Hey folks

What did we get? The REAL Obama. Trillions of dollars thrown away. Historic Debt. Nothing solved. Banks still paying huge Bonuses, no one can get loans. Companies going out of business. Historic Unemployment. Historic Home Foreclosures. Gitmo still open. The World laughing at us. Iran, North Korea, even China and Russia ramping up against us. No one cares what the US thinks or says. A President that really doesn't care about ANY of that, with the exception of amassing more and more power and control over his own country. The REALITY of Obama is VASTLY different from the Dream. Even his signature Utopia of universal Healthcare may never see the light of day, even though it has been Voted into Law. Well, he is still Black.
So what do we have NOW? The DREAM that is Alternative Energy. A "Greener Planet" that will be a Utopia. No Oil. Just Wind, uh, I mean Solar,,Uh, no wait, Uh, I mean Electric, no, uh, PEANUT BUTTER!!!! Oh never mind. Just trust us. We need to stop using Oil. We need Alternatives. So we stop using Oil, we can start using Alternatives sooner. IF no one can get around, heat their homes, and well, do much of anything, then they will be forced to find another way fast. {Sigh}
These insane people, whom lack the ability to reason, are of course using this accident in the Gulf to further SELL this Dream to the ignorant populace. You know, those who ALSO do not have the ability to apply logic, or reason.
Yes folks, Obama has signed an Executive Order, like the one to close Gitmo, Bring the Troops Home, uh, you know, with a stroke of a Pen, Obama Forms the "Bipartisan" National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling.
"What's wrong with that? BP is most likely at fault here. They may not be doing all they can to stop this and clean it up. What wrong with the Government overseeing this? This is a DISASTER!!!!" Right?
The problem is the word "AND." I also have a problem with the word "Bipartisan" also. RINOs do not make things "Bipartisan." It just gives the Left cover to do whatever they want. But it is the word "and" that you need to pay attention to here. It is the "Bipartisan" National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, stop, "and" Offshore Drilling. From the White House Briefing Room.
OK Lets look at this.President Obama Establishes Bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling Names Former Two-Term Florida Governor and Former Senator Bob Graham and Former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency William K. Reilly as Commission Co-Chairs
WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama announced that he has signed an executive order establishing the bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling with former two-term Florida Governor and former Senator Bob Graham and former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency William K. Reilly serving as co-chairs.
The bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling is tasked with providing recommendations on how we can prevent – and mitigate the impact of – any future spills that result from offshore drilling.
•The commission will be focused on the necessary environmental and safety precautions we must build into our regulatory framework in order to ensure an accident like this never happens again, taking into account the other investigations concerning the causes of the spill.
•The commission will have bipartisan co-chairs with a total membership of seven people. Membership will include broad and diverse representation of individuals with relevant expertise. No sitting government employees or elected officials will sit on the commission.
•The Commission’s work will be transparent and subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The Commission will issue a report within six months of having been convened.President Obama named the following individuals as Co-Chairs of National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling:
Senator Bob Graham is the former two–term governor of Florida and served for 18 years in the United States Senate. Senator Graham is recognized for his leadership on issues ranging from healthcare and environmental preservation to his ten years of service on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence — including eighteen months as chairman in 2001–2002. After retiring from public life in January 2005, Senator Graham served for a year as a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. From May 2008 to February 2010, he served as Chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism whose mandate was to build on the work of the 9/11 Commission. Senator Graham was also appointed to serve as a Commissioner on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, established by Congress to examine the global and domestic causes of the recent financial crisis. The Commission will provide its findings and conclusions in a final report due to Congress on December 15, 2010. He also serves as a member of the CIA External Advisory Board and the chair of the Board of Overseers of the Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida. Senator Graham has been recognized by national and Florida organizations for his public service including The Woodrow Wilson Institute award for Public Service, The National Park Trust Public Service award and The Everglades Coalition Hall of Fame. Senator Graham earned a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Florida and an LLB from Harvard Law School. He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate of public service from his alma mater, the University of Florida, and honorary doctorates from Pomona College and Nova Southeastern University.
William K. Reilly is a Founding Partner of Aqua International Partners, LP, a private equity fund dedicated to investing in companies engaged in water and renewable energy, and a Senior Advisor to TPG Capital, LP, an international investment partnership. Mr. Reilly served as the first Payne Visiting Professor at Stanford University (1993-1994), Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1989-1993), president of the World Wildlife Fund (1985-1989), president of The Conservation Foundation (1973-1989), and director of the Rockefeller Task Force on Land Use and Urban Growth from (1972-1973). He also served as the head of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Earth Summit at Rio in 1992. Mr. Reilly is Chairman Emeritus of the Board of the World Wildlife Fund, Co-Chair of the National Commission on Energy Policy, Chairman of the Board of the ClimateWorks Foundation, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, and a Director of the Packard Foundation and the National Geographic Society and a member of Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force. He also serves on the Board of Directors of DuPont, ConocoPhillips, Royal Caribbean International and Energy Future Holdings, for which he serves as Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Advisory Board. In 2007 Mr. Reilly was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds a B.A. degree from Yale, J.D. from Harvard and M.S. in Urban Planning from Columbia University.
•The commission will be focused on the necessary environmental and safety precautions we must build into our regulatory framework in order to ensure an accident like this never happens again, taking into account the other investigations concerning the causes of the spill.There is NO ONE on the face of the Planet that can "ensure an accident like this never happens again" No one. Look at the history. Decades of drilling. Countless hurricanes and other situations. NOTHING like this has ever happened before. Yet it DID. Do we need to learn from it? Of course. Will we? Of course. We should learn why this happened, and better yet, how to clean up from something like this if it ever DOES happen again. But to SAY that this commission will "ensure an accident like this never happens again" is just patiently absurd.
•The commission will have bipartisan co-chairs with a total membership of seven people. Membership will include broad and diverse representation of individuals with relevant expertise. No sitting government employees or elected officials will sit on the commission.You see, the Government will not control it. it is Independent. You and I both know that is a bunch of bunk. Of course the Government will control it. Who do you think is PAYING these people? Well, you are. But you get the point.
•The Commission’s work will be transparent and subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The Commission will issue a report within six months of having been convened.{Laughing} Yeah like THIS Congress and THIS Administration? Please. Not only do I have a Bridge to sell you, I have a very nice piece of Swap Land right next to it.
Folks, this Administration does not care about your energy needs. Remember, it was people like Hillary who said that they wanted to take Big Oil Profits for their own personal agendas. She actually ALSO said that some of the proposed changes would be made through Executive Order and others through Legislation. It was people like Senator Maxine Waters who said she wanted to Socialize the Oil Companies. It was Obama himself that said he would bankrupt the Coal Industry and that he wanted to "Spread the Wealth around." How's that working out for ya?
This accident is a DREAM come true for the Loony Left. The Enviokooks. It really is. They see it as an excuse to do what they have wanted to do the whole time. You even have the MMD CALLING for the Government to Socialize the Oil Companies. Chris Matthews just said that he thinks Obama should "Nationalize that Industry and get the job done." Idiot.
But this is who they are. Obama's Chief of Staff did say “never let a good disaster go to waste”. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing he was talking about. Do not get lulled into the Dream. Deal with reality. This is a bad accident. True. One in DECADES of Drilling. Two. There is NO UTOPIA where Cows do not fart, people do not breath, and the World runs on Wind and Sunshine. There are NO Alternatives to switch TO! Will increasing Energy Costs speed up the reality of Alternatives? I'll answer THAT tomorrow. Do the Math. See you then.
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