Hey folks,
Well, I just asked the question, "When is the Media going to do their jobs?" Some of you out there might have said, "They are doing their jobs. Look at this. They are reporting the Obama - Rezco connection." {Laughing} Sure.

CHICAGO (AP) -- Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.
"SEE! SEE! What in the world are you talking about, 'Liberal Bias Press?'"
OK. They brought up his name. They even report this.
Rezko also was friendly with Obama - offering him a job when he finished law school, funding his earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. {BUT} But based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be an October surprise that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee - even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama.
When Obama found out that his "friend" was dirty. He did the right thing.
Obama has sent to charity $159,000 that Rezko raised for his campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. Rezko raised nothing for Obama's White House run.
So no big deal. Right?
Obama's name came up in testimony at the trial four times, twice in connection with an obscure legislative memo, as a guest at a Rezko party and when defense attorney Joseph Duffy told jurors his client was a friend of the senator.
None of the witnesses accused the Democratic nominee for president of doing anything improper.
But questions concerning Obama's relationship with Rezko linger, particularly over Rezko's role in the purchase of the Obamas' home.
The two have known each other for years, starting when Rezko offered Obama a job after he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama didn't take it, but a friendship developed.
The men talked politics frequently and occasionally dined together with their wives.
In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home near the University of Chicago. The sellers wanted a parcel they owned next door to sell on the same day, and Rezko's wife, Rita, was the buyer. At the request of the Obamas, Mrs. Rezko later sold them a 10-foot strip of land to enlarge their lot. They paid $104,500.

"I regret it," Obama said at the time. "I'm going to make sure that from this point on I don't even come close to the line."
{Laughing} No. Obama wants to MOVE the line. He wants to CHANGE the line. He WILL attempt to if he gets in as President. He will make the line so that there is one set of people on one side, Socialists, and YOU on the other. You will NEVER be able to cross it. YOU will just pay and do whatever they say.
Just to make sure that you know, there is nothing here involving Obama.
Obama's name has not surfaced in accounts of the investigation since the trial. But Rezko himself raised it in a letter to the judge months ago.
"Your Honor, the prosecutors have been overzealous in pursuing a crime that never happened," he wrote. "They are pressuring me to tell them the wrong things that I supposedly know about Gov. Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama."
So just remember this folks, Governor Palin is guilty, the Messiah Obama is clean as the wind driven snow. {Sigh} Be right back.
Las Vegas Review Journal - Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans
Good Morning Merge Divide,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
Nice try. But there are some VERY large differences here in your comparison of McCain's friendship with G. Gordon Liddy, and Obama's association with Ayers.
First, Liddy broke the law, went to jail, and paid his price. He contributed to McCain's Campaign.
Now Ayers? Ayers planted bombs that ACTUALLY KILLED people. Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, Daughters, ETC. He attacked America Itself. He did NOT go to jail. He did NOT pay his price. He said he wished he did MORE.
Obama? Took money, gave MILLIONS to organizations associated with Ayers, visited his house more than once, and is NOW changing his story COMPLETELY about his KNOWELEGE of Ayers, saying just the other day, he thought that Ayers was "Reformed." Reformed from WHAT? I thought he did not know.
No Merge, I assure you that if there was some kind of wrong doing on McCain's part, being friends with Liddy, or there was something that the Mainstream Media could actually use, this relationship between McCain and Liddy would be on the Front Page of the NYTs, USAToday, Headlining the nightly news, and would not just appear on Far Left Wing Lonny Blogs and Soros funded websites.
Sorry, there is NO comparisons here at all. But like I said, nice try though.
Welcome again. Stop back any time and often, you never know what you might see here.
Hmmmm... let's see... accept you version of the relationship between Ayers and Obama, or take the word of the people that were actually "involved"? Tough choice, but I'm going for the latter (unless you know them, of course, and can give me some personal insights that round out everything I've read elsewhere).
As for the Liddy/McCain connection... accept your interpretation... or the words of McCain and Liddy, the reams of historical documentary evidence, and the perspective of a professional journalist?
This one is even easier, and I bet you can guess who I trust on the matter.
But just as you said... nice try.
Hey, welcome back Merge,
You know, most people that are on your side, cannot have an intellectual debate. They can not think beyond the talking points that they are given. So they usually just hit and run. Lob insults, post talking points, or just call names, then run away to never be heard of again. You get extra credit for actually having a conversation here. {Smile}
Let's see.
"Hmmmm... let's see... accept you version of the relationship between Ayers and Obama, or take the word of the people that were actually "involved"? Tough choice, but I'm going for the latter"
OK, what have I said that was wrong? I have posted what so who were ACTUALLY there have said. Obama has even changed his story several times. Firs was, "Oh he is just a guy in the Neighborhood." Then "our kids went to school together." Well, that's a lie. One as we found out, Ayers launched his campaign for Senator at his HOUSE. They served on boards together. MILLIONS of dollars changed hands between them. Ayers kids in thier twenties, Obama's?
