Hey folks,

Now wait a second. She did not sign a Bill making it Illegal, they ARE Illegal. She signed a Bill telling Law Enforcement to Enforce the Law. Well it's about time.
Then on Tuesday, I said this.
Monday was also the day that the Senate was suppose to come out and announce Cap and Tax. That didn't happen either. Why? Amnesty. That's right, Amnesty. They have been Governing AGAINST the Will of the People. Even some of their own are now done with them. Obamacare was Political Suicide. They know this. Cap and Tax, the "Financial Overhaul," AKA Socialising the Private Industry, are as well. The People are not happy. They need NEW People. So in the back, smoke filled rooms, while all this is going on upfront and personal, Amnesty looms.
I continued.
It's all about Votes. Forget that 70% of Arizona Voters FAVOR the new State measure cracking down On Illegal Immigration. It is PURELY Political. They do NOT care about Immigrants. They care only about their Votes. It really is just that simple. Just like they do not care about YOU.
Now the latest NATIONAL Poll shows that 70 percent of AMERICANS favor Arizona's new Law to enforce Federal Law. Which Prompted Peter, a true OPNer and who some have labeled my "Arch Nemeses" to post a comment playing the Race Card. More on that in the next Post.
On Wednesday?
So what is happening? States are getting tired of the Federal Government either FAILING to enforce the FEDERAL Law, or they are getting tire of the Federal Government coming into their States and DICTATING to them what they can and can't do. They are standing up for their RIGHTS. It is a GREAT thing to see.
So of course there is this little thing called Immigration Reform going on in Arizona right now. The Governor says that her State is being overrun and hurt by Illegal Aliens. The Federal Government is failing to enforce the LAW. So, she signs a Bill telling the Police, "Start enforcing the Law." Now we are hearing every thing from "Nazis" to things like this piece from AOL NEWS that compare it to China, fascist Europe and the United States during segregation.
{Laughing} No. Not even the Obama State Run Media can make sense reporting this. "New Arizona Law Makes It Illegal to be in Arizona Illegally." What? If you are Illegal, you are already Illegal. Incredible.

Some bought this hook line and sinker. Problem is, it's purposefully incorrect. The new Arizona Law does NOT give the Police authority to stop you for "driving while Hispanic," knock down your doors, or just walk up and ask you "Let's Me See Your Papers." {In Russian Accent} It actually follows the FEDERAL LAW, of which says if, while in investigation of another Crime, Violation, Misdemeanor, Felony, ETC, the Police have the Right to find out WHO you are, and if you have the legal Right to be here.
I asked, what is the first thing the Cop asks you when you get stopped? "Let me see your Papers." I could not be here on Thursday so everyone else broke this little fact, but what is the first thing you are asked when renting a car? "Let's Me See Your Papers." Hotel? "Let's Me See Your Papers." Fly? "Let's Me See Your Papers." Buy alcohol or Cigarettes? "Let's Me See Your Papers." We, as US Citizens are asked "Let's Me See Your Papers" countless times on a daily bases. Uh, with the exception of maybe the VOTING BOOTH! Which is the point.
The Arizona Law does NOT give the Police power to hunt down and round up Illegals. It tells them they should find out who they are dealing with in the commission of a CRIME. Imagine that.
So over at Facebook, Rev. Jim posted a link for a group of people against the new Arizona Law. I thought it was Jim, but it wasn't, it was Sean Sullivan that said this.
Couple of issues here. Firstly immigration is a Federal issue and that should be so, individual States like AZ doing what they... See More’ve done here will largely push their problems into other states which s why we need COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL! (Sorry for shouting)
The problem is Sean, the Federal Government is NOT doing anything. That is why Arizona and now Texas, and others, are looking into enforcing it themselves.
Secondly, decades of piss poor immigration law combined with piss poor enforcement have left us with some 15 million people who waltzed in and stayed. This is something like SEVEN TIMES our current prison population…all of it. You are not going to solve this problem by demanding to see identification and kicking down freaking doors. We are going to have to welcome the truly desirables, the ones who built lives and families and work etc etc so that we can focus on the truly undesirables, those truly leading lives of crime. There is a distinction there, some of their lives are a crime because they came here and others came here and led lives of crime. Hell, we only kneecap ourselves chasing the good folk and it ties up our resources from chasing the bad.
Can't do either if you are hindered from asking who they are in the first place. Amnesty will legalize ALL of them. The Criminal along with the "desirables," as you put it.
COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform does include not breaking the chops of those who are good citizens in all things but their lack of citizenship. We simply don’t have the resources to do much about them and quite frankly why would we anyway?
No one is going to be knocking down doors, or approaching anyone, just because of the color of

Finally Pete on this “come here legally and we welcome you” thing, you need to get a little more in touch with the human element. Seriously Pete, it aint that easy and it aint that simple. You’re a husband and Dad so you know this. If you can’t provide for your family where you are and a law and a fence stands between you and a place where you could work and provide for them, what are you Pete Carlock going to do. Work and feed your family tomorrow or put the kids to bed hungry and hope you win the immigration lottery ten years from now. “Come here legally and we welcome you” are easy words to people risking life and limb to get here offered by those of us owing our own citizenship to an accident of birth. Would you feed your family?
April 25 at 11:20pm
EXCELLENT QUESTION. The short answer is YES. Of course I would. If I were living somewhere where my family was poor, starving, living in a shack, jump at the opportunity to come to the greatest country in the world? Of course I would risk my life to come here. If a Politician came along and said, I want to give you Citizenship, free money, free Healthcare, free housing, OF COURSE I would Vote for them. I understand the compassion issue here Sean. I get it and YES, I would be out there rallying for the "powerful and all knowing Man" that wants to give me everything I need. But that doesn't mean I deserve it. That doesn't mean that I have earned it. At the same time, if someone came up to me and asked me "Let me see your papers." I would understand THAT also. I'm NOT here legally. I KNEW this was a possibility when I came here. I TOOK THAT CHANCE to come here.
True story Sean. Back in the day, I spent three and a half years working with Chief Rowley in NY, in Cooperate Investigations. One of the properties that we were in charge of was Thruway Markets in Walden NY. Thruway, is like Super Wal-Mart before there was a Super Wal-Mart. When we were not locking up Employees, we were helping to stop Shoplifters. I can not tell you how many times I or one of the others, stopped someone from stealing FOOD. Some were homeless. Some where unemployed. One was working two jobs, yet couldn't afford to buy Food.
In that case, I took money out of my own pocket to pay for the Food that this young lady took to feed her family. Chief Rowley did the same thing on a number of occasions. We PAID for them to eat that night. Yet, they still were guilty of Petty Theft, and we BARRED them from ever returning to the Store. We had compassion on them, yet, we enforced the LAW as well.
Should we change the Federal Laws to say it's OK to steal, if you can not afford food? It's OK to rob a bank if you are unemployed? It's OK to steal from others to meet your needs because you are less fortunate then someone else? No. Of course not. We ARE compassionate in this country. We are the most compassionate ant country in the world. but that does not mean that we do not enforce our LAWS to keep OUR Citizens safe. How many stories do you hear about someone killed in Drunk Driving Accidents by someone who should have never been here to begin with. Most likely been arrested before. Home invasions? Look at Arizona's crime rate. Who is committing most of these crimes? I understand that most are here to make a better way for themselves. I get that. I have no problem with that. I also agree with you that those that are here, for those reasons, should be given a helping hand in the PROCESS and become Legal. But those that are committing crimes should be thrown out. Problem is though Sean, some do not want to know who is who. They just want the Votes.
Be right back.
I don't know why Arizonans would want to protect their citizens from Mexican drug cartel violence, safeguard the public treasury, or prevent the strain on their already choked social services. I mean, not doing that has done wonders for LA! That movie, American Me, I want to recreate that in my city. Yes!
I have no idea why they'd want to enforce the laws that have been on the books since the USA formed or why they'd be mad at the Feds for not doing their jobs of securing our borders. Arizonans are racists, red-neck, bigoted, right-wing conspiracists for wanting to protect the quality of life of LEGAL immigrants already living here. What's up with that? They should enjoy picking up the 2 million tons of trash the illegals leave strewn across our lands as they make their way north because they always have beautiful, sunny skies.
Did you know that asking for someone's citzenship papers is the equivalent of slaughtering 7 million Jews in Nazi Germany. If you didn't, then you're not reading the main-stream, unbiased, good-intentioned media. Get with the program, Comrades! Read the NY Times, the LA Times or the Washington Post, or any newspaper that feeds off of them. It will really educate you and keep you from losing your public education indoctrination.
