Hey folks,

Monday was also the day that the Senate was suppose to come out and announce Cap and Tax. That didn't happen either. Why? Amnesty. That's right, Amnesty. They have been Governing AGAINST the Will of the People. Even some of their own are now done with them. Obamacare was Political Suicide. They know this. Cap and Tax, the "Financial Overhaul," AKA Socialising the Private Industry, are as well. The People are not happy. They need NEW People. So in the back, smoke filled rooms, while all this is going on upfront and personal, Amnesty looms.
Well, that doesn't sit well with some. According to The UK Guardian, Sunday, Immigration row delays unveiling of US energy reform bill Republican senator Lindsey Graham accuses Obama administration of 'cynical ploy' for Latino votes

The high visibility roll-out tomorrow of proposed climate change legislation for America collapsed at the weekend after a Republican co-author threatened to withdraw his support for the bill in a row over immigration.
Democrats were forced to postpone the much-hyped unveiling, putting a core Obama mission in jeopardy and further complicating international efforts to reach a deal on global warming.
The Regime's Mission failed. THAT is always a good thing.
Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and one of three senators behind the proposals, accused the White House and the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, of trying to leapfrog immigration reform ahead of energy, in a "cynical ploy" to win Latino voters in the run-up November's congressional elections.
"Unless their plan substantially changes this weekend, I will be unable to move forward on energy independence legislation at this time," Graham wrote in a letter to business, environmental, military and religious leaders.
Folks, this is NOT "Energy Independence" Legislation. This is Energy hindrance, skyrocketing energy cost, and JOB KILLING Legislation. This, and the rest of the Obama agenda will destroy the already weakened Economy. Remember a while back I said I was not ready to say, as some are, that Obama is PURPOSEFULLY killing the Economy? I am now. That is the only explanation that makes any sense whatsoever. The Economy is destroyed. The Free Market gone. EVERYONE has to rely on Government to survive. That makes sense. That is the only thing that does. They can not be THIS stupid, to be doing all this without thought of long term consequences.
So why the sudden push for Amnesty?
Immigration forced its way higher on to Obama's agenda last week when Arizona signed into a law a hardline crackdown, and Latino leaders said they would urge voters to stay at home in next November's congressional elections.
It's all about Votes. Forget that 70% of Arizona Voters FAVOR the new State measure cracking down On Illegal Immigration. It is PURELY Political. They do NOT care about Immigrants. They care only about their Votes. It really is just that simple. Just like they do not care about YOU.
The fact remains, instead of using our own resources, that EVERYONE knows we should, we are going to INCREASE our already heavy dependence on foreign Governments for our Energy. Even Obama said he was not against Drilling. He said so anyway, until he won the Election. Now, in the name of more power and control over the Private Sector, and YOUR Personal and Private Life, the Obama Regime is now saying that they want to hinder the Energy Companies. Reduce our Energy usage from Oil and Natural Gas, so that it will speed up Alternative Energy Usage. Yet, as we already talked about here plenty of times, THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES.
The RIGHT thing to do, is drill here, drill now, so we can all pay LESS. We can use our own resources and take MAJOR steps toward Energy Independence in about a year and a half to two years, WHILE attempting to find, perfect, and make AFFORDABLE to all, Alternative Energy. But to give up what the world runs on, for something that just doesn't exist, is completely idiotic to say the least. That would be like you saying, "OK. I hate my Job. I want to find a new one. So I quit!" Instead of going out there and FINDING a new one, BEFORE you quit. See which one works better?
So Amnesty and Insanity, are hindering the Liberal Loon Agenda. THAT IS A GOOD THING. Yet, it will not stave it off for long. As we saw with Obamacare. The only way to stop this quest for Tyranny, is a Regime Change. It is up to YOU in November to Vote these people out and lets look for TRUE hope and change. I hope we can bring about a Change in Government that will bring SANITY and the Will of the People BACK to Government.
The UK Guardian - Immigration row delays unveiling of US energy reform bill
Rasmussen Reports - 70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration
The Washington Post - Talks continue as GOP senators block advance of financial overhaul bill
If 99% of the people were in favor of lynching negros would you hype that? Arizona's new law is, simply, STUPID. Making US citizens prove they are citizens????? Wow. Backwards. Obviously this law will never see the light of day. Not only is it unconstitutional but AZ will suffer an immense financial disaster. Those GOPers keep amazing me.
