Hey folks,

I know I know, the Obama State Run MMD {Mass Media Drones} were hoping the same thing. But they do not have the authority to abuse their power over legal bodies to harass innocent people just because they do not agree with him. He has not gone that far yet, but he let us know what he thinks about REAL Americans. The Federal Government TRIED to make it Illegal to be Pro-Life, against Obamacare, or Tyranny. Remember the Right Wing Extremist Report? OK. Yeah I know. But I'm really NOT talking about Obama.
This weeks winner? Mayor Blooming Idiot,, I mean, Mayor Bloomberg, New York City.
This Idiot actually BET money that this was a Tea Party Member. Not once did he put forth the possibility that it could have been another FAILED Terrorist attack. No, no, no. It must be one of those "Tea Baggers" as Obama calls them. Still not talking about Obama. Those Bitter Clingers. Again. Those Racist, Chauvinistic, homophobic, angry white guys that are Republican and Christian, and that is all the Tea Parties are made up of. {Sigh} Moron.
Even AFTER it was found to be an Islamofacist, he did NOT Apologize. He did not condemn the Muslim BOMBER. No. He issued a decree.
"I want to make clear that we will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers. All of us live in this city, and among any group there's always a few bad apples, but the people that live in the city are proud of the fact that this is the city that gives everybody from every place in the world an opportunity no matter what religion they practice, no matter where they or their parents came from"
Oh happy happy, joy joy. Kumbaya. Why not DENOUNCE those that want us DEAD you Idiot? Why not apologize for insulting AMERICANS who are using their Constitutional Rights to Protest A Socialist on a quest for Tyranny? No. You would rather pretend to be compassionate. The problem is, your compassion is misplaced. Congratulation Mayor Bloomberg, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. I have a bet for you. Many are thinking what I just said.
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