Then he said, "Uh OK, I worked with him but knew nothing about what he did when I was 8 years old."
That's not true EITHER. Obama now says, "OK. OK. I knew his past, but I thought he was reformed."
As for the Liddy/McCain connection... accept your interpretation... or the words of McCain and Liddy, the reams of historical documentary evidence, and the perspective of a professional journalist?
Again, What did I say that was NOT true? I never said that they did NOT have a relationship. I agree with you they do. I simply pointed out that there is a BIG difference in Liddy and Ayers.
As for a "professional journalist" REAL and TRUE journalism is dead my friend. It has been dieing since Bush Derangement Syndrome started effecting people in 2000. When Soros started to tell people what to say, and they write what they are told to.
As I pointed out in the past here, the NYTs violate their own code of ethics on a daily bases now. The Nightly News no longer report the news, the CREATE it, then tell you what you should think about it.
If it were not for the NEW Media, we would have cut funding for the troops. Have AMNESTY. We would NOT be talking about energy independence. The Ban would still be there. We would not know Ayer's name, nor Wright, nor Rezco. Obama would still be the Messiah, pure as the wind driven snow. We would not know about ACORN. ETC.
We would not know that Major Websites like Moron.org uh, sorry, Moveon.org, Media Matters, and the like are ALL owned by Soros. In some cases, even helped STARTED by the Clintons. We would not know that the "News" that we are told is completely fabricated in some cases. Fake photos, fake documents. We would not know that Global Warming is nothing but a scam. {We are still working on that one}
No Merge, if we left this up to the "professional journalists" out there, we would be living in a stake of ignorance as to what is ACTUALLY going on around us. But then again, since we would know no better, perhaps we would actually be happier.
"You know, most people that are on your side, cannot have an intellectual debate."
I don't know what "side" you mean, but if you are comparing Obama supporters to McCain supporters, I think you'll find plenty of the latter simply parrot talking points that they have no hope of defending.Others simply spout hateful invective. I'm sure the same holds true for the former as well.
I don't know what is true and what is not about Ayers, and neither do you.
You wrote:
"Ayers planted bombs that ACTUALLY KILLED people. Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, Daughters, ETC. He attacked America Itself."
Substantiate it. Who is claiming Bill Ayers killed people? I want to see links to reasonably objective sources.
Either way, I don't understand what that has to do with Obama. He's not responsible for ANYTHING He didn't do.
As far as an actual relationship between Obama and Ayere...
So Ayers hosted a fundraising event... so what? Plenty of objectionable characters have raised money for McCain, including quite a few currently working for him in his campaign. I'm too busy worrying about the issues to track down where these candidates got every dollar throughout the entirety of their careers.
"MILLIONS of dollars changed hands between them."
Again. If you are going to make these claims, then you need to source them. But then again, who cares besides the blind followers of McCain/Palin? Is someone alleging that a law was broken? What are the criminal charges that you are leveling?
What is this "Bush/Palin Derangement Syndrome" stuff I keep hearing about? Who is this supposed to be slamming? It obviously describes any support these incompetent politicians still get from their "followers", despite the vast reams of first person documentary evidence that makes them look like idiots. I thought you liked those guys, why are you pointing out the sickness that makes people agree with you?
Yes... sure... Soros controls the American corporate media. Why don't you tell me what media outlets Soros owns. And again... document your claims. MoveOn and Media Matters are non-profit, and therefore (quite obviously) owned by no one.
The NYT violates their commitment to providing useful analysis by letting a hack partisan like Bill Kristol write editorials for them.
The "New Media"? What, like talk radio? That's a great Orwellian term to use to refer to the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Beck, and FOXNews. They've been spitting out the same obsolescent fantasies for years.
You are welcome to your denial, but don't expect others to accept the words of the particular agents that you prefer... the one's perpetuating that denial through willful deception.
Hey Merge,
I am completely out of time this morning, I have to run. But fret not, I'll be back.
You know, the truth is out there. All one has to do is have the desire to look. Ayers was involved in School programs, ACORN, and even Housing. Obama is and has been involved in all the above. As Senator, he made sure that a lot of money went to various organizations that Ayers was a part of. Including money to Wright.
On McCain. I'm not a fan. He is not my choice for President. I LOVE Palin, but McCain sometimes scares me a bit.
I look at the FACTS and the TRUTH and Listen to what they actually SAY. Obama is a Socialist. That is not the change I'm looking for.
I really do have so much more to say here. REALLY DO. But I just looked at the clock again, Got to go. I will return as soon as possible to continue our conversation.
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