Viablity, and sustainablity, are just not there.
Hey folks,
Yesterday I said this.
The truth is, no matter how aggressive the estimate, we are somewhere between 15 to 20 years from having ANYTHING that, IF found to work, will be produced on a mass scale that is viable to ALL. We do not even have anything that has been proven to be a POSSIBLE viable alternative. Both Wind and Solar have consistency issues, affordability issues, and have NEVER even been tried on a large scale. Anything else out there is in the conception stage at best. People are "thinking" about it. Talking about the "What ifs." THERE IS NOTHING OUT THERE. Meanwhile, the world runs on Oil.
Some want us to stop ALL exploration and drilling NOW. This deep horizon accident plays right into their agenda. The have forgotten the HUMAN element, you know, the eleven HUMANS that lost their lives, to further their insane agenda of a Green Dream. But as with nearly ANY Liberal Loon Dream, the reality begs to differ.
We learned the last time, that $4.00 a gallon was pretty much the tipping point. THAT will be CHEAP if Obama and the Loons get their way. But for easy understanding and discussion sake, let's just say gas goes up to $5.00 a gallon. After Obama and the Loon impose Cap and Tax, new regulations to "Prevent this from ever happening again," which we all know is complete BS, and perhaps even Government take over of some of the Oil Companies. Trust me, $5.00 a gallon is a LOW estimate.
OK. You make say $50,000 a year. I know, I know, many make less. Then imagine what THEY will be dealing with. You see, the price at the pump is commensurate. It doesn't matter if you make $20 K or a Million. So lets go with $50,000.
You make $50,000. Lets say you pay 30 percent in tax. Now you BRING HOME, which we all know is the only thing that really matters in the REAL world, $35,000. Lets say you travel about 20 minutes each way to work. You fill up twice a week, lets just use a 10 gallon tank for example. At $5.00 a gallon, that's $50 bucks, times 2, $100 a week, 52 weeks a year? Yup. $5200 a year. Now you are at $29,800. That is just to go to work. Now add in there that "necessarily Skyrocketed" electric bill for your home? You pay $150 now? The estimate is 37 percent, so now you pay $205.50 times 12? $2,466 You now have $27,334. How much is your rent or mortgage? Phone? TV? Computer? Water? Do you own a Car payment? Insurance? Have any debt obligations?
Now these are REALLY conservative numbers. Easy Math for understanding. When is the last time you saw a ten gallon gas tank? Point is, your average everyday working stiff can not afford $4.00 a gallon let alone anything more than that. Then of course add in the INCREASED cost of EVERYTHING. Remember when we WERE at $4.00? EVERYTHING in the stores HAVE to go up due to transportation costs. Now imagine this the norm? For something like the next 15 to 20 years?
The Green Dream is nothing like the Nightmare of reality. Then if you add in the "value-added tax?" Some are still talking about that. Folks, Obama and those in Congress do not give a rat's, uh, tail, about the price at the pump. One, most of them are Millionaires. Two, they do not pay for their gas. YOU do. They do not care what it costs. It doesn't effect them. It DOES effect you. But they do not care. After all, we have to save the Planet. Right?
Hey folks,

The DREAM that is Alternative Energy. A "Greener Planet" that will be a Utopia. No Oil. Just Wind, uh, I mean Solar,,Uh, no wait, Uh, I mean Electric, no, uh, PEANUT BUTTER!!!! Oh never mind. Just trust us. We need to stop using Oil. We need Alternatives. So we stop using Oil, we can start using Alternatives sooner. IF no one can get around, heat their homes, and well, do much of anything, then they will be forced to find another way fast. {Sigh}I warned you that this is NOT just about BP or this accident.
These insane people, whom lack the ability to reason, are of course using this accident in the Gulf to further SELL this Dream to the ignorant populace. You know, those who ALSO do not have the ability to apply logic, or reason.
The problem is the word "AND." I also have a problem with the word "Bipartisan" also. RINOs do not make things "Bipartisan." It just gives the Left cover to do whatever they want. But it is the word "and" that you need to pay attention to here. It is the "Bipartisan" National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, stop, "and" Offshore Drilling.I wrapped it up with this.
