Did you hear about THIS one?
Hey folks,
In this week's health and Science segment, I have an Honest Question. You can answer here, or Email me at opntalk@gamil.com. I really am honestly asking this. Do you see this as a growing threat to the well being of our Children and Society in general? Do you see a problem with Pot itself?
I know, we have been having this argument for YEARS now. Is it as bad for you as Cigarettes? It is all natural. God put it here. Right? Is it a "gateway drug?" What if we were to legalize it? Would that reduce crime?
I have to admit that I DID try it once back when I was about 16. 15, or 16. I will also admit I DID inhale. It did nothing for me. I'm not kidding. It did absolutely NOTHING to me. I remember thinking to myself, "So what is the big deal?" Then I smoked a Menthol Cigarette. BAM!!!!!!! Knocked me out cold. Then, when I woke up in the field a little bit later, I thought to myself, "I can get the same effect by buying NyQuil. And I will not go to jail for it." So I never really got into all that. I have many friends that DID though. I still to this day know people who partake.
Now since they DO. Have for a long time, they would be a great case study. Did this lead them to other, harder drugs? Nope. Can they function daily? Yup. Do I see this equal to say Robbing a bank, committing Murder, or even stealing? No. Of course not. Do I think it is ridiculous that some people are sitting in Jail right now, sharing a cell with a Murderer, just because a Cop found a Joint in their pocket? Of course I do.
But NOW my smoking Brethren, you may have an alternative choice. Fake Pot. According to WPTV 5 - Parents need to know about fake weed
Hey folks,

I know, we have been having this argument for YEARS now. Is it as bad for you as Cigarettes? It is all natural. God put it here. Right? Is it a "gateway drug?" What if we were to legalize it? Would that reduce crime?
I have to admit that I DID try it once back when I was about 16. 15, or 16. I will also admit I DID inhale. It did nothing for me. I'm not kidding. It did absolutely NOTHING to me. I remember thinking to myself, "So what is the big deal?" Then I smoked a Menthol Cigarette. BAM!!!!!!! Knocked me out cold. Then, when I woke up in the field a little bit later, I thought to myself, "I can get the same effect by buying NyQuil. And I will not go to jail for it." So I never really got into all that. I have many friends that DID though. I still to this day know people who partake.
Now since they DO. Have for a long time, they would be a great case study. Did this lead them to other, harder drugs? Nope. Can they function daily? Yup. Do I see this equal to say Robbing a bank, committing Murder, or even stealing? No. Of course not. Do I think it is ridiculous that some people are sitting in Jail right now, sharing a cell with a Murderer, just because a Cop found a Joint in their pocket? Of course I do.

OK stop. Most say that Pot, I would assume Fake Pot also, are less additive than Cigarettes. But, of course, I could be wrong.WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - It lights up just like marijuana.
"It's going to start smelling really bad in here," said one user of the drug.
It'll even get you high.
But this herbal mixture, which some call fake pot, is perfectly legal.
"I could smoke this stuff in front of a cop and they might have something to say about it, but there is nothing they can technically do about it," said a man addicted to it, who asked to remain anonymous.
The Contact Five Investigators went undercover, in and out of local smoke shops, and not only did we find this burgeoning new drug, we're buying it. No ID check, no questions asked.The same thing they use to say about Pot.
"It's bad stuff?" substance abuse interventionist Phil Bulone was asked. "Very bad, very bad and parents need to start learning about it," he replied. "You can actually have a heart attack or a seizure."
Bulone was a narcotics cop in New York City for 15 years. He says the hot new drug of choice is taking a toll on users across South Florida. Sometimes called legal pot, spice or genie, it's known generically as K2.This is interesting.
A scientist in a lab apparently created K2 from a synthetic form of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. He did it for research purposes. His recipe leaked to the streets and is now being sprayed on potpourri and incense.Uh ha. OK? I have another question. If this has the same thing as Pot, THC, why would it NOT show up? Is it because it is a synthetic form of THC? Do not worry folks, I'm sure they are working on a way to discover usage of this New Pot as we speak.
"It's sold in little bags, it's $20-$30 a gram for it," said the K2 addict. He said while it's commonly called fake pot, the effects are very real. "Munchies, light headedness, mild hallucinations, red eyes," he said.
"It raises the blood pressure and makes you very paranoid, causes damage to the lungs," said Bulone. "So I believe this is a drug that's really going to be dangerous."
Bulone works at the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, counseling teens at the Martin, St. Lucie and Palm Beach County juvenile detention centers. "I asked them, I said 'I'm going to be interviewed by Channel 5 and I'd like to know if any of you have tried it.' After a moment or two several of them raised their hands. When I asked, 'Why are you using it?' the big factor is that's it's not detectable in a urine test."
The Contact Five Investigators set out to see how easy it is to buy K2. Undercover, inside a local smoke shop, the clerk pointed out their most popular selling version of the drug. It's called snafu. We paid $20 and walked out with our stash. No questions asked.UH, YEAH? Another excellent reason NOT to have your kid's Computer in their rooms.
At the next shop, a similar story. The brand of K2 sold there is called Black Magic Smoke. It comes in several flavors. Despite the no smoking reference on the packaging, the goodies were bