Hey folks,

So I was going to talk about what Gov Palin REALLY needs to bring out, and what Sen Biden needs to hide. I was going to issue tips for both the Canidates. Then, all of a sudden yesterday, the MODERATOR became the news. It seemed to all start with Rush on his program. He said this.

Book? What book? Then I saw this Valley Morning Star - VP debate moderator's impartiality questioned

"Includes material on Barack Obama?" The name of the book is "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" He is in the TITLE of the book. SOME material? According to Ifill, it's only one chapter?
Ifill said Wednesday that she hasn't even written her chapter on Obama for the book "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," which is to be published by Doubleday on Jan. 20, 2009, the day a new president is inaugurated.
Folks. REALLY? OK. So even with this, I was just going to give a side note to this OBVIOUS set up by Obama and the Mainstream Media that is VESTED in Obama becoming the next President. Then I was going to say as follows.
Some advice to Gov. Palin. Even though the deck is stacked against you, I want you to throw away ANY script you may have been given. Forget the talking points, bumper stickers, and most definitely the false PC that is expected. BE SARAH PALIN. Forget trying to win the Mainstream Media. They are in the tank for Obama. Talk directly to the people. Tell the TRUTH. Be the Pit-bull we all know you are. Act like YOU are running for President. Fire up the base. Tell the TRUTH. Point out the FACTS. Just be YOU.
But then I read THIS.
Ifill questions why people assume that her book will be favorable toward Obama.
"Do you think they made the same assumptions about Lou Cannon (who is white) when he wrote his book about Reagan?" said Ifill, who is black. Asked if there were racial motives at play, she said, "I don't know what it is. I find it curious."
It gets worse folks. According to CNN
"I'm in great demand -- everyone wants to talk to me -- but I'm not speaking for the whole race," Ifill said. "My job is to be a reporter. I cannot be the great interpreter. It's not my job to be on someone else's air telling them what black people think."
Ifill told Kurtz that as Obama accepted his party's nomination for president, a white television reporter asked her: "Aren't you just blown away by all of this?" She said she was not.
Kurtz also points out that "on one level, Ifill says, she views this moment as the daughter of a black minister who marched in civil rights demonstrations and who she wishes were alive to see what Obama has achieved."
Ifill told Kurtz, "I still don't know if he'll be a good president. I'm still capable of looking at his pros and cons in a political sense." Besides, Ifill says, "no one's ever assumed a white reporter can't cover a white candidate."
This REALLY Ticks me off folks. Now you are a RACIST if you question the MODERATOR. One who is ALSO vested in Obama winning. One that is placed in this position to AID Obiden. It really IS crystal clear. But you better not say that. You stupid Racists you. What if it was Rush Moderating? Do you think the Mainstream Media would see him as impartial and balanced?
Then the Vally Morning Star, along with a growing number of Mainstream Media outlets are reporting this - Ifill still on for debate despite breaking ankle
NEW YORK (AP) -- Gwen Ifill has a broken ankle, but she'll still serve as the upcoming vice presidential debate's moderator.
The veteran PBS newswoman tripped in her Washington area home while walking downstairs Monday, carrying material she was using to prep for the debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.
Despite the pain, doctors have given her the OK to travel to St. Louis, where the vice presidential debate is scheduled for Thursday.
"Another crazy twist in a crazy week," Ifill said, confirming her injury in an e-mail.
You Racists out there listen up. Not only can you not ask HONEST questions about her CLEAR partiality, but she is a true Hero here. Even though the poor little Ifill is injured, and Black, she is still going to tough it out. She is going to do a honest, and completely fair and balanced job in moderating the debate. Did we mention she is Black?
Can you say Palinoia? They put her in this JUST because she IS BLACK. You can't criticize her because she is BLACK. You have to just accept that she is fair. Just deal with it you Racists you.
Although this is bordering on, screw that, this IS completely asinine, and in full view of EVERYONE to see, my advice to Gov. Palin remains the same.
See you in the morning.
Valley Morning Star - VP debate moderator's impartiality questioned
CNN - Controversy brews up around VP debate moderator Ifill
Valley Morning Star - Ifill still on for debate despite breaking ankle
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