Hey Peter,
Now you see, the Race Card. To bad that is sad. You are smarter than that.
First, 99 percent of the People NEVER were in favor of lynching. Never of course would be today.
Second, The law makes the Cops ENFORCE the LAW. If you get pulled over, the Cop is going to ask you to prove who YOU are. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. The Police will not be forcing Citizens to prove that they are, but Illegals to admit they aren't.
The Law is in the light of day. Arizona has already seen MASS new Employment of it's CITIZENS when some Illegals have been fired. Amazing. They will also see a SPIKE in Revenue, because, like it or not, MOST favor Illegal Alien Crackdown. Sorry Pete. Come here Legally, we welcome you. Come here ILLEAGALLY, we don't. Why is that so hard to grasp? More on this coming up, along with me answering another question that I have been asked.
This will be my last entry on your blog. I will no longer engage in such malarchy. You referred to the race card. I will share quite a bit of personal history with you and your reader(s). I'll preface this story with this simple fact: My mom, biological dad, and I are white. My parents divorced when I was 3. My mom remarried when I was 5. 1972. She married a black man. Interracial marriages were illegal in most southern states then but luckily (I guess) we lived in Chicago. Chicago – next to Boston – is probably the most racist city in the country. Growing up I experienced some amazing examples of racism. I won't get into too many details here; cops making us stand on the side of the road while they searched just my step-dad, restaurants refusing to serve us, “nigger go home” spray-painted on the garage door. And yes, this was in the north. My mom and step-dad were blessed with a son. They named him Jamaal – after the great Lakers' forward. He's gotten to spend whole nights in jail because of his color and name. Never been charged with anything. Pulled over countless times because he was in an affluent Chicago suburb visiting his parents looking like he “didn't belong here.” Hassled by white people with a badge and a gun for no reason other than the color of his skin. And this was in the aughts. Not the 60's. Try flying with the name Jamaal. It's not fun.
Some people think the phrase “social injustice” is a code phrase. My definition of social injustice is the ability and willingness of the authority to coerce the citizenry. And that's exactly what will happen in Arizona. I've seen social injustice first hand. I feel my experiences as a white person being discriminated against because of the color of my skin because of the color of my step-dad's skin qualifies me in ways most white people cannot possibly comprehend. My “race card” is experienced-based. Your race card is based on the bullet point. Clueless.
So, in closing, your inability to walk in someone else's shoes, to even acknowledge the existence of human caused destruction (climate change – another first hand experience I can directly speak to) or policy based on hatred (AZ law) is just too (and it's TOO, not TO) draining. My “race card” comes from my own experience, but also from my ability to put myself in another's position. Your blathering lunacy comes from somewhere, too. A dark, desperate place. I hope someday you can find the light. Peace be with you.
Now, tying all this into what just went down in Arizona. While I 100% agree something has to be done about illegal immigration, AZ's “solution” is simply not the answer. A cop cannot have the authority to even begin to think that someone “appears to be an ILLEGAL immigrant”. That is just perpetuating racism. Stop it. The police will not pull you over just because you have a tail light out then ask who you are, they will now pull you over because you “appear to be and an illegal immigrant”. Just like the cops never pulled my brother over because he did something wrong. They just flicked on their lights because he looked like “he didn't belong here.” The feds have to do something about this (immigration). One (maybe the only) thing I really agreed with Bush on was his amnesty plan. At least it started things in motion – in the right direction. But the GOP-led congress put an end to that. Not once, but twice.
To your silliness about ending illegal immigration would create revenue for AZ. Illegals buy stuff, pay state, county and city taxes on that stuff. Who do you think is going to change the sheets at the convention halls, or scrub the pots at the restaurants, or pick all those veggies (Cali). White college kids? Hahahaha. Ask what happened to the convention industry when AZ refused to adopt MLK Jr. day. This law will be a financial nightmare for AZ. It's a RACIST policy. And the cops DON'T like it. Ask ANY sheriff besides Arpaio what they think of it. Most are telling their troops not to even enforce the new law.
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