Hey folks,

You all know the story. We have this Horrific Shooting in Arizona, and this Idiot, a half an hour after the shooting comes out and tries to link Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Talk Radio, and Fox News, to this Murder and attempted Assassination on a Congresswoman. I said this about him.
Yes, our Idiot is NOT a true Law Enforcement Official. He is allowing his HATE and his Political views to cloud his Judgement. He is a Fame seeking Moron, that while he is playing Politician, he is IGNORING the REAL FACTS in this case. He needs to leave Office.Looks like I'm not the only one that wants this guy out. According to The Washington Times - Outspoken Tucson sheriff faces recall bid By Valerie Richardson
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has never lost an election, but that was before his remarks assigning blame for the deadly Tucson, Ariz., shooting to political "vitriol" and calling Arizona "a mecca for prejudice and bigotry."I wish you all luck in getting this guy out. He is a joke that needs to leave. He obviously can't do his job.
Now it's Sheriff Dupnik who finds himself on the public-opinion hot seat. A group opposed to illegal immigration has begun an effort to recall the sheriff in a special election. Meanwhile, a Pima County tea party group is planning on holding a "Dump Dupnik" rally next week outside his office.
"I haven't been a fan of Dupnik's for a long time, but this really was the straw that broke the camel's back," said Tom Rompel, co-owner of Black Weapons Armory in Tucson. "He's law enforcement. We expect 'the facts, ma'am,' not his opinion. He leans far left, always has, and frankly, people have had enough."
Coming right up today?
ACLU Working With Obama For Amnesty, Feds NOT Doing Their Job
Nullification, States Strike Back.
EPA, States Strike Back 2
Labor Induced
DLA For Sunday 013011
IWA For Sunday 013011

New Majority Keeps Pledge to Focus on Jobs & Ending the Job-Crushing D.C. Spending Binge Posted by Speaker Boehner Press Office on January 21, 2011So far, so good. Keep up the good work. The People spoke loudly and clearly. We WANT you to listen, we want you to follow through.
This week, the new House majority continued working to keep its Pledge to America to focus on removing barriers to job creation and ending Washington’s job-crushing spending binge. Here’s a look:
Removing Barriers to Job Growth & Ending the Job-Crushing Spending Binge
The House voted this week to repeal the job-destroying health care law and then took action to begin replacing it with common-sense reforms that will lower costs and protect jobs. More than half the states are now challenging ObamaCare in court. And job creators, economists, and state legislators representing millions of taxpayers have all spoken out in recent days in support of scrapping the law and starting over.
Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act to rein in job-stifling red tape that’s causing uncertainty for job creators. The bill would require an up-or-down vote by Congress on major federal rules and regulations – written by unelected bureaucrats – that have an economic impact of at least $100 million.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been selected to deliver the Republican address to the nation following President Obama's State of the Union speech on January 25. Chairman Ryan will lead a critical effort in the House this year to stop the job-crushing spending binge in DC and cut spending back to pre-“stimulus,” pre-bailout levels.
Every dollar counts, and the House has already begun replacing Congress’ culture of spending with a culture of saving – first by cutting its budget, and then by saving taxpayers millions of dollars by eliminating needless paper copies of legislation. These were just the first of many spending cuts to come.
The speaker also employed the “#hcrcostsjobs” hashtag on Twitter to draw emphasis to the health care law’s devastating impact on families and small businesses.
For more on what’s to come in the weeks ahead, take a look at the Pledge to America. As Speaker Boehner has vowed: “the Pledge is the plan.” Read more here.
As we’ve noted, our goal is to keep improving these emails in the weeks ahead so please contact us here if you have ideas on how we can make them more useful. Thank you again and have a great weekend.
- Speaker Boehner’s Press Office
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Going to fill my cup. Be right back.
The Washington Times - Outspoken Tucson sheriff faces recall bid
The Patriot Action Network - New Majority Keeps Pledge to Focus on Jobs & Ending the Job-Crushing D.C. Spending Binge