Do not tell me this Country is Liberal
Hey folks,
We are seeing a trend now. We already know that Conservatism is on the rise all throughout the WORLD. Not just here, but in many places around the Globe. Many have picked up on this. Some have even found that you do not have to have an R after your name to win. All you have to do is actually possess the ability to think. Denounce, and reject insanity, and actually run AGAINST Obama and Crew.
Now I know that the MMD {Mainstream Media Drones} simply report whatever they are told to. The Lib Loons in power right now, want you to believe that Pennsylvania 12 is a sign that Republicans do not stand a chance. You know, maybe I shouldn't. Seriously. Maybe I just should leave well enough alone. Let them think whatever they want. Maybe I really shouldn't explain what is really happening. I do have a warning though. So of course I will.
OK. You ready? It is not now, nor has it been, Republicans vs Democrats. That is NOT what the Tea Parties are all about. This is NOT what the anger in this country is all about. It never has been Right vs Left. It IS Right vs WRONG. It is Freedom and Sanity vs Socialism and insane out of control spending. The Republicans are in a great position to reap the benefits, but it is NOT about the Republican Party.
Democrat Mark Critz won Pennsylvania District 12 because he came out and sounded Conservative. He railed against Obamacare. He was easily Elected to the House. This is no surprise. In a District that IS Democrat, and a BIG Union core, a Democrat had the advantage and the fact he sounded more like Rush Limbaugh than Obama is what put him over the top.
The Washington Times had a great piece on this. Anti-Obama tack buoys some Democrats By Sean Lengell
Those that DID tout Obama's agenda?
A couple of BIG problems with that. In the past, that would work. But now? With the New Media? We will not LET you forget. We will continue to remind you of the TRUTH. We will keep the fire going. Talk Radio. The Bloggers. Conservative News sources. We THE PEOPLE, will keep the PEOPLE informed. In November, YOU decide.
Here is my warning. These People are learning that Conservatism is on the Rise. They are learning that if they SOUND Conservative, they can win. Keep this in mind when going to the Polls. Keep people like McCain and Crist in the back of your mind. Evan if they SOUND Conservative, especially if they are Democrat, do some research. Find out what they HAVE done in the past. Rely on that more than what they CLAIM they will do in the future. Let their past Voting Record, and accomplishments speak for themselves. If they SAY they are Pro-Life, yet Voted Pro-Choice every time, you get the point.
I personally do not care if you have a R or a D after your name, as long as you have C running through your veins. But I will NOT tolerate RINOS and or FAKERS. Either you are a Conservative, or you are not. If you are, keep this in mind. Conservatives are Winning in record numbers, in record places. But you better Walk the Walk, not just talk the talk.
Hey folks,

Now I know that the MMD {Mainstream Media Drones} simply report whatever they are told to. The Lib Loons in power right now, want you to believe that Pennsylvania 12 is a sign that Republicans do not stand a chance. You know, maybe I shouldn't. Seriously. Maybe I just should leave well enough alone. Let them think whatever they want. Maybe I really shouldn't explain what is really happening. I do have a warning though. So of course I will.
OK. You ready? It is not now, nor has it been, Republicans vs Democrats. That is NOT what the Tea Parties are all about. This is NOT what the anger in this country is all about. It never has been Right vs Left. It IS Right vs WRONG. It is Freedom and Sanity vs Socialism and insane out of control spending. The Republicans are in a great position to reap the benefits, but it is NOT about the Republican Party.
Democrat Mark Critz won Pennsylvania District 12 because he came out and sounded Conservative. He railed against Obamacare. He was easily Elected to the House. This is no surprise. In a District that IS Democrat, and a BIG Union core, a Democrat had the advantage and the fact he sounded more like Rush Limbaugh than Obama is what put him over the top.
The Washington Times had a great piece on this. Anti-Obama tack buoys some Democrats By Sean Lengell
Some Democrats on the campaign trail have hit upon a winning campaign tactic: Run against President Obama and his agenda -- especially the health care overhaul.They are getting it. Obama and Crew are governing AGAINST the Will of the People. The Out of control spending, Obamcare, Government take overs. Like this Latest Power that they have given themselves to shut down Private Organizations that they Deem to risky.
Democrat Mark Critz railed against the Obama administration's health care reforms while campaigning in his western Pennsylvania district -- and was easily elected to the House.
