Hey folks,
I'm sorry, but this is just patently absurd to me. Sad, horrifying, and something NEEDS to be done. Look at this sweet little girl.

Why are we now in mourning over this little girl? Why did I have to wish HER God speed with Gary Coleman? Well, according to her Parents, it was because she was bullied. Yes folks. They blame the other kids. Just wait, they will try to sue the School. Maybe it's just society itself. I have a question. WHAT ABOUT THEM?!?! When are they going to start blaming who is REALLY at fault here. THEM!
According to the Palm Beach Post - Family blames 11-year-old girl's suicide on cruel kids
Eleven-year-old Celina Okwuone kissed her parents good night last week and then hanged herself in her bedroom closet, driven to despair by the cruelty of her fifth-grade classmates, her family said Thursday.OK. First thing, she is ELEVEN. Second, and the first question I would ask if I was a Detective investigating this, "Why"? I'm not kidding. I put Josh to sleep at night, once in a blue moon, I MAY peek in on him. Most of the time, I see him again when he gets up in the morning. So WHY at 11:30 pm, did they find it necessary to "force themselves into her room?" What was the reason they wanted to see her AFTER she kissed them and went to sleep?
By the time her parents forced their way into her room, at about 11:30 p.m. on May 20, it was too late. The bright little girl who liked bubbly pop songs, serial novels and TV musicals dangled lifelessly from a belt tied to a metal shelf.
She left behind a series of dark and disturbing diary entries and, on her cellphone, a string of text messages from children who jeered at her weight or her taste in music or labeled her "ugly," "blacky" or "b----."The Parents never checked that? They must have known about the Diary. They never read it? Why?
Dr. Celestine Okwuone, a physician with staff privileges at Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute, and his wife, Ileana, described their daughter as a sensitive and vibrant child who wanted nothing more than to fit in.What did they teach her about self esteem? Why, did she feel the need to fit in so desperately bad that it cause her unimaginable pain and suffering that she felt the only way out was through Suicide? Where is the foundation that these Parents laid for her? She was ELEVEN YEARS OLD!!
Instead, the parents said in a statement Thursday, Celina endured the ridicule and scorn of other students at St. Anastasia Catholic School in Fort Pierce until it became too much for her.Kids being kids. We all go through these types of things in school.
The statement was circulated just after Port St. Lucie police announced that bullying, as defined by Florida statutes, played no part in the girl's death. Florida law defines bullying as "systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students."OK, so what DID?
"We know that harm was done, whether it can be proven in a court of law or not," the parents said. "We called our daughter Celina our supernova, our shining star. She was vibrant and active and so wanting to be liked."Just trying to pass the blame here. They did not know anything THIS drastic was wrong with THEIR Child? Were they too busy to deal with it? WHY, did THEY allow this to get to this point. WHERE were THEY?
Flipping through Celina's diary, detectives found a sketch of a hanged figure visited by the Grim Reaper and a poem Celina wrote about ending her life, police spokesman Tom Nichols said. Heaven, one entry suggested, would be a better place for her than Earth.The Parents would have seen all this, had they cared to snoop. Nothing wrong with Snooping in an ELEVEN YEAR OLD'S Diary. Did the Friends say anything? To whom? WHERE WERE THE PARENTS?!?!
Celina also told at least two friends of a desire to hang herself, Nichols said. But after reading her diary and the text messages and interviewing her family, friends, neighbors, teachers and fellow students, investigators concluded that no laws were broken.
"A thorough investigation did not indicate any evidence of bullying," said Nichols, who described the text messages as "cruel" but not criminal.
Celina's parents said they were "disturbed by the police department's findings," adding that the suicide might have been prevented.It's getting difficult for me to finish this thing. I want both these Parents brought up on charges for neglect. To say the least. Yes. This may have been prevented. Not by the Police, not by the school, but by YOU! The PARENTS.
"What happened last Thursday in school, and then that night over the phone, with text messages, and online - also what led up to that night over the past two years was nothing short of bullying," they said, noting they had brought concerns repeatedly to Celina's teachers and principal. "Nothing can ever bring our daughter back, but we can make changes. Parents need to speak up, not fear that talking will make it worse."Again folks. at 9, she had Internet Access, a Cell Phone, and most likely none of the was monitored by the Parents. Two years? They knew about this for two years? Why not, if it were REAL, move. Why not change her school? If it was so egregious, then THEY should have done more than just complain. Two years? Then this should have NOT surprised them. Right. THEY allowed this to go on for two years. THEY are to blame.
