Hey folks,

This is just patently absurd folks. 200,000 vote, that are most likely FRAUDULENT, will be able to be used because the Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is just too busy to verify these as REAL Voters eligible to vote. That is enough to sway an election outcome in Ohio.
So why did they rule in favor of the Liberal Agenda? Not on the merits, by a technicality. They said that they did not feel that the GOP actually had the right to sue to verify. What a bunch of bunk
So what did Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner have to say?
"We are very pleased that the court recognized that this was an illegal challenge on the part of the Republicans." Translation - So we can feel confident that we will be able to cheat.
She said the office would have found a way to comply, but there were risks that qualified voters would have been disqualified.
Yes, can't have that. But what she really said is but there were risks that fraudulent voters would have been disqualified.
"I think it's an unfair tactic to subject voters to this kind of uncertainty and anxiety this close to such an important election," she said. LET US CHEAT ALREADY!
But ACORN is now under investigation all over the country. It is CLEAR that they are nothing more than a extension of the Democrat Party attempting to guarantee Obama get's in at any and all costs. But that did not stop the Left from accusing the Right or Voter Fraud. According to the AFP - McCain, Obama swap accusations of voter fraud
CHICAGO (AFP) – John McCain and Barack Obama's campaigns swapped accusations of rampant and widespread voter fraud Friday as legal battles over who ought be allowed to cast a ballot ensnared the race to the White House.
An estimated nine million new voters have registered for the hotly contested November 4 election, and the Obama campaign says Democratic registrations are outpacing Republican ones by four to one.
Yeah, ACORN! You dimwit. You know, the group that you are helping to FUND.
The McCain campaign contends that an untold number of those registration forms are false and warned that illegally cast ballots could alter the results of the election and undermine the public's faith in democracy.
That is the whole point.
The Obama campaign's top lawyer, Bob Bauer, accused Republicans of recklessly "plotting" to suppress legitimate votes and to "sow confusion and harass voters and complicate the process for millions of Americans."
Because they DARED to challenge the legitimacy of all these new Voters. How dare they. They should just step aside and let Obama win.
Republicans have launched a slew of lawsuits aimed at preventing false ballots from being cast, the most high-profile an attempt to challenge as many as 200,000 of the more than 600,000 new registrations submitted in the battleground state of Ohio.
That challenge was blocked by a Supreme Court ruling Friday.
Republicans said their fears were confirmed when investigations were launched last week in several states in the wake of revelations that the liberal-leaning community organization ACORN had submitted false voter registrations.
McCain said Wednesday the group is "on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."
A day later, senior officials at the Justice Department told reporters that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was investigating whether ACORN had systematically encouraged the creation of false registrations forms.
Bauer said the leak was a "brazen" violation of department policy not to discuss ongoing investigations, and accused Republicans of once again politicizing the Justice Department in an attempt to influence the election and "create an environment of fear and intimidation."
Why so defensive? {Smile} Get this. This is too funny.
He said the matter should be turned over to a special prosecutor currently investigating allegations that US attorneys were fired by the Bush administration for failing to bring indictments of voter fraud and public corruption in the leadup to the 2006 election.
{Laughing} Yeah OK. Turn it over to someone who is already after the Bush Administration. Forget the FBI. Idiot.
"What we're seeing is an unholy alliance of law enforcement and the ugliest form of partisan politics," Bauer said. "Nobody really expects thousands of Mickey Mouses or Tony Romos to show up at the poll and vote this fall."
No, just the Dallas Cowboys starting line up. 72 votes by one person. A couple of 7 year olds, ETC. Maybe even Mini, Goofy, Donald, ETC.
ACORN, which has been a driving force in increasing voter registration among younger and low-income minorities, dismissed allegations of wrongdoing and said it was responsible for alerting election officials to the bulk of the suspect registrations.
{Sigh} More on ACORN in the YCMTSU Segment this week. The rest of this is just too idiotic to waste the space here. Seriously "it is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."
OK. I repeat, ACORN is nothing more than a criminal organization that needs to be stopped. If that means some go to JAIL, then so be it. They are committing FELONIES. If Obama's figure prints are all over them, it is because he IS ACORN. He trained some of them, helps fund them, and is a part of them. Plain and simple.
AFP - McCain, Obama swap accusations of voter fraud
MSNBC- High court rejects GOP in Ohio voting dispute
Why would Obama want to commit voter fraud? He's ahead in all polls, he's leading in electoral vote projections by a two-to-one margin, his rallies are attracting many times more supporters than McCain's, he is receiving more in individual campaign contributions and in smaller denominations($86 average), etc, etc.
By every indication imaginable this election isn't even going to be close.
So, again, why would he risk getting caught committing fraud so that he can get a few more fake voters that he doesn't need on the voting rolls?
Hey Anonymous,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could join us.
You know, I really wish you folks would just pick a name. I do not care if it's your real name or not, but at least then I would know if you are new or just someone that doesn't want to give their real name. You know, that way I can address you more personally.
Anyway, you have been watching WAY too much Mainstreme Media.
First, those polls you are talking about are heavily weighted. When you look into it a bit further, EVERY poll that Obama is so far ahead, was MOSTLY Democrats being polled. Those that are more even, you see Obama still ahead, but by about 4 to 5 percent. That is MOSTLY with in the margin of error.
Second. WHAT crowds? Obama's crowds are actually shrinking. Palin's Crowds are hitting RECORD numbers. Palin will be the reason McCain Wins if he pulls it off. It will be all about Palin.
I also predict to you this. If McCain and Palin win, you are looking at the next and First Female, President of the United States. If she chooses that is.
Do not be so confident my friend. More and more people are learning who the REAL Obama is. Joe the Plumber REALLY hurt him. Biden, well, being Biden, really hurts him. I hate to admit this, but if he picked Hillary, this WOULD be all but over now. Even Biden says so. Then you also cannot leave out the Bradley Effect. Named for Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 California governor's race despite being ahead in some voter polls. The Bradley effect refers to an alleged tendency on the part of some voters to tell pollsters that they are undecided or likely to vote for a black candidate, and yet, on election day, vote for the white opponent.
The sad fact is that Race WILL be an effect in this Race. However, not ALL that vote against Obama are racist. Add this to the PHONEY MEDIA MADE UP polls, the Media hype, and the fact that people REALLY want someone they feel safe with, and most Americas LIKE the Freedoms they enjoy now, and you will find this is FAR from over.
But believe the hype and polls if you chose, just do not be surprised if this is closer than you thought, or if McCain actually wins.
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