Hey folks,

What a bunch of PURE and UNADULTERATED BS this report is. Seriously. Even some that WROTE the report knows this is all BS. They are not even calling for sanctions or a criminal investigation. It has not even been voted on to endorse the "findings."
You are not going to hear any of that in the coming days via the MMD {Mainstream Media Drones} You are not going to hear how this Trooper illegally shot a moose, drank beer in a patrol car and used a Taser on his stepson. They most likely will leave that out. According to the findings, When elected, Governor Palin asked how in the world could a State Trooper who acted in this manor, STILL be working? GREAT QUESTION. If I became Governor of a State and found a Trooper acted in this manor, you better BET I would be calling for his dismissal. ANY SANE person would.
But that is not what you are going to hear. You are not going to hear how this Trooper also THREATENED the Governor and her family. You are not going to hear that the Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, lost his job because of insubordination. You are not going to hear that the findings do not even fall under the category of abuse.

"In order to violate the ethics law, there has to be some personal gain, usually financial. Mr. Branchflower has failed to identify any financial gain."
There WAS none. There is no crime here. Other than the Trooper's actions. No folks. You are going to get a soap opera. You are going to get how Sarah's Husband Todd had "extraordinary access" to the Governor's office and her closest advisers. This is a big deal? WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST LADY? This point is just completely idiotic. EVERY spouse of EVERY Political figure has access. Do you think that they told Hillary, "Sorry, you can't come into the office. Sorry you can not talk to Bill's advisers?" Give me a break.
This was released on Friday, AFTER Rush and Hannity went off the air, {Laughing} you know, so the MMD could have the Weekend to attempt to convince you that Palin is evil before they are rebutted with the TRUTH, and right before the elections to attempt to bring down VP Candidate Governor Palin. She is Obama's biggest threat. Of course they were going to find something. That was the whole reason they sent a 30 plus member hit squad there. They were not coming back empty handed.

"I think there are some problems in this report. I would encourage people to be very cautious, to look at this with a jaundiced eye."
Great line. True too. Do not buy this garbage because there is no violations, no crimes, no abuse of power here whatsoever. This is nothing more than a hit piece on Governor Palin. A lame attempt at an October Surprise.
I want you to think about this also folks. Let's say she did cross a line here. She didn't, in any way, but let's say she did. Let's say she did whatever she thought would be needed to do to get a Trooper, who was caught drinking beer in his patrol car, while I assume arresting people for DUI, and Tasering a ten year old kid. How many of you out there would actually CARE how she got him fired? A very bad person, masquerading as a Cop is gone. Who cares?
Reality is simple. She did not do ANYTHING wrong here. When is the MMD going to send a 30 member group of reporters to look into ACORN attempting to fix these elections all over the country? What about the ACORN and Obama connection? Obama IS ACORN. What about Ayers? What about what Obama knew and when he knew it about Rezco? How much money did Obama GIVE to Ayers? How much money did Obama TAKE from Fannie and Freddie? When is the Mainstream Media actually going to do their jobs?
Don't hold your breath.
AOL Election News- Panel Finds Palin Abused Power
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