Hey folks,

Yes folks. They just continue the standard Liberal tactics. Dismiss, avoid, ignore, and come right out and lie. They continue to attempt to DESTROY their opposition. In this case Palin. Why? I have been telling you. They are scared to death of her.
Leading up to this debate on Thursday night, they had all but buried McCain / Palin telling the American Voters, YOU, that it's over. The bubble burst. Palin is done and she was the only thing keeping his campaign going. Then there WAS the debate. Palin came out, smiled, shook Bidens hand, then proceeded to wipe the floor with him, AND the Mainstream Media. {Laughing} Do you REALLY have to wonder why they are ignoring the 14 lies that Biden told and down playing and dismissing Palin?
Remember the advice I gave Palin Thursday morning of the Debate? I said this.
Some advice to Gov. Palin. Even though the deck is stacked against you, I want you to throw away ANY script you may have been given. Forget the talking points, bumper stickers, and most definitely the false PC that is expected. BE SARAH PALIN. Forget trying to win the Mainstream Media. They are in the tank for Obama. Talk directly to the people. Tell the TRUTH. Be the Pit-bull we all know you are. Act like YOU are running for President. Fire up the base. Tell the TRUTH. Point out the FACTS. Just be YOU.
MAN! Did she ever take my advice.
She even said what she was going to do. Ms. Ifill asked her if she wanted to respond to Biden.
MS. IFILL: Would you like to have an opportunity to answer that before we move on?
GOV. PALIN: Oh, I'm still on the tax thing, because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. And I may not answer the questions the way that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let 'em know my track record also.
As mayor, every year I was in office I did reduce taxes. I eliminated personal property taxes and eliminated small-business inventory taxes. And as governor, we suspended our state fuel tax. We did all those things knowing that that is how our economy would be heated up.
Now, as for John McCain's adherence to rules and regulations, and pushing for even harder and tougher regulations, that is another thing that he has -- is known for, though. Look at the tobacco industry. Look at campaign finance reform.
Then she was cut off.
MS. IFILL: Okay, our time is up here.
But her point was made. If Palin just simply followed the MMD game plan, you would have never heard ANY of that. She got it out there DISPITE the attempt to keep it from you. She kept it up all Debate long.
I have had some people tell me that she looked scared. She looked like "A deer in headlights." I didn't see that. I saw her gutsy and fearless. I saw her look right in Bidens eyes, and say things like this.
GOV. PALIN: Ah, say it ain't so, Joe. There you go again, pointing backwards again, though.
SEN. BIDEN: (Laughs.)
GOV. PALIN: You prefaced your whole comment with "the Bush administration." Now, doggone it, let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future.
They can't tell the American people their TRUE plans for the country. But Gov Palin KNOWS that and she even points it out in her closing statement. More on that in a second. Here is another reason the Liberals can not stand her. PRINCIABLES! She has them. They are NOT compromising. She does not waver. She ran Alaska Like Reagen ran America. Steadfast in your principles and let those wishing to come aboard see things YOUR way. Not compromising your core fundamental beliefs, but educate others.
When asked this question,
MS. IFILL: Final question tonight before your closing statements, starting with you, Senator Biden. Can you think of a single issue -- and this is to cast light for people who are just trying to get to know you in your final debate, your only debate of this year. Can you think of a single issue, policy issue, in which you were forced to change a long-held view in order to accommodate changed circumstances?
She answered it this way.
But on the major principle things, no, there hasn't been something that I've had to compromise on because we've always seemed to find a way to work together. Up there in Alaska, what we have done is with bipartisan efforts, is work together and, again, not caring who gets the credit for what as we accomplish things up there. And that's been just a part of the operation that I wanted to participate in, and that's what we're going to do in Washington, D.C. also. Bringing both sides together, John McCain is known for doing that also, in order to get the work done for the American people.
They HATE that answer. They wanted her to say something like, "Yeah, I used to believe this, but you know, I found that not to be important. I was shown the error of my ways and so I went with the better way. I guess you could say I evolved." Then they would have just called her a flip flopper, phony, ETC. They would say she does not even hold her own views with any importance. How could we trust her with America. But she did NOT do that. She told the truth. "I have core beliefs, they are rock solid and never moving. Yet, I have found away to bring others that may not share those beliefs on board with me to work together toward a common goal." Can you say Reagan Democrats?
