Hey folks,

When I got up this morning, from about three hours of sleep, I saw what I expected to see. Even the Fox News annalists were saying the same thing last night. No one really won. No stand out moments. No electricity. No real points getter. Brokaw controlled NOTHING. Well, OK, I'll give them that one. Then you have what seems to be the mantra for the day in the MMD. It was pretty much a tie which means Obama won.
Then of course you have the usual Liberal tactic of dismissing what they did not like to report and diverting attention to something else. I'll give an example of this in a second.
But this is NOT the debate I saw last night. Not even close. What I saw was the McCain taking Palin's lead. What I saw was McCain coming out and telling the truth about Obama. Truth that Obama could NOT defend. He didn't even try to. He just continued with WAY outdated talking points and completely wrong conclusions of the talking points.
McCain and Palin need to keep this up. You know this is effective because the Mainstream Media is completely ignoring, diverting, and even coming right out and completely LYING about it. That is how you KNOW it is effective.
So what is an example? This is just one of MANY in the MMD. According to the AP - McCain, Obama trade barbs in town hall debate By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer, McCain did score points by pointing out the truth about who's to blame in the economic mess.
"They're the ones that, with the encouragement of Senator Obama and his cronies and his friends in Washington, that went out and made all these risky loans, gave them to people that could never afford to pay back," McCain said.
Obama responded: "I've got to correct a little bit of Senator McCain's history, not surprisingly. ... In fact, Senator McCain's campaign chairman's firm was a lobbyist on behalf of Fannie Mae, not me."
There was so much more than this. I will talk about the WHOLE point in detail. So how does the AP answer this? They highlight McCain.
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has a stake in a Washington lobbying firm that received thousands of dollars a month from Freddie Mac until recently.
Davis is one of the many figures in both campaigns and near them who have been targeted as reasons why each should not be supported. As they head back on the road Wednesday, both campaigns say those associations would again be highlighted.
What about McCain's MAIN Point? How much money DID Obama receive DIRECTLY from Fannie and Freddie? WHO is Obama's TOP ADVISERS? Oh, uh, never mind that. It's not important. Uh, McCain, McCain, McCain. {Sigh}
Here is the WHOLE exchange. This is in response to a question from an audience member Oliver Clark.
Clark: Well, Senators, through this economic crisis, most of the people that I know have had a difficult time. And through this bailout package, I was wondering what it is that's going to actually help those people out.
McCain: Well, thank you, Oliver, and that's an excellent question, because as you just described it, bailout, when I believe that it's rescue, because -- because of the greed and excess in Washington and Wall Street, Main Street was paying a very heavy price, and we know that.
I left my campaign and suspended it to go back to Washington to make sure that there were additional protections for the taxpayer in the form of good oversight, in the form of taxpayers being the first to be paid back when our economy recovers -- and it will recover -- and a number of other measures.
But you know, one of the real catalysts, really the match that lit this fire was Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I'll bet you, you may never even have heard of them before this crisis.
But you know, they're the ones that, with the encouragement of Sen. Obama and his cronies and his friends in Washington, that went out and made all these risky loans, gave them to people that could never afford to pay back.
And you know, there were some of us that stood up two years ago and said we've got to enact legislation to fix this. We've got to stop this greed and excess.
Meanwhile, the Democrats in the Senate and some -- and some members of Congress defended what Fannie and Freddie were doing. They resisted any change.
Meanwhile, they were getting all kinds of money in campaign contributions. Sen. Obama was the second highest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money in history -- in history.
So this rescue package means that we will stabilize markets, we will shore up these institutions. But it's not enough. That's why we're going to have to go out into the housing market and we're going to have to buy up these bad loans and we're going to have to stabilize home values, and that way, Americans, like Alan, can realize the American dream and stay in their home.
But Fannie and Freddie were the catalysts, the match that started this forest fire. There were some of us -- there were some of us that stood up against it. There were others who took a hike.
Did Obama deny all that money he got from Fannie and Freddie? Did he deny the facts that it was the Democrats that stood in the way of regulating Fannie and Freddie? Did he deny that the Democrats actually ATTACKED the regulator? Nope.
Brokaw: Sen. Obama?
Obama: Well, Oliver, first, let me tell you what's in the rescue package for you. Right now, the credit markets are frozen up and what that means, as a practical matter, is that small businesses and some large businesses just can't get loans.
If they can't get a loan, that means that they can't make payroll. If they can't make payroll, then they may end up having to shut their doors and lay people off.
And if you imagine just one company trying to deal with that, now imagine a million companies all across the country.
So it could end up having an adverse effect on everybody, and that's why we had to take action. But we shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Now, I've got to correct a little bit of Sen. McCain's history, not surprisingly. Let's, first of all, understand that the biggest problem in this whole process was the deregulation of the financial system.
Sen. McCain, as recently as March, bragged about the fact that he is a deregulator. On the other hand, two years ago, I said that we've got a sub-prime lending crisis that has to be dealt with.
I wrote to Secretary Paulson, I wrote to Federal Reserve Chairman [Ben] Bernanke, and told them this is something we have to deal with, and nobody did anything about it.
A year ago, I went to Wall Street and said we've got to reregulate, and nothing happened.
Did he do all this WHILE he was taking the money? Did he do any of this at all? Something to think about.
And Sen. McCain during that period said that we should keep on deregulating because that's how the free enterprise system works.
Now, with respect to Fannie Mae, what Sen. McCain didn't mention is the fact that this bill that he talked about wasn't his own bill. He jumped on it a year after it had been introduced and it never got passed.
