Hey folks,

Now as you know, Craig B left the following comment on in the comment section on the Friday From the Emails Segment Ayers As A Educational Reformer?
Craig B said...
Nice Attempt to link Ayers to Cindy Sheehan, you hacks.
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I dismissed it. Then to prove a point, I posted this comment on the Sunday Preview. Up Coming Absence, Preview For Sunday 101908 I figured, hey, I'll post the link, let's see how many of you out there actually check it out. I know it will not be many.
Then I got thinking about it. You know what. I WAS WRONG! I was wrong to dismiss her. I was wrong to wave her off as the nut job she is. I was wrong, and Craig B was right.
No. This is not a parody. This is NOT sarcasm. I TRULY mean this. VOTE for CINDY! If I had the time and money, I would go to San Francisco to campaign for her. I'm REALLY not kidding here folks. I mean this. Cindy Sheehan has my endorsement.
Why? Have I lost my mind? Harvey, first time guest here at the OPN, left THIS comment on the Sunday preview.
Harvey said...
That crazy old cow Cindy Sheehan is just further proof that the far left can be equally as goofy as the far right! She has as much chance in defeating Nancy Pelosi as Ralph Nader has in getting elected to...any freaking thing. The moonbats are delusional though...so let them dream. I'm happy just as long as I don't have to listen to the shrill voice and incoherent rambling of Cindy Sheehan!
Nancy Pelosi for the U.S. House seat representing San Francisco in California's 8th congressional district. AKA The Traitor in the House Pelosi.
Harvey, you have let me see the light. YES! I want all you true OPNers out there in Lib Land San Francisco, uh, you hear me Michael Savage? That means you also. VOTE FOR CINDY! Well, No. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. That's not me. But I want you to think about this. Why am I all of a sudden in the camp of Cindy Sheehan? Three reasons.
One. She is NOT a Washington insider. She is just your average Josephine the Plumber. Your average American. She will bring a fresh NEW prospective. She will bring CHANGE and HOPE to the House of Representatives. Yes. She can bring the Change we ALL Hope for.
Two. She will NEVER, in any way, be named Speaker of the House. This will force the Democrats to elect another Speaker. Again, this will bring about change in the House. It will maybe lead the House down a different direction. Perhaps a positive one. Again, Hope and Change.
Three, NANCEY PELOSI WILL BE THROWN OUT ON HER,, uh,, ear. Traitor in the House Pelosi, will have to leave office. Cindy Sheehan will move in. Let's face facts here folks, Cindy can not do ANY WHERE NEAR the damage Pelosi can and will with a veto proof Majority.
So YES! I am in the tank for Cindy. Go Cindy go.
See you all soon.
Cheers Peter! You've seen the light! Thanks for realizing that we all have a voice and no matter what Pelosi calls herself, her record is voters should really be examining. Sheehan offers a clear alternative to Pelosi's pandering to the far right. End the war, create stability and support human rights in Iraq, no blockades against Iran, support green energy and green jobs, repeal FISA & the Patriot Act - restore our Constitution! - and support affordable housing and free college for all!!
Thanks for realizing People have Power! Peace!
Hey Craig,
Anything I can do to help Traitor in the House Pelosi OUT, I will be happy to do. Good luck at getting people to rally behind Cindy. Go Cindy Go!
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