Then her final statement blew me away. IT also ticked of the MMD, LWL, and those that are seeking Socialism in this country. Here it is. Highlights added by me.
GOV. PALIN: Well again, Gwen, I do want to thank you and the commission. This is such an honor for me. And I appreciate, too, Senator Biden, getting to meet you finally also and getting to debate with you. And I would like more opportunity for this.
I like being able to answer these tough questions without the filter, even, of the mainstream media kind of telling viewers what they've just heard. I'd rather be able to just speak to the American people like we just did. And it's so important that the American people know of the choices that they have on November 4th.
I want to assure you that John McCain and I, we're going to fight for America. We're going to fight for the middle class, average, everyday American family like mine. I've been there. I know what the hurts are. I know what the challenges are. And thank God I know what the joys are, too, of living in America. We are so blessed. And I've always been proud to be an American and so has John McCain.
We have to fight for our freedoms, also, economic and our national security freedoms. It was Ronald Reagan who said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction. We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. We have to fight for it and protect it and then hand it to them so that they shall do the same, or we're going to find ourselves spending our sunset years telling our children and our children's children about a time in America back in the day when men and women were free.
We will fight for it, and there is only one man in this race who has really ever fought for you, and that's Senator John McCain.
AMEN!! THAT is Sarah Palin. THAT is a powerful statement. THAT is the truth. I just got an Email Friday. Gov. Palin continues to talk directly to the American people. She said this.
In the weeks since I joined John McCain as his running mate, the Obama-Biden Democrats have used their allies in the liberal media to paint us negatively, all in an attempt to sway undecided voters. Last night's debate gave me the opportunity to bypass the biased media filter and communicate our shared values of reform directly to the voters.
I know millions were watching as I went toe-to-toe against Senator Biden to explain our plans. Reform Republicans will strengthen the economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation from the threat of Islamic extremism.
The stakes are extremely high and voters are already casting their ballots for the general election. You may have heard the media reports out of Ohio about same-day registration and voting. The Obama-Biden Democrats and their allies are exploiting loopholes in Ohio election laws that we fear may result in unqualified voters casting ballots. They're also hoping our voters will be so confused, that they will throw up their hands in frustration and stay at home instead of voting. That's why it's important to re-double our efforts.
The Democratic Secretary of State in Ohio even tried to disqualify thousands of Republican absentee ballot applications. She enlisted the help of liberal partisan friends and special interest groups when we challenged this in court. Thankfully, we were successful in taking the case all the way to the Ohio Supreme Court and won the right to reinstate these absentee ballot applications. The Obama-Biden Democrats will likely try this shameful, partisan tactic in other targeted states. They'll do anything to win this election.
I officially LOVE Gov Sarah Palin. THIS is who we need in office. Fearless, gutsy, truth telling, aggressive, and one that can talk directly to and connect with the American people.
This is not over by a LONG SHOT. McCain / Palin have a LONG and UP HILL battle to fight. They have to continue to fight Obama, the Mainstream Media, and the completely insane Media created, Obamamania. Obama even has his own CABLE Network now. 24-7 All Obama, all the time. Who do you think is paying for that?
Some say that Palin is a drag for McCain. Sorry, I see McCain as a drag on Palin. If he would go into this coming debate against Obama, and do what Palin did. Point out FACTS and TRUTH. Remind people WHO is to blame for the Freddie and Fannie mess. Remind people WHO Obama and the Left REALLY are. Tell people the FACT that Obama HAS NO EXPEIRENCE WHATSOEVER! Attack if he needs to attack. Do not play the game. Talk directly to the people.
I know this will be hard for McCain. He has been in the Senate for a LONG time. Unlike Palin, he is quick to try to see things the opposite way. He is quick to compromise to try to work together. So it will be difficult to talk directly to the American people. But he NEEDS to. He needs to convince the American people that he is on thier side. He really needs to join Palins fight.
In politics, the sad fact is that most of the time "Nice guys finish last." No more Mr. Nice guy McCain. Be the warrior we know you can be. Fight for the Presidency. Fight for it like America itself is on the line. Because it REALLY is.
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