama. You need a raise? Just raise taxes. Screw the poeple actually paying for it.
AFP - Slovenian PM tells students his salary is too low
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