Hey folks,

The various efforts of the Republican Party to abuse its power by misusing the Justice Department to pursue partisan politics has been seen before. In 2004, the Bush Administration sought to use the Justice Department to gin up partisan prosecutions of ACORN despite there being no evidence of wrong-doing. David Iglesias, the former U.S. Attorney of New Mexico, made clear in the investigation of the Bush Administration's abuse of the Justice Department that he was fired in part because of his refusal to pursue a politically directed investigation of ACORN.
What a bunch of pure and unadulterated bunk. First, ACORN is actively pursuing CRIMINAL ACTS in which to STEAL this election. They are conducting VOTER FRAUD that has been seen before. In 2004. It failed, but they did try.
"We call on the McCain campaign to directly answer whether they, the Republican Party or their operatives have been conspiring with the Bush Administration to misuse the Justice Department in order to suppress voter turnout in 2008," ACORN President Maude Hurd said in a statement.
Idiot. Then they add this to this press release.
Karl Rove and the Republicans Forced U.S. Attorneys To Pursue Voter Fraud Allegations, Despite Lack Of Evidence. According to the Washington Post, "a New Mexico lawyer who pushed to oust U.S. Attorney David Iglesias was an officer of a nonprofit group that aided Republican candidates in 2006 by pressing for tougher voter identification laws." The article reports, "that strategy, which presidential advisor Karl Rove alluded to in an April 2006 speech to the Republican National Lawyers Association, sought to scrutinize voter registration records, win passage of tougher ID laws and challenge the legitimacy of voters considered likely to vote Democratic."
FAKE VOTERS. Most of which was and continue to be registered by ACORN.
The strategy relied on three efforts: "Tax-exempt groups such as the American Center and the Lawyers Association were deployed in battleground states to press for restrictive ID laws and oversee balloting. The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division turned traditional voting rights enforcement upside down with legal policies that narrowed rather than protected the rights of minorities. The White House and the Justice Department encouraged selected U.S. attorneys to bring voter fraud prosecutions, despite studies showing that election fraud isn't a widespread problem." [Washington Post, 7/01/07, emphasis added]
Reaction to the FBI investigation leak:
-- Iglesias yesterday called the leak "a scare tactic" and said "I am astounded" -- House Judiciary Committee John Conyers (D-Mich.) has strongly criticized the leak Background David Iglesias, former U.S. attorney of New Mexico in a PBS Interview on July 7, 2007, http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/330/david-iglesias.html
-- "I was aware that the Justice Department was interested in having U.S. attorneys investigate and prosecute voter fraud going back to 2002...I set up a taskforce in September 2004 to investigate...We looked at well over 100 cases ... Upon reviewing the evidence and looking at the FBI reports, and actually talking to the FBI agent in charge of this, I concluded, as did the public integrity section at main Justice [Department] and at the local FBI office, that we didn't have any prosecutable cases."
Who really cares what this Moron says? He looked at 100 cases. Ohio alone has 200,000 questionable cases. So, he took 100 that he "could not find anything illegal on" and said it was all OK.
-- "They singled out ACORN [Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now] as an entity that they thought was engaging in this systemic election fraud."
Because they ARE. Not only that, they are the largest group out there.
-- "...putting pressure on the U.S. Attorneys to try to file indictments immediately before an election...is inappropriate. In fact, there's a longstanding policy in the Justice Department to not do that. And it appears, in some districts, there was pressure put on us to engage in unlawful activities. And that is not what the Justice Department stands for."
It is "inappropriate" to register phony Voters right before an election. It also is "unlawful activities."
-- "You have to understand there are approximately 4,000 federal criminal laws and we're tasked to enforce them all ... it's impossible to enforce every possible law. So every administration has to come up with a list of priorities and this was a priority every two years during the election cycle for the Bush Administration."
Read that again. "You have to understand there are approximately 4,000 federal criminal laws and we're tasked to enforce them all" REALLY? Then why have them at all. Nah, we're too busy, forget what we see happening right in front of us. Right?
-- "...there was a Republican attorney, Pat Rogers, who was a prominent local attorney who tried to pressure me to come up with cases...I did not know at the time that he belonged to an organization called the American Center for Voting Rights. He did not disclose to me that he was representing any other interest. And I've also found out that the Republican Party was very interested in stamping out what it believed to be instances of voter fraud."
OF COURSE. Why would anyone in the right mind be FOR voter fraud? This guy is just a loony as ACORN itself. But here they are, in their own words. Stop picking on us. Let us do our job. Fix the election to GUARANTEE Obama's victory. Hey, he is already measuring the drapes you know.
I can't take any more of these Morons. But wait. Listen to the way they defend themselves.
ACORN has helped 1.3 million citizens from all parties and all walks of life apply for voter registration.
-- In most states, ACORN is required by law or legal advice to turn in every voter registration card - even in cases where the cards are not valid.
-- It is ACORN that has reported almost all of the issues regarding voter registration cards.
-- Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort.
-- ACORN hired 13,000 workers to help register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engaged in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity. At the end of the day, as ACORN is paying these people to register voters, it is ACORN that is defrauded.
Do I really need to spell it out for you?
Be right back.
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
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