Why not let the entire world into this country, starting with Haiti, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Yemen -- oh, and don't forget a few "mainstream" Castro-loving Cubans. I'm sure the freedom-loving Cubans already living in Miami who hate Castro won't mind. Let's blow taxpayers' money overseas by sending travel vouchers to the Middle East so they can fly to Mexico and come across the border. Can't we all just get along? If we just sat down and negotiated with them, all war, poverty and disease would end and Obama could save us all.
After their amnesty, they'll vote Democrat in order to keep the taxpayer dollars flowing freely and keep Democrats in power. What's so wrong about that? That stuff going on in Greece -- riots, protest. Yeah, I like that. Let's get some of that. After all, we're no longer a Republic. We're a dictatorship. Just ask the folks who passed healthcare with the Slaughter House Rules, instead of abiding by the will of the people. If you can't afford health insurance, you should be jailed or fined by IRS agents, so there will be no room for locking up illegal aliens. Obama is going to help this country like Chairman Mao helped China take the Great Leap Forward, or how Stalin helped unite the Russians. CHANGE, TRANSFORM. I really love it.
All I ask is that you don't complain as your paychecks get smaller and smaller. After all, someone has to pay for all those bells and whistles, and bells and whistles, and bells and whistles, etc. Well, you get the idea. It might as well be you. We know from history that the rich ALWAYS get soaked, so none of it will effect your pocketbook. Right? I mean, look how many millionaires are now living in boxes by the river. Plus, the more money you rob from rich people and give to poor people, the more jobs that are created. Right, Nancy Pelosi? It looks like rain today -- maybe too much. I hope the government is doing something about that. Maybe a rain tax is needed.
Did you read the law itself Peter? You say “The Arizona Law does NOT give the Police power to hunt down and round up Illegals. It tells them they should find out who they are dealing with in the commission of a CRIME. Imagine that.” Except that is not the law.
Here’s a big problem taken from the law itself. “For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.” When you put victims of crime and witnesses of crime at risk of deportation if they talk to police…they will not talk to police. Crimes going unreported will not decrease crime, witnesses afraid to talk to police for fear of deportation will not reduce crime.
Next point “The problem is Sean, the Federal Government is NOT doing anything. That is why Arizona and now Texas, and others, are looking into enforcing it themselves.”
Arizona’s dissatisfaction with Federal action does not have the force of making immigration a State issue. You mention Texas as another looking to enforce immigration, I don’t know what you think they have in the works but I read Perry is not jumping on the Arizona bandwagon.
Moving on…“Can't do either if you are hindered from asking who they are in the first place. Amnesty will legalize ALL of them. The Criminal along with the "desirables," as you put it.”
I have not heard a single proposal for Immigration reform put that legalizes everybody. That is crap you hear on the radio dude. And your statement doesn’t begin to tackle the plausibility (or lack thereof) of catching processing chasing out or deporting a population roughly seven times our entire prison population. It simply is not going to happen no matter how tight you scrunch your eyes closed and wish for it. So figure out which are the ones you really need gone. This law doesn’t do that.
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
{Laughing} VERY Well done. Loved it! Thanks for sharing that.
Stop by any time, and often. You REALLY never know what you may see here.
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Thank you for take some time out to post this. Let's see.
Did you read the law itself Peter? You say “The Arizona Law does NOT give the Police power to hunt down and round up Illegals. It tells them they should find out who they are dealing with in the commission of a CRIME. Imagine that.” Except that is not the law.
Here’s a big problem taken from the law itself. “For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.”
Which is what I said. It is NOT reasonable, nor practicable, to stop someone for no reason other than they LOOK Hispanic. Nor is it reasonable, or practicable, to bang down doors. What it says it if the Police already have to get involved, they then have the right, IF reasonable, or practicable, to find out who they are dealing with. If they are Citizens or not. Which IS the Federal Law. Just not enforced.
When you put victims of crime and witnesses of crime at risk of deportation if they talk to police…they will not talk to police. Crimes going unreported will not decrease crime, witnesses afraid to talk to police for fear of deportation will not reduce crime.
You may have a conspiratory view of Police, but I do not. You REALLY think that they are going to show up at someone's house who has just been Raped, or Robbed, and say "Let me see your papers?" I don't. But when they catch the person responsible, they had damn well BETTER find out, and throw them out of the country AFTER they serve their time. I know MANY Police Officers being a former Associated member of the National chiefs of Police. Most are good, decent, and hard working Men and Women working a dangerous job. I have know a few bad ones. They always get caught in the long run. No one, including the AZ Gov. is advocating Victims be questioned.
