"What's with the new format? I do not dislike it. It does make it easier to distinguish between you and the article you are commenting about. Is that the reason?"Hey folks,

Another question I get often is why do I mindlessly follow Rush, Hannity, and others. They attempt to use similarities in what we are saying to attempt to prove a point. "You both said Obama is a Socialist." Etc.
Well, the truth is the truth. If me and you are talking to two completely different groups of people at two completely different times, and we repeat a TRUTH, we are going to say the same thing In other words, talking about the elections, Obama wins the Presidency. You say "Obama wins the Presidency." Does that mean you are copying me? No. Does that me we are in some kind of cahoots? No. It means we are both stating truth.
This is VASTLY different from all the examples I have given you in the past about the Mainstream Media Drones. "Towel Snapping." One of my all time favorites “political jujitsu.” These are just two examples of the mindless, script repeating, reporting that we have come to love from the MMD. These are not truths, nor facts. They are meant to sway opinion. They pass this garbage off as reporting News. Yet that is the farthest thing from the truth that they are doing.
OK. Coming right up today?
Pelosi Orders Catholic Church To Preach Amnesty
Scientology Religion or Cult
Don't Swallow the Skin Lotion
DLA For Sunday 051610
IWA For Sunday 051610
I said I love him. I really do. We need MORE Chris Christies Nation Wide.
Straight forward. Easy to understand. A set that hasn't been seen in Politics in a LONG time. Not to mention what he is doing is actually starting to work. Why do you think California, Texas, and even some in NY are talking about looking into some of his plans for THEIR States. I know, I know, New York? I doubt that one also. But he IS given a CLEAR example of the difference between Liberal Loon Policies, vs Conservatism. Add that together with his personality, he is really fun to watch. Be right back.
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