In West Virginia, Democratic stalwart Rep. Alan B. Mollohan, who voted against an administration-backed energy bill last year, was defeated in his primary after his challenger accused him of not having enough disdain for the measure that was wildly unpopular in his home district. He also was hammered for supporting health care reform.
Rep. Joe Sestak, in Pennsylvania's Democratic Senate primary, challenged the White-House-endorsed five-term incumbent, Sen. Arlen Specter, and was rewarded with a cushy eight percentage-point win.
While other factors and issues played key roles in Democratic primaries and special elections this year, shunning -- or even rebuking -- the White House so far has helped Democrats.
But Mr. Critz hammered Mr. Obama's signature legislative victory since taking office, health care reform, tapping into some Democratic voters' distaste for the measure and blunting Republican nominee Tim Burns' ability to capitalize on an issue still roiling voters. Despite the Republican Party's early calls of stealing the long-held Democratic seat, Mr. Critz craftfully moderated his message and rode a party-affiliation advantage to victory.So this is NOT just some Kook Lib. Touting support for Obama and Crew's agenda. He sounded like a Conservative. He won. Really is that simple.
Those that DID tout Obama's agenda?
The other three losing Democratic candidates were gubernatorial hopefuls R. Creigh Deeds of Virginia and Jon Corzine of New Jersey, and Senate candidate Martha Coakley of Massachusetts. Ms. Coakley had hoped to succeed the late Edward M. Kennedy -- a longtime advocate of health care reform -- but was swamped at the height of the health care debate in the bluest of Democratic states by Republican state Sen. Scott Brown.Now what the MMD and the White House would love you to believe is that this will NOT carry through to November. They want you to forget about Obamacare. Many of the things that people oppose will not go in effect until AFTER November, so they are counting on your short term memory being, well, lacking. They want you focused on Unemployment and the Economy. They can play with those numbers all day. They have also come right out and stated that they will be running against Bush. Again. Blaming him for everything wrong with the economy, and attempting to picture Obama, and ANYONE in support of him, as White Knights riding into the rescue.
Another Obama endorsee, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, failed to secure 50 percent of the vote in Arkansas' Democratic primary Tuesday and will face Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in a runoff next month. She angered conservatives by supporting the Democrat-led health care overhaul, but frustrated liberals by opposing a government-run insurance option as part of the reform package.
In West Virginia, Mr. Mollohan, a 14-term incumbent, took heavy flak for his vote in support of health care reform.
The anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List said it spent $78,000 on TV and radio ads and telephone "robocalls" in West Virginia criticizing Mr. Mollohan for his support of the measure, which included federal funding for abortions.
"We promised Rep. Mollohan and the other 'pro-life' Democrats that we would make their re-election incredibly painful if they voted 'yes' on the health care bill," said the group's president, Marjorie Dannenfelser. "The Susan B. Anthony List followed through on that promise."
Mr. Mollohan also was attacked by his opponent, state Sen. Mike Oliverio, for not coming out more forcefully against a White House-backed climate-change bill that included a "cap and trade" emissions program that many West Virginians say would cripple the state's economically vital coal mining interests.
A couple of BIG problems with that. In the past, that would work. But now? With the New Media? We will not LET you forget. We will continue to remind you of the TRUTH. We will keep the fire going. Talk Radio. The Bloggers. Conservative News sources. We THE PEOPLE, will keep the PEOPLE informed. In November, YOU decide.
Here is my warning. These People are learning that Conservatism is on the Rise. They are learning that if they SOUND Conservative, they can win. Keep this in mind when going to the Polls. Keep people like McCain and Crist in the back of your mind. Evan if they SOUND Conservative, especially if they are Democrat, do some research. Find out what they HAVE done in the past. Rely on that more than what they CLAIM they will do in the future. Let their past Voting Record, and accomplishments speak for themselves. If they SAY they are Pro-Life, yet Voted Pro-Choice every time, you get the point.
I personally do not care if you have a R or a D after your name, as long as you have C running through your veins. But I will NOT tolerate RINOS and or FAKERS. Either you are a Conservative, or you are not. If you are, keep this in mind. Conservatives are Winning in record numbers, in record places. But you better Walk the Walk, not just talk the talk.
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