Hey folks,
I do not even know where to begin this morning. Again, thanks to YOU out there, I have so much GREAT stuff in the Emails, opntalk@netscape.net {Note: Yes I posted the wrong Email Address this morning. I apologize to all of you. This is the right one. Sorry.} But I want to focus on this. As I told you back on September 21, 2008. I was responding to a piece written by Jack Cafferty in his CNN Blog where he was calling you a Racist.

I keep telling you that it is ALWAYS the LWL {Left Wing Loons} that play the Race Card. Whenever they can not win on ideals, they blame YOU. They can't be wrong. You must be a Racist. It is most definitely NOT Obama's radical views that is the reason you will not vote for him. It is because he is Black. Then I said this about a bogus Poll.
Foundation for his defeat. Think about this. Why are they doing this? Two reasons. One to try to scare you into voting for him. No one wants to be seen as a racist. No, no, no. We can't have that. The R seems to be the scarlet letter of 2008. They are threatening to hang it on you if you do not vote Obama. Second, WHEN he loses, because they know that there will not be enough of you stupid racists out there that will fall for this tactic, they can say that it was not Obama's fault. Next they will most likely start to try to scare you with riots. If Obama loses, there will be riots in the streets. That will be your fault also. Paragraph four.
Then on Sunday October 5, 2008 in the Preview, I said this about OJ's conviction.

Folks. I was MORE than right here. According to this transcript from the night of the debate, from Newsbusters, well, just read it.
ANDERSON COOPER: But if you look at the CNN poll which Campbell Brown just told us about the short time ago, on the economy, Obama 59 percent and McCain 36 percent. David Gergen, do you agree with John King and James Carville that if those numbers continue it's basically game over?
DAVID GERGEN: I think it's too early to declare victory Anderson, because Barack Obama is black. And until we play out the issue of race in this country, I don't think we'll know and maybe unless -- late in the campaign.
COOPER: Do you think that despite the lead in the polls, people might change their minds once they're actually in the voting booth?
GERGEN: I'm not sure the polls are totally believable, I think there's -- there maybe built in. Over the years there's a study now that's come out of Stanford University and Associate Press along with Yahoo, saying that is -- that his blackness may cost him as much as six points I think he's in a commanding position coming out of this second debate. Having won two, having done as well as he has, I think he's established in the public's mind now that he is certainly as qualified to be president as John McCain.
And that's a -- and he's come a long way in this and I think it's much more sure-footed, he's very presidential tonight. But we don't know what the race factor in America now. I think until this plays; it could close on this before it's over.
JEFFREY TOOBIN: Obviously we don't know what the race factor is but I do think it's important to remember that in the primaries the polls were very accurate. There was not this Bradley affect. There's not the line to pollsters business. So I think that --
But I do not think he won EITHER. Maybe the first one. But the second? McCain CLEARLY won. Despite what these loaded polls show. Despite what the Mainstream Media is telling you to believe. Obama lied, avoided, and acted like a kid. McCain told the truth. They HATE that. But then this.
SUZANNE MALVEAUX: Well, I just spoke at an Obama aide before the debate who said you know they would love have to the election tonight if they could, just because of all the support, the numbers.
By the way. She just spoke "AT" an Obama aide? Talk about condescending.
But at the same time, they're very cautious, they say they're going to put their heads down, they're going to keep working. They're not cocky at this point.
They believe that there's a lot of hard work that's ahead and it -- part of it speaks to what David was talking about and part of it just speaks to the fact that there's been so many unknowns. There's 28 days or 27 days is a lifetime in a campaign.
COOPER: So they're not going to run a commercial with James Carville saying the dogs are wet bring them in or whatever that -- I can't remember exactly or do the laundry or I can't remember what it was.

CARVILLE: Let me be clear, I said you can call the dogs and light the fire and leave the house. I think it sounds over.
Now let me be clear here, if Obama goes in this race with a 5- point lead and losing this election, the consequences are -- bull, man. I mean I don't think that's going to happen, but I think David it's a point to bring up.
But you stop and contemplate this country if Obama goes in and he has a consistent five point lead and loses the election, it would be very, very, very dramatic out there.
He is WARNING YOU OF RIOTS IN THE STREETS! " it would be very, very, very dramatic out there." So if Obama loses, there will be Riots. I told you so.
Folks, do not buy into this garbage. They are scared. They KNOW Obama is losing. Forget the polls. They have come out and admitted that they are taking mostly Blacks and Democrats in these things. They WANT you to believe Obama is so far ahead that you might as well not bother voting. We have Obama's own group, ACORN out there in Ohio and elsewhere trying to fix the elections. Democrat Election Supervisors rejecting Republican Votes, and the Mainstream Media calling you a Racist and telling you that there will be Riots in the street if Obama loses. These are not signs of confidence here. These are signs of desperation.
McCain is NOT a Racist. Palin is not a Racists. YOU are not a Racist. Obama IS a Socialist. We NEED to keep America safe. From BOTH, the enemies without, and the enemies within. Those that are already here can do FAR more damage then those on the outside. YOU have the power. YOU have the choice. More than EVER in the history of this country, YOU need to educate yourselves on the TRUTH and what is happening RIGHT in front of you. YOU need to think about the future you want for yourselves, and the future you want for your kids. There WILL be change this election. YOU have the power to bring the change that YOU want. Get educated. Get ready. Go VOTE!
OPNTalk- You Racist, Laying The Foundation for Obama's Defeat
OPNTalk- Palin Unleashed, OJ Leashed, America At Stake
Newsbusters.org- James Carville Hints at Riots If Obama Loses Election
My wife and I voted already by absentee ballot and you can bet it wasn't for Obama.
Race had nothing to do with the way we voted common sense did.
No Bill,
You and your Wife are just backwoods, Racist Hicks. You do not know what is good for you. You should have voted for Obama. You know, on the issues that matter. Hope and Change. You are the problem in this country. You are the people like you that DARE to think. Dare to challenge what the MMD tells you. How dare you.
Well, that's OK. You just wasted your vote. It's over anyway. There is no way that people in this country will vote in Racists like McCain and Palin, who do nothing more than stir up hate and division. This election is over and you will be forced into accepting what is good for you. Obama the Messiah will ascend to the highest office in the land and make all well. Even the sea levels will decrease under his authority. He said so.
You know I love you my friend. It's OK that you wasted your vote. Obama will make it all right. {Smile}
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