Hey folks,

That's right, our children will be dressing up and going out to the streets, in the dark, knocking on strangers doors, begging for candy. In the news here in South Florida, stories of Police stepping up patrols and going door to door themselves, fills the papers and the local news. They are going to and warning Sex Offenders that they need to stay home and stay clear of the Trick or Treaters.
Well, I repeat, our children will be dressing up and going out to the streets, in the dark, knocking on strangers doors, begging for candy. The Sex offenders do not have to do anything. Buy and, or steel a, $2.00 pumpkin and carve it out. Get a bag of candy, and wait for the knock.
So this article was pointed out to me by SG. "This is a great article. Maybe you should post this." I couldn't agree more. The writer is BRILLANT! It was written back on September 30, 2006. I'll have to check this writer out more often. {Smile} Here it is.
Just My Thoughts,
Saturday Sept. 30 2006
Hey folks,

I loved going to Warwick NY to this Farmers Market there. Where you could go out to the apple orchards and pick your apples off the trees. Get REAL apple cider, pies, and of course, those absolutely famous, apple cider donuts.
Then you were thinking, as a kid, Halloween is right around the corner.
Halloween was a COMPLETELY different time back then. Everyone knew everyone and there were no razor blades, drugs, or anything else to taint the treats. Kids were free to go to a "strangers" house and knock on the door.
Today? Today you had better be a little more careful. There are some really bad people out there. If you want to lose some sleep tonight, go onto any of those websites that track sexual predators, child molesters, and deviants. If you have never done this, you WILL be surprised. You most likely have one right around the corner from you. You may even KNOW them.
Couple that with the fact that there really is evil out there. Those that want to harm kids with tainted treats. Those that do not care about the safety of your kids walking down the street, who drive by too close and too fast. It is just not really worth the risk anymore, with a few exceptions.
Here in my new home town of Stuart, there are a few neighborhoods that still get into it. It’s all about the kids. They have some that "patrol" the area while the kids, at specific times, trick or treat. They all know each other and create elaborate haunted houses, and mazes, etc. for the kids. Closed neighborhoods is another way to go, however, you still need to be careful. You do not have to be poor to be a molester.
Now I know there are some, due to religious beliefs, or fear, who denounce the whole practice. I’m not saying do not let them go. Halloween can be fun. Just let the kids know what it’s all about. Make sure that they know to be safe. NEVER let them go alone. Commonsense on yours, and their part, can keep them safe.
OH, and do not forget, I know the stores are vamping up for Christmas already, but right after Halloween, comes my FAVORITE Holiday, Thanksgiving. {Smile} I love Thanksgiving. Family, food, and fun. Keep your kids safe this Halloween, inspect the treats, and make sure that they are around for Thanksgiving.
Yes folks, have fun tonight and BE SAFE. See you Sunday.
Note: "From The Emails" is a weekly segment in the Friday edition of the OPNtalk Blog. If you care to send in News Articles, Comments, Stories, or anything else you may wish to share, please feel free to send it to opntalk@aim.com As always, you never know what you are going to see here.
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