Hey folks,

States have been doing this for years. But NOW? Now it is becoming a problem, because more and more are starting to stand up and say to Obama, "No." Prop 8 in California, various other States with similar Laws on Gay Marriage. All those Lawsuits in effect right now over Obamacare. Talks of ignoring ANYTHING to do with Cap and Tax. Of course, Arizona's new Illegal Immigration crack down, and now we have the Oklahoma Senate overriding Abortion Restriction Vetoes. This is sure to become a National Battle as well.
So what is happening? States are getting tired of the Federal Government either FAILING to enforce the FEDERAL Law, or they are getting tire of the Federal Government coming into their States and DICTATING to them what they can and can't do. They are standing up for their RIGHTS. It is a GREAT thing to see.

{Laughing} No. Not even the Obama State Run Media can make sense reporting this. "New Arizona Law Makes It Illegal to be in Arizona Illegally." What? If you are Illegal, you are already Illegal. Incredible. But I love this. From AOL NEWS - McCains Have Mixed Feelings About Ariz. Immigration Law

You see. The Obama Regime doesn't enforce the Law. The State DOES. Now some want the Feral Government to come in and override. In essence, force the STATE to NOT enforce the Law. {Sigh} But here is what I love. Is John McCain NOT the Senator?
"That's a state decision. I have not had a chance to take a look, but the fact is, the state is acting because the federal government hasn't," he said. But McCain also acknowledged that he wasn't sure "whether all of it is legal or not," Politico's Ben Smith noted.

"But I also understand why this law came into existence in the first place," the senator's daughter said. She cited "the continued failure of the federal government to secure Arizona's borders" as well increased violence -- especially last month's killing of prominent Arizona rancher Robert Krentz, who was allegedly shot by an illegal immigrant.
70 percent of Arizonians are FOR this new Law. It does not violate ANYTHING. If you get pulled over by a Police Officer, what is the first thing they ask you for? Your Licence. They want to know who you are, where you live, and if you have the right to be here. Try to say no. See what happens to you. "Yeah well Pete, if you were speeding or violating the Law, of course the Police have the Right to ask who you are." HELLO? They are breaking the Law by just being here. I'll have more on this coming up in a few days. I want to answer a question I got, but just do not have time today.
Then you have this. Abortion. The Abortion issue has always been a big deal. Many States have place restrictions on their own Abortion policies. Many of which, the Residents of the States have V

The Oklahoma Senate has voted to override Gov. Brad Henry's vetoes of two abortion bills, meaning the bills become law without his signature.
The Republican-controlled Senate voted Tuesday to override the vetoes, a day after the House had done the same.
One of the bills requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. The other prohibits pregnant women from seeking damages if physicians withhold information or provide inaccurate information about their pregnancy.
In other words, if you go to the Doctor, he tells you, you are Pregnant, yet does not tell you where to go and how to get an Abortion, you can't SUE him. The Federal Government wants to FORCE Doctors, regardless of what the Doctor wants, to tell women where and how to kill their kids. Oklahoma said screw you.
Like I said folks, there is a movement afoot. There is a feeling in the air. There is FINALLY, a feeling in this Country that the Federal Government is over stepping their authority and going WAY to far, to fast, down the Socialism Road. The States are starting to stand up and say enough is enough. There is a Conservatism uprising out there. Morals, Values, and Faith are making a comeback. Sanity and Logic are starting to be on display over Insanity and this quest for tyranny. The States have quite the battle on their hands. I hope their are ready for it. Gov. Christie is fixing NJ. Making the hard choices we will soon all have to make to fix this absolute ignorant mess that Obama and Crew have put us in. There are a record number of Conservatives coming out saying that they will run this year. The Democrats, no, the Liberal Loon Democrats, KNOW they are on their way out. BIG. But it is up to you out there. November 2010 is one of the most important Elections you will EVER take part in. Do it. Vote these Socialist Dictator Wannabes out, before it is to late to do it. Take a lesson from the States. Stand up, and say, enough is enough.
AOL NEWS - McCains Have Mixed Feelings About Ariz. Immigration Law
Newsmax.com - Okla. Senate Overrides Abortion Restriction Vetoes
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