Hey folks,

This weeks winner is a Politician. Yeah I know, a Politician being labeled an Idiot is not that difficult. ?But this one is really starting to get under my skin. Here is a guy that promised Family Values, Morals, and working together to do what is best for those that voted him in.
So what happened? He had an affair, paid hush money, then admits now that there have been "numerous" affairs. How much money has been paid out to them? Why is this not front page news DAILY. Why is this not on your local 5 , 6, and 11 o'clock news? Why do we not hear on the morning shows who has been helping him cover this all up? Why is it that this is NOT bigger than "macaca"?

PALM BEACH GARDENS — U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney admitted to having “numerous” affairs, including one with a Martin County employee, but says his re-election campaign moves on and he has done nothing illegal.
That may not be true.
“Obviously I wasn’t using good sense, I wasn’t taking into consideration the pain and heartache it would cause my family. If I was smart, I wouldn’t have done it,” the Palm Beach Gardens Democrat said. “I owe my wife and daughter an apology and I owe all my constituents...what I did is I failed them, I let them down, period, there is no excuse.”
In a one-on-one interview Friday afternoon at PGA National Resort and Spa, Mahoney said he wasn’t thinking when he started a relationship with a woman who would later be hired to his congressional staff and eventually threaten a sexual harassment lawsuit after she was fired.
He said he paid the woman, Patricia Allen, $121,000 of his own money to prevent a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Nor was he thinking when he started a relationship with a Martin County employee that he said started only after he help set up a meeting that led to the county receiving federal money for hurricane cleanup.
That is still a question also. So say that it was BECAUSE of this relationship that Martin County, MY County, received the funds. THAT would be illegal.
The FBI is investigating whether Mahoney broke any laws or misused federal money when he hired his alleged mistress to work in his congressional office.
Federal agents also are examining whether a second affair Mahoney is alleged to have had with a Martin County official was the reason behind his decision to push for federal emergency funds for her county.
Meanwhile, the non-profit legal watchdog Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, noted that by conducting a sexual relationship with an employee he supervised, and by firing that employee after the affair ended, Mahoney may have engaged in sexual harassment in violation of House Rule 23, clause 9, which incorporates the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibiting employment discrimination.
These are a bunch of Libs folks. THEY think he violated the law. So why is THIS not Mainstream news?
The Washington-based congressional newspaper The Hill reported Friday that the House Ethics Committee, which Mahoney has said he will ask for an investigation, is “reviewing” the matter and will interview Mahoney and others allegedly involved. No timeline was given.
Yeah, most likely AFTER The elections.
Mahoney said he never did anything illegal in settling the threatened lawsuit or in helping Martin County get its FEMA grant, and he has no intention of ending his re-election campaign with less than three weeks until the Nov. 4 general election.
“I let people of the district down, they expect more,” Mahoney said.
The freshman congressman came into office with a slogan “Restoring America’s Values Begins at Home” after the previous office holder, Mark Foley, resigned amid the release of sexual Internet exchanges with Congressional pages.
“No one is calling up and saying good job. There are some saying I should get out of the race, there are others saying fess up, be honest, tell people you made a mistake, you’ve done a pretty good job so you should hang in.”
Jeff Ostermayer, spokesman for Republican Tom Rooney, Mahoney’s opponent in Florida’s 16th District race, declined to comment on Mahoney’s latest revelations.
“We’re just going to run our campaign based on the issues,” Ostermayer said.
Meanwhile, as Mahoney admitted to “numerous” affairs beyond the two initially reported — but not specifying a number — he said he was “shocked” when reports of the first affair were revealed Monday, while noting that bloggers had been suggesting the affairs for months and knew they could surface.
“I knew there was a potential, but at the same time you felt that people would need more than allegations,” Mahoney said. “At the end of the day, this should never have happened. I should never have put myself in that position; I should have never made those bad personal choices.”
Yup. You are an Idiot. NUMEROUS? Could any of those put you in a place where Blackmail could be involved? You have already shown your willingness to do anything to cover up YOUR wrong doings.
As for the number of affairs: “I can’t respond to rumors, I’ve admitted there have been numerous affairs,” he said. “It’s certainly more than two; numerous.”
No, but he will admit it AFTER someone actually comes up with the number.
He said he’s had an open discussion with his wife and considers that a private matter.
NO IT IS NOT! Just like it wasn't a PRIVATE matter ANYTIME a Republican is involved. Ask Giuliani about that one. Ask ANY Republican about that one. You may get the argument that it matters if a Republican does it because they always express the importance of Family. I repeat Mahoney's own words. “Restoring America’s Values Begins at Home”
“I’m at a point in time in my personal life, where I have to sit down and work this problem through with my wife and daughter, they have done nothing wrong, it’s all my responsibility,” he said.
As for the voters, he said he hasn’t violated his oath of office.
“People know me, I’m fairly well known, people know the work I’ve done, people know how effective I am,” he said. “Having said that, they also know that as a person, I’ve had failings, and they need to decide whether or not they’re going to give me another opportunity to continue my work.
“At the end of the day, I’m not in control of that, at this point in time. But I know one thing, if I’ve learned one thing of being in politics the last two years, it’s that the people you represent have an extraordinary amount of wisdom and they will make the right choice. And at this stage of the game I’m happy to live with whatever choice they make.”
It goes on to talk about Patricia Allen, the Women he was having an affair with then hired and fired and comments on the Palm City woman in Martin County. But basically just repeats himself.
Congratulations Rep. Tim Mahoney, for running on a slogan “Restoring America’s Values Begins at Home” then going out an having "numerous affairs,” paying hush money, possible violating the Labor Laws and FIRING then Women after the affair ended, you ARE the Idiot of the Week . Do you want in on the pool as to what actual number of "numerous affairs” is? You may need the money.
TC Palm - Rep. Tim Mahoney acknowledges "numerous" affairs: "certainly more than two"
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