Hey folks,
I love it. This tells you all you really need to know about Global Warming. Uh, make that "Climate Change." This really is telling for those that care to see what is right in front of them.

Let's leave aside for a second that the sea levels have stopped rising. Ice stopped melting, and the temperatures are no longer rising. Let's forget the fact that Father Al Gore told us about 15 years ago that we only have ten years left. Let's forget that the last World Summit on GWBS ended with an agreement to talk more.
Now folks, really, if we were REALLY facing this world ending threat, like say and asteroid was en-route to take us out, do you REALLY think that they would just agree to talk more? No. EVERY Scientist around the world would be working together to solve the pending disaster. NOTHING ELSE would matter. What point would ANYTHING else matter if we are all going to die anyway. Right? Well, this just shows you that even those promoting the GWBS agenda, which is nothing more than Scaryence and a tool to bring about a Socialistic agenda, do not believe that it is real. I keep telling you, follow the money. Here is another CLEAR example of what I am, and have been, talking about. According to the AFP - Financial crisis clouds EU's climate change plans
BRUSSELS (AFP) – The financial crisis and slumping economic activity are threatening Europe's ambitious plans to slash greenhouse gas emissions, with governments eager to avoid saddling companies with additional burdens.
"The Germans are giving up and the Italians are getting ready to follow," said one European negotiator on condition of anonymity.
The European Union's French presidency wants EU leaders to agree to "keep the balance and the fundamental framework" of Europe's ambitious plans to cut carbon dioxide emissions, according to draft conclusions obtained by AFP.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants EU nations to confirm the tough objectives imbedded in the plan.
"It's not certain that this will be accepted," a French diplomat acknowledged.
Likewise, at the European Commission, a senior official said: "I do not think that there will be very ambitious conclusions on this point."
"The governments are on the defensive, they are less favourable towards the agenda and discovered a lot of problems," he said.
BUT THE WORLD IS GOING TO END! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! Unless the Governments of the world comes into our homes, tells us what light bulb to use, what to set our thermostat at, tells us what cars to drive, takes our money, and makes us buy carbon credits. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! So who cares about the economy?
Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso aims to put them on the spot by asking them "to say whether they consider the objectives to no longer be justified and if this is the case then to assume their responsibilities," according to the source.
EU governments, the European Commission and the European Parliament are in the midst of difficult negotiations over the plans with the aim of striking a deal by the end of the year.
"If member states are no longer up to the challenge then we might as well stop," a European negotiator said.
STOP!?!?!? Stop? But GW is not BS. It is real. WE are all going to die? You get the point.
Yes folks, this tells you all you really need to know about GW BEING BS. It really is just this simple. The money is not there right now, so screw it. They are going to take their ball and go home. Does this sound like a TRUE disaster to you? Or does it sound like what it is? Complete and utter BS.
AFP - Financial crisis clouds EU's climate change plans
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