Next point “The problem is Sean, the Federal Government is NOT doing anything. That is why Arizona and now Texas, and others, are looking into enforcing it themselves.”
Arizona’s dissatisfaction with Federal action does not have the force of making immigration a State issue. You mention Texas as another looking to enforce immigration, I don’t know what you think they have in the works but I read Perry is not jumping on the Arizona bandwagon.
A Republican Texas lawmaker plans to introduce a tough immigration measure similar to the new law in Arizona, a move state Democrats say would be a mistake.
Rep. Debbie Riddle of Tomball said she will push for the law in the January legislative session, according to Wednesday's editions of the San Antonio Express-News and Houston Chronicle.
Many others are looking into this as well. Every State has a RIGHT to create their own laws and enforce their own laws. So your reasoning here is what? Murder is a Capital Offense. It is Federal law. So they should not enforce it? If a Bank gets robbed in AZ. or any other state, and the feds say "We do not care," the State doesn't have the Right to stop Bank Robberies?
Moving on…“Can't do either if you are hindered from asking who they are in the first place. Amnesty will legalize ALL of them. The Criminal along with the "desirables," as you put it.”
I have not heard a single proposal for Immigration reform put that legalizes everybody. That is crap you hear on the radio dude. And your statement doesn’t begin to tackle the plausibility (or lack thereof) of catching processing chasing out or deporting a population roughly seven times our entire prison population. It simply is not going to happen no matter how tight you scrunch your eyes closed and wish for it. So figure out which are the ones you really need gone. This law doesn’t do that.
{Sigh} Sully. Practicality states, that if Amnesty is granted to 12 to 20 million Illegal, with a stroke of a Pen, it does NOT indicate how many of them are criminals, nor does it point those who are out. It Legalizes ALL of them. Enforce the LAW. Secure the BOARDERS Which is already Federal Law. Enforce the LAW. When a criminal immigrant is found, throw them out. THEN, let's deal with those that are here just to make a better life for themselves. First thing is first. STOP the influx, and ENFORCE the Law.
Dude, you just made a huge jump from a law that allows cops to determine the immigration status of a suspect who they “reasonably suspect” might be illegal to a law that allows them to determine the same for anyone they come in legal contact with who they “reasonably suspect” might be here illegally.
1) On what basis do you reasonably suspect someone is here illegally? This is going to get taken down over ethnic profiling.
2) You suggest I may have a “Conspiracy view of police” and express your own view that it will be implemented in a much narrower view than the law allows. Reality check Peter, there are all sorts of cops. I myself was surprised to here from a former acquaintance upon retiring from the force his only regret was “that he never got to shoot a nigger.” He tells me it’s a not too uncommon outlook. Others I know are salt of the earth. Don’t fool yourself into thinking there aren’t all sorts. LAWS NEED TO BE WRITTEN AS THEY ARE INTENDED TO BE IMPLEMENTED, not as you really really hope they will be.
3) How you and I think the law will be implemented is not really the point, its how the illegal immigrants think it will be enforced that will effect the ability of officers to communicate.
As far as upcoming legislation to be introduced, introducing legislation and having it signed into law are very different things. Being able to enforce it is different again as well. I have no doubt that there will be a great many politicians hammering their chests and shouting lets get rid of the illegal immigrants, it’s a very popular thing to do. It neither means that they’ll get it done or the courts will uphold it.
The courts remind me of another aside, they’ve already pretty much knocked down the day labor provisions contained in this law so that’ll be another issue.
You’re bank robber analogy is pretty off base. If somebody robs a bank, yeah arrest them, there immigration status is not an issue. If somebody’s crime is dealing drugs, go gettum and I don’t think you need to see a visa to do it. If somebody’s crime is living and working but their immigration status is the issue then that is indeed a Federal matter.
As to your last point about practicality stating that if Amnesty is granted to 12 to 20 million Illegal, with a stroke of a Pen, it does NOT indicate how many of them are criminals, nor does it point those who are out… there is a little bit more than a pen stroke involved, how long they’ve been here, work history, clean record, etc. And again a topic you keep avoiding, you have no way of catching them, processing them, and removing them. Document the 80% who want to come forward clears up a lot of manpower for the 20% who want to stay in the shadows.
Last word goes to you Pete, I'm not a big blog fan and I sense we could run in circles for ever anyway. Enjoy!
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