But no. Of course they want to sue the School. They want someone to paid for THEIR neglect.
In a statement issued last week on St. Anastasia's behalf, the Diocese of Palm Beach said the school was mourning for Celina. "We ask for continued prayers for the student's family as well as the entire community during this difficult time of loss," the statement said.Alright, I feel sick to my stomach now. If anything happen to Josh to drive him to the point of Suicide, the very FIRST person I would blame is ME. I AM the Parent. He IS MY Child and MY responsibility. Not the Police. Not the School system. Not OTHER Parents of OTHER kids. ME and Josh. These Parents looking to blame everyone else is just absurd. Suing the School, blaming the Police, and taking in their 15 minutes of Fame over the loss of this Sweet Little Girl is sickening to me. Time for someone to truly start asking "Why?".
Celina's parents called on the school to "take a more active approach to bad behavior" before describing their life as a "living hell."
"We love you," the parents said. "We will miss you forever until our hearts no longer beat. Please, God, let no other child suffer like our little girl."
Palm Beach Post - Family blames 11-year-old girl's suicide on cruel kids
I can't believe how incredibly judgemental the person who wrote this is. You know very little about the facts, just what you read in the papers. My children go to St Anastasia School and there have been huge problems with bullying for years. People have taken their kids out of the school because of this. Last year, a group of parents who were so fed up with the administrations lack of action, went to Fr. George who is the pastor of St Anasatasia Church to complain. I am sure the parents are blaming themselves but I also know that the school has a responsibility to create a safe environment. MANY parents have had the same experience that the Okwuones have had in that they have gone to the school many times about this and the school has done nothing.
I wonder, dear writer, about your motivations in writing this. Either you are an employee of the school (trust me, they are covering up more dirt than a government agency) or an insensitive and judgemental person. Yes, the parents have some repsonibility and maybe even a bigger portion to know everything going on in their daughter's life, but the school has some responsibilty too, especially when so many have complained of this before. Many parents at St A's believe something like this was bound to happen. We saw it coming, there were warning signs everywhere in that bullying was on the rise there.
Hey Anonymous,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you stopped by. Yeah, I'm getting it from a few about how "insensitive" I am about this. Well, I will address this tomorrow as a main "Daily Article."
See you then.
P.S. No, I do not work for the School.
WTF is your problem????????? If your child committed suicide would you ever want someone talking about it in their little blog saying how it was your fault? That's just wrong and cruel and I hope you are ashamed of yourself. You ar judgemental and come to the wrong conclusions based on news stories? Do you seriously have no life that you have to pick apart every detail about the poor girl's suicide and turn it around and blame it on the parents? You are a cruel human being.... And I can barely call you human. I am not an insider to the story or know anything about the family... But reading your blog really pisses me off how cruel someone can be..... Burn in hell
Hey Anonymous,
Welcome or welcome back to the OPNTalk Blog.
WTF is your problem?????????
The Parents attempting to pass the buck. Some people are so blind with "Compassion" that they will completely miss the REASON this little Girl, at 11, felt life was no longer worth living.
If your child committed suicide would you ever want someone talking about it in their little blog saying how it was your fault?
It would be my fault. As for people talking about it. Free Country. I would hope people talk about it in the hopes it may help someone in the future.
That's just wrong and cruel and I hope you are ashamed of yourself.
It's not wrong and cruel to either discuss facts or place the Blame where it belongs. And, no. Not at all.
You ar judgemental and come to the wrong conclusions based on news stories?
Do you have an more FACTS to add?
Do you seriously have no life that you have to pick apart every detail about the poor girl's suicide and turn it around and blame it on the parents?
They hold the Lion's Share of the blame. Again, just stating facts. It is not the Schools job, the Police, the Neighborhood's, Nanny's, Day Care's, TV, Computer's JOB to raise YOUR Kid. It is YOURS. Plain and simple.
You are a cruel human being.... And I can barely call you human. I am not an insider to the story or know anything about the family... But reading your blog really pisses me off how cruel someone can be.....
Sorry truth bothers you so.
Burn in hell
Nah, {Smile} I have other plans. But thanks for stopping by. Stop by again and often. You never know what you may see here.
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