Hey folks,

There are only Two possibilities.
One, it was a complete and total GROSS INCOMPETENCE of someone in the Industry.
Two, Sabotage.
I understand that accidents can happen. I understand that this is a dangerous Job, Oil Recovery. I understand that Humans can and DO make mistakes. Yet, the TIMING has to lead one to entertain option two.
NOW? Now we have an 18 wheeler, just sitting at the dock, exploding at a Oil Refinery. Cindy Campbell, the Controller at AGE Refining Inc., said a truck caught fire while at a loading dock at their plant at Southeast Military Drive and South Presa Street.
So what is AGE Refining Inc.? It is a Refinery. It refines Oil into fuel. The company also serves the U.S. Air Force, handles Jet Fuel and Diesel.

So I'm asking. Seriously, Oil Rigs do not just blow up, 18 wheelers sitting at a dock, just do not blow up, and NONE of these things just happen two weeks following a President calling for MORE Off Shore Drilling. Yet what is the Media reporting? "Obama Blames Bush for {Insert reason here}." and of course, "The Oil spill is the worse disaster in our recent history and we could all DIE!!!!!!" OK, a bit exaggerated, but you get the point. But nothing even remotely close to WHY it happened.
I scanned all over the place this morning. I find NO ONE is talking about this. I could not even find anyone talking about the Refinery at all. There are some very important questions out there that no one seems to want to be asking. But then again, look at the Car Bomber in New York. He trains for five months at a terrorist training camp, has all this cash. Knows that Emirates is tarty at reporting Cash ticket Purchases. Buys an SUV, makes a Bomb, and the Media? "Family man hurt by the Bush Economy, being foreclosed on, hates the Arizona Immigration Law." Hell, some in the Media even openly state that they were hoping it was a Tea Party Member. The Mayor of the City bet a quarter that it WAS a Tea Party Member. When talking to Katie Couric, Mayor Bloomberg and her had this exchange
Mayor Bloomberg: "If I had to guess, 25 cents, this would be exactly that. Somebody --"
Katie Couric: Interrupting "A homegrown."
Bloomberg: -- "homegrown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything."
Another elite member of the Media open stated that she was FRUSTRATED that the NYC Bomber is who he is. A Islamofascist. Contessa Brewer actually said this.

OK. Just like the Underwear Bomber, Fort Hood, Muslim Jihadist, the Arkansas Military Recruiting Center Attack, and now the Times Square attempted bombing by a Muslim Extremist. The Media and Obama himself, have downplayed the significance of all of these events when the rest of the country know exactly what was and is going on.
Now we have the Energy Industry having explosions all over the place? Big disasters, and the timing? No one is looking into this either of course. They are moving on. Let's talk about Bush. Let's talk about all these Democrats retiring,, Uh,, I mean,, lets talk about how all these things are,, uh, bad for Republicans. Yes, yes, that's it, all this is bad for Republicans. The Tea Party is bad, and full of Racists. That is why the Media is so stunned that 32 black Republicans are running for Congress this time around and they ALL want the Tea Party backing them. Listen to this.
The Media just doesn't get it anymore. They are not even trying to get it. They report whatever they are TOLD to report. They SAY whatever they are told to say. The further whatever lie they are told to further. It really is just that simple.
Yet, with this, the two "accidents" in the Oil Industry, THIS, will cost me, you, them, EVERYONE, a lot of money in the future. They are completely ignoring it. Well, except to further the agenda of Oil Evil and "Green" good. Yet there is NO Alternatives yet. Nothing to switch to. But forget all that. Eleven people died on that Oil Rig in the Gulf, countless others may have been injured in San Antonio. Do they NOT deserve a full investigation as to what the TRUTH of the Matter is. What happened. You know, the Press use to be all about the FACTS. They use to be all about the TRUTH. Who, what, where, when, why. Now?
Chron - Truck explodes at San Antonio refinery
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