Can Not Be Avoided
Hey folks,
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. I have some bad news to share with you folks. I will not be here for the next couple of days. I got a phone call Friday evening and was advised that my Mother was involved in a bit of an accident.
She will be OK, but she has three broken bones in her right foot and she broke her right wrist. Right now, Sandy, her Sister, two family friends and her Husband , are all with her. I will be helping her out with whatever she needs for the next couple of days so I will not be able to be here.
But I AM here now. So let's get started. Coming up today.
Ohio Fraud Wizards ACORN Win Supreme Court Decision
ACORN In Their Own Words
Pelosi And Other Libs Want to Silence YOUR Voice Re-Post
Save The Reindeer
IWA For Sunday 101908
I still can not get this comment out of my head. Cindy Sheehan? I'm referring to a comment from Craig B left on the Friday From the Emails Segment Ayers As A Educational Reformer?
Hey folks,

She will be OK, but she has three broken bones in her right foot and she broke her right wrist. Right now, Sandy, her Sister, two family friends and her Husband , are all with her. I will be helping her out with whatever she needs for the next couple of days so I will not be able to be here.
But I AM here now. So let's get started. Coming up today.
Ohio Fraud Wizards ACORN Win Supreme Court Decision
ACORN In Their Own Words
Pelosi And Other Libs Want to Silence YOUR Voice Re-Post
Save The Reindeer
IWA For Sunday 101908
I still can not get this comment out of my head. Cindy Sheehan? I'm referring to a comment from Craig B left on the Friday From the Emails Segment Ayers As A Educational Reformer?

WHO CARES about Cindy Sheehan? Craig seems to think I was attempting to link William Ayers to Cindy Sheehan. Well, actually Craig, I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you. I'm going to post your comment HERE. So those that chose to, can feel free to donate, Vote for, or campaign for Cindy. How about that? I'm obviously not supporting her, but I will post your links, email, and phone information so that if there is any OPNers out there that want to, they can. Here it is.
Craig B said...
Nice Attempt to link Ayers to Cindy Sheehan, you hacks.
How you can help:
Craig B said...
Nice Attempt to link Ayers to Cindy Sheehan, you hacks.
How you can help:
Call 415-621-5027
Get out on the Streets with us!
Good luck with that Craig. She is going up against the Traitor of the House Pelosi. Actually, you know, she may have a shot at it.
OK folks, let's get to it. Get your coffee, tea, cool aid, or whatever get's you going in the morning, I'll be right back.
Get out on the Streets with us!
Good luck with that Craig. She is going up against the Traitor of the House Pelosi. Actually, you know, she may have a shot at it.
OK folks, let's get to it. Get your coffee, tea, cool aid, or whatever get's you going in the morning, I'll be right back.
That crazy old cow Cindy Sheehan is just further proof that the far left can be equally as goofy as the far right! She has as much chance in defeating Nancy Pelosi as Ralph Nader has in getting elected to...any freaking thing. The moonbats are delusional let them dream. I'm happy just as long as I don't have to listen to the shrill voice and incoherent rambling of Cindy Sheehan!
Hey Harvey,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
THANK YOU! Thanks to you, I have seen the light. VOTE FOR CINDY! No I'm not joking. If you live in her district, VOTE for her. You do realize that if she wins, that would mean that Traitor in the House Pelosi is OUT?
I can not tell you who to vote for, but after thinking about this, I AM FOR CINDY! Go Cindy. Go.
Stop back again Harvey. Soon and often. You never know what you may see here.
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