I'm not kidding.
Hey folks,
Do you remember a while back when our Congress wanted to strip Churches of their tax exempt status from talking about Politics? Oh yeah. They were in full out attack mode against Christian Churches that were talking about Abortion, Homosexuality, or anything to do with Voting against certain Candidates. Remember that?
Just some examples?
World Net Daily - Church loses tax-exempt status Organization had placed newspaper ads criticizing Bill Clinton
I forgot about that one.
Examiner - Religion and politics: Time to revoke tax-exempt status for churches and ministries? November 15, 2009
That's right folks, she just ordered the Catholic Church to Preach Amnesty.
Nancy, you twit. Your side is attempting to bar them, ANY Church, from talking politics. YOU and your ilk are looking at revoking Tax Exempt Statuses to help with the deficient. Now you are telling them that they need to push YOUR insane agenda? Seriously? What happened to the Wall?
I hope they told her to go pound sand. I hope they told her they would stay truth to the only True God. And his name AIN'T Obama. But it IS the Catholic church we are talking about.
Hey folks,

Just some examples?
In 1999, then-San Francisco Supervisor Mark Leno sought to initiate legal action to revoke the Mormon Church’s tax-exempt status because the church had encouraged its members to support Proposition 22, the 2000 initiative that defined marriage as between a man and a woman in California. The church’s position was that preservation of traditional marriage is religious issue.WAIT!! One DID lose their Tax Exemption.
In 2007, a church refused to allow a same-sex civil union ceremony in its worship facility because homosexual sex is contrary to the church’s core doctrines (see court document). The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights revoked the church’s property tax exemption with respect to that facility, even though New Jersey law expressly exempts from property tax “all buildings actually used in the work of associations and corporations organized exclusively for religious purposes, including religious worship…” (N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6).
World Net Daily - Church loses tax-exempt status Organization had placed newspaper ads criticizing Bill Clinton
I forgot about that one.
Yesterday, a federal appeals court upheld the Internal Revenue Service's decision to revoke the tax-exempt status of a church that had paid for newspaper ads against then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton in 1992.In 2009? Remember this?
The revocation is the first in the history of the IRS and serves as a warning from the federal judiciary that churches may not fund partisan activity. U.S. law granting tax-exempt status also forbids tax-exempt organizations from involvement in "any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
Examiner - Religion and politics: Time to revoke tax-exempt status for churches and ministries? November 15, 2009
The subject of tax-exempt status for churches came up again during the past election, when the controversy over President Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright, became an embarrassment for the candidate. Churches, and all not for profit groups granted 501 (c) 3 status, are not supposed to campaign, lobby, or be involved in political activities.But WAIT a second. I understand they are arguing the nonexistent "Wall" and telling a Church what it can and can not say Violates the first Amendment. Not that they care a bit about the Constitution. So if this is all true, then how do you justify THIS
There is a growing discussion on the Internet and elsewhere about revoking the tax exempt status of churches and religious organizations that engage in political activities. Examples include the recent advocacy on both sides of the Proposition 8 Gay Marriage issue, and the repeated statements of Roman Catholic bishops and pastors that candidates supporting abortion should not receive Roman Catholic votes.
That's right folks, she just ordered the Catholic Church to Preach Amnesty.
‘But I want you to speak about it from the pulpit,’” said Pelosi. “I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is -- the people, some of them, oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the Gospels.”Lets forget the stupidity part of it. "preach the gospel --sometimes use words" How else would you PREACH the Gospel? Moron. Forget that. She just told the Catholic church to become ACTIVELY Engaged in Politics. Now do not misunderstand me. I personally have no problem with a Church educating their Congregation on Right and Wrong, or where a Person stands in reference to the teachings of the Church. First Amendment. I have no problem with that at all. The Left DOES. Over and over again. Yet here is pelosi telling the Catholic Church "Those bitter clingers, those Racist hicks sitting in your Pews, they need to be told that Amnesty and accepting Illegals is a 'manifestation of our living the Gospels.'" Really? Where? I bet she has never even read the Bible. She didn't even know what to call the Congregation. "I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is -- the people" {Sigh}
“Our patron saint of San Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, he said, ‘preach the gospel --sometimes use words,’” said Pelosi. “We need the words to be said because it isn’t being picked up automatically.”
Nancy, you twit. Your side is attempting to bar them, ANY Church, from talking politics. YOU and your ilk are looking at revoking Tax Exempt Statuses to help with the deficient. Now you are telling them that they need to push YOUR insane agenda? Seriously? What happened to the Wall?
I hope they told her to go pound sand. I hope they told her they would stay truth to the only True God. And his name AIN'T Obama. But it IS the Catholic church we are talking about.
Nancy Legosi isn't even Catholic. And I still don't think she's got any sort of authority to tell the Church to do squat. But the fact that she does gives her big brass ones.
St. Francis did say "Preach the Gospel, sometimes use words" meaning the way we live often speaks much louder than what we say. Thought for Ms. Pelosi - practice what you preach!
Thank you Anonymous
Anonymous said...
St. Francis did say "Preach the Gospel, sometimes use words" meaning the way we live often speaks much louder than what we say. Thought for Ms. Pelosi - practice what you preach!
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. I agree with you Ms. Pelosi - practice what you preach!
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