Hey folks,
Here is part two of the five part series, warning you that America itself is at stake here. This IS the most important election in the history of this country.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Hey folks,
It’s Friday. I normally do not like getting upset on Fridays, being my favorite day of the week, but I AM upset. I’m actually getting down right angry. I understand that the election is a long way off. Hell, even the primaries are a long way off, but we NEED to get ready. America needs to wake up. You NEED to educate yourselves on what the LWL {Left Wing Loonies} are really up to. It couldn’t

I cannot put it any more bluntly than that. When you go to the polls in 08, this very country is at stake. Your very life as you know it, is at stake. The American Dream, could very well DIE. Do not underestimate, down play, or just wave this off as politics. This is REAL. America itself could very well die in a matter of a couple of years. Why? Because there are some that want to kill her. I’m not talking about terrorists, I’m talking about the LWL.
Remember when I told you Liberalism Is The Quest For Tyranny, January 14, 2007. I said,
The LWL do NOT support personal freedoms, free exchange of thought, nor do they support free speech. Unless you agree with them. If not, they will do EVERYTHING they can to discredit, close minds, and silence the speaker.
They DO want to control the market. They DO want to, in essence, put a cap on how far you can go. Make over a half million dollars a year, you will pay for it. They DO want you to need them. They love social programs that they try to pass off as compassion. They want more control in your lives.
Some of you just waved this off. But now we have all this talk about the "Fairness Doctrine." They have come out and said they were going after Rush, and all of Conservative talk radio. Then back on Monday, February 05, 2007, I wrote 08 Is Coming. Countless Running. Islamic Extremist Welcomed My Dems? I told you then what Hillary Clinton said.
Maybe she will use some of that money that she gets when she destroys capitalism. Remember she wants to take the profits from big companies. She said she would. She told you OUTRIGHT, that she will attempt to steel from the rich, to give to the poor.
Note: I was going to edit this and substitute Obama for Hillary. But they are saying the same things. This IS what the New Liberal Party, the LWL believe in. So just picture Obama here.
"The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative, smart energy, alternative and technology that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence. I have to tell you, I am not running for president to put Band-Aids on our problems."

Folks, I cannot take this one anymore. That is EXACTLY what they have been trying to do REINVENTING GOVERNMENT! Not following the Constitution. They want omnipotent power. They want complete and total control of your lives. They think they REALLY know what is best for you, better than you do.
Clinton said some of the proposed changes would be made through executive order and others through legislation. She said she'd move quickly as president to implement the changes.
Here is the latest from Supreme Leader Clinton. According to The AP-We are all in it together, Clinton says Tuesday May 29, 12:11 pm ET, By Holly Ramer, Associated Press Writer
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) -- Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined a broad economic vision Tuesday, saying it's time to replace an "on your own" society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.
The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an "ownership society" really is an "on your own" society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.
"I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society," she said. "I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none."

"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed," she said. "Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."
"Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies." Did you get that? She also said this.
"We have sent a message to our young people that if you don't go to college ... that you're thought less of in America. We have to stop this," she said. "Our country cannot run without the people who have the skills that are taught in this school."
Remember she was speaking at a school that trains Highschool Students for careers in the construction, automotive, graphic arts and other industries. Basically a Votec school. So according to Supreme Leader Clinton, College is no longer to be placed in a position of importance. She would make everyone equal. Remember, she will take profits from those who have worked hard, and give them to those that did not work as hard. This SHOULD infuriate you.
Yes I’m going way long here. But I want you to think about this. I want you to actually UNDERSTAND what she is TELLING you she will do as President. She is coming right out and telling you, that if you work hard, go to college, make something of your life, she will take from you what you have EARNED, and share it with someone that has never worked a day. This way it’s "FAIR." Make no mistake about it. This is what she is saying.
Obama is saying the same things here. The article goes on.
Beyond education, Clinton said she would reduce special breaks for corporations, eliminate tax incentives for companies that ship jobs overseas and open up CEO pay to greater public scrutiny.
Clinton also said she would help people save more money by expanding and simplifying the earned income tax credit; create new jobs by pursuing energy independence; and ensure that every American has affordable health insurance.
This IS Socialism.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday criticized Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton as a European caricature who would turn the United States into a welfare state.
Speaking to about 200 people in Sioux City, Romney said he wanted to highlight the differences between himself and Clinton, the front-runner for her party's presidential nomination.
"Her view is the old, classic, European caricature that we describe of big government, big taxation, welfare state," said the former Massachusetts governor.
"She gave a speech a couple of days ago and laid out her vision for America. And as I listened to her I figured her platform wouldn't even get her elected in France," Romney, who was a missionary in France, said to chuckles and applause.
He went on to say this.
"I'm convinced if Hillary were president ... that we would see instead of a stronger military and a stronger economy and stronger families, we'd see a weaker military because she would ... be able to spend money on the social programs that she favors," he said. "We'd see a weaker economy because she'd raise taxes and we'd have less money going into the private sector and creating new jobs. We'd see weaker families as well."
So am I. As a matter of fact folks, The LWL has proposed the largest tax hike in American history times two. EVERY Democratic Candidate is telling you they will rise your taxes. EVERY ONE of them.

Some people like Hannity and Rush, think that Hillary has this locked up. As a matter of fact, Rush has said on his radio show, that "As we sit here today, Hillary Clinton has about an 80 percent chance of becoming President." Let me remind you of Hillary’s own words.
Well, now we know it is Obama that the LWL and the Mainstream Media are betting on, so I will leave out the reminder of HER words. Just pay attention to HIS. They are the same, if not even MORE radical.
But then again, with the LWL still in control, there will be NO opposition anyway.That brings me to reminder number two. If you decide to sit out the election, if you do not vote, you ACTUALLY vote for the winner. I warned you about that before. "What do you mean. I didn’t vote, so this is not on my hands." WRONG. By you not voting, you VOTE for the winner. Let’s take this past election. You didn’t vote to teach the Republicans a lesson. The Democrats won. If you HAD voted, your vote may have made things go the other way. You did not vote, therefore, things went the way they did.
You had better get ready for this one. You had better get to the point of understanding what is REALLY on the line here. This is not politics as usual. This is not just Left and Right. This is not just another election. This could very well be this country’s very existence. This could very well be your freedom. The American Dream. Reality. Life as you know it. You had better learn, listen, and understand.
ME -Liberalism Is The Quest For Tyranny
ME -08 Is Coming. Countless Running. Islamic Extremist Welcomed My Dems?
More Evils Of The Bush Administration?
AP-We are all in it together, Clinton says
AP -Romney: Clinton a European caricature
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