It never got past because YOU STOOD IN THE WAY! It never got past because YOUR Party decided they wanted to keep their MASSIVE piggy bank and money flowing into their pockets. Why did you not mention THAT Obama?
And I never promoted Fannie Mae. In fact, Sen. McCain's campaign chairman's firm was a lobbyist on behalf of Fannie Mae, not me.
YOUR top advisers are who? But this is what the MMD will most likely focus on. As we already seen in the AP.
So -- but, look, you're not interested in hearing politicians pointing fingers. What you're interested in is trying to figure out, how is this going to impact you?
{Laughing} Yeah we're the guilty Party here, but forget that. We need to fix the problem. It's Bush's Fault anyway. He LET us do this. {Laughing} McCain followed up on his point in the "discussion" part. He said this.
My friend, I'd like you to see the letter that a group of senators and I wrote warning exactly of this crisis. Sen. Obama's name was not on that letter.
Absolutely true. You will not hear this mentioned either. If Obama was so FOR fixing Fannie and Freddie back when they could have avoided all this, why did he choose to continue to take the money.
Then you have the fact that you saw Obama CLEARLY shaken up over this. A little while later, when McCain CLEARLY and CORRECTLY laid out Obama's tax plan, there was this.
Brokaw: Sen. Obama, we have another question from the Internet.
Obama: Tom, can I respond to this briefly? Because...
Brokaw: Well, look, guys, the rules were established by the two campaigns, we worked very hard on this. This will address, I think, the next question.
Obama: The tax issue, because I think it's very important. Go ahead.
Brokaw: There are lots of issues that we are going to be dealing with here tonight. And we have a question from Langdon (ph) in Ballston Spa, New York, and that's about huge unfunded obligations for Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs that will soon eat up all of the revenue that's in place and then go into a deficit position.
Since the rules are pretty loose here, I'm going to add my own to this one. Instead of having a discussion, let me ask you as a coda to that. Would you give Congress a date certain to reform Social Security and Medicare within two years after you take office? Because in a bipartisan way, everyone agrees, that's a big ticking time bomb that will eat us up maybe even more than the mortgage crisis.
You could even see Tom Brokaw getting frustrated. Then a little later you got this exchange while talking about fixing Social Security and Medicare. McCain said this.
When he ran for the United States Senate from Illinois, he said he would have a middle-income tax cut. You know he came to the Senate and never once proposed legislation to do that?
So let's look at our record. I've fought higher taxes. I have fought excess spending. I have fought to reform government.
Again, one hundred percent true. Obama's response? Nothing.
Then talking about Drilling. Obama back to bumbersticker, outdated, and incorrect talking points.
So what that means is that we can't simply drill our way out of the problem. And we're not going to be able to deal with the climate crisis if our only solution is to use more fossil fuels that create global warming.
McCain also brought out the truth of Obama's plan to FINE YOU. If you do not get the Universal Health care that HE decides you should have. Yes. Obama wants the Government to dictate what YOU do for your child. Obama actually said yup. He does.
Now, it's true that I say that you are going to have to make sure that your child has health care, because children are relatively cheap to insure and we don't want them going to the emergency room for treatable illnesses like asthma.
If not? I guess under the Obama plan, you will have the full force of Government come crashing into your lives FORCING you to go with the Health care THEY deem right.
Then Obama CLEARLY loses it here in this next exchange. Talking about Pakistan, McCain simply pointed out Obama's own words. He said what Obama SAID. Obama then just couldn't control himself.
Obama: Tom, just a...
Brokaw: Sen. McCain...
Obama: ... just a quick follow-up on this. I think...
McCain: If we're going to have follow-ups, then I will want follow-ups, as well.
Brokaw: No, I know. So but I think we get at it...
McCain: It'd be fine with me. It'd be fine with me.
Brokaw: ... if I can, with this question.
Obama: Then let's have one.
Brokaw: All right, let's have a follow-up.
McCain: It'd be fine with me.
Obama: Just -- just -- just a quick follow-up, because I think -- I think this is important.
Brokaw: I'm just the hired help here, so, I mean...
Obama: You're doing a great job, Tom.

I'm almost out of time here. Here is another point that will be ignored. When a question was asked about Israel. McCain repeated that Obama said he would sit down with Iran without preconditions. A charge he has denied in the past. After he DID say it. So last night? What was his answer?
Now, it is true, though, that I believe that we should have direct talks -- not just with our friends, but also with our enemies -- to deliver a tough, direct message to Iran that, if you don't change your behavior, then there will be dire consequences.
So he WOULD. Uh, Right? Then you have the last question. I want to make a couple of points on this. The question is this. Peggy in Amherst, New Hampshire. "What don't you know and how will you learn it?"
Now OBVIOUSLY, Obama is joking here. But it will add fuel to some of my friends out there. He started with this.
Obama: My wife, Michelle, is there and she could give you a much longer list than I do. And most of the time, I learn it by asking her.
Really? So you learned that you should only be just now be, "for the first time proud of your country?" You learned that "America is a down right mean country." You get the point. BAD joke.
He went on to say this. OH wait. He never answered the question. Did McCain? Well, basically no. Not really. He told the truth. We do not know what lies ahead in the future both here and in the world. That's true. We had NO Idea what was about to happen on 9/11 until it happened.
So all in all, McCain came out not as the nice, polite old guy, but as Hulk McCain. He DID lay the smack down on Obama. He DID tell the truth. He did call him out. Obama? He got angry, confused, and started acting like a child at one point. Repeating talking points and bumper stickers. Sorry to my friends in the MMD, but McCain CLEARLY won this. Can't wait til round three.
OPNTalk- Second Presidential Debate Between McCain and Obama
AP - McCain, Obama trade barbs in town hall debate
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