But this is who they are. Obama's Chief of Staff did say “never let a good disaster go to waste”. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing he was talking about. Do not get lulled into the Dream. Deal with reality. This is a bad accident. True. One in DECADES of Drilling. Two. There is NO UTOPIA where Cows do not fart, people do not breath, and the World runs on Wind and Sunshine. There are NO Alternatives to switch TO! Will increasing Energy Costs speed up the reality of Alternatives? I'll answer THAT tomorrow. Do the Math. See you then.OK so let's do some Math. You know, the real world vs the DREAM that is "Green." Obama and Crew, the Enviokooks, and those that have been lulled to sleep, want you to believe that higher energy prices will "encourage" us to find Alternatives faster,. They want you to think that sticking it to the big bad oil Companies, that they will speed up the process of us going "Green" and save the Planet. Problem is, this is NOT reality.
The truth is, no matter how aggressive the estimate, we are somewhere between 15 to 20 years from having ANYTHING that, IF found to work, will be produced on a mass scale that is viable to ALL. We do not even have anything that has been proven to be a POSSIBLE viable alternative. Both Wind and Solar have consistency issues, affordability issues, and have NEVER even been tried on a large scale. Anything else out there is in the conception stage at best. People are "thinking" about it. Talking about the "What ifs." THERE IS NOTHING OUT THERE. Meanwhile, the world runs on Oil.
Some want us to stop ALL exploration and drilling NOW. This deep horizon accident plays right into their agenda. The have forgotten the HUMAN element, you know, the eleven HUMANS that lost their lives, to further their insane agenda of a Green Dream. But as with nearly ANY Liberal Loon Dream, the reality begs to differ.
We learned the last time, that $4.00 a gallon was pretty much the tipping point. THAT will be CHEAP if Obama and the Loons get their way. But for easy understanding and discussion sake, let's just say gas goes up to $5.00 a gallon. After Obama and the Loon impose Cap and Tax, new regulations to "Prevent this from ever happening again," which we all know is complete BS, and perhaps even Government take over of some of the Oil Companies. Trust me, $5.00 a gallon is a LOW estimate.
OK. You make say $50,000 a year. I know, I know, many make less. Then imagine what THEY will be dealing with. You see, the price at the pump is commensurate. It doesn't matter if you make $20 K or a Million. So lets go with $50,000.
You make $50,000. Lets say you pay 30 percent in tax. Now you BRING HOME, which we all know is the only thing that really matters in the REAL world, $35,000. Lets say you travel about 20 minutes each way to work. You fill up twice a week, lets just use a 10 gallon tank for example. At $5.00 a gallon, that's $50 bucks, times 2, $100 a week, 52 weeks a year? Yup. $5200 a year. Now you are at $29,800. That is just to go to work. Now add in there that "necessarily Skyrocketed" electric bill for your home? You pay $150 now? The estimate is 37 percent, so now you pay $205.50 times 12? $2,466 You now have $27,334. How much is your rent or mortgage? Phone? TV? Computer? Water? Do you own a Car payment? Insurance? Have any debt obligations?
Now these are REALLY conservative numbers. Easy Math for understanding. When is the last time you saw a ten gallon gas tank? Point is, your average everyday working stiff can not afford $4.00 a gallon let alone anything more than that. Then of course add in the INCREASED cost of EVERYTHING. Remember when we WERE at $4.00? EVERYTHING in the stores HAVE to go up due to transportation costs. Now imagine this the norm? For something like the next 15 to 20 years?
The Green Dream is nothing like the Nightmare of reality. Then if you add in the "value-added tax?" Some are still talking about that. Folks, Obama and those in Congress do not give a rat's, uh, tail, about the price at the pump. One, most of them are Millionaires. Two, they do not pay for their gas. YOU do. They do not care what it costs. It doesn't effect them. It DOES effect you. But they do not care. After all, we have to save the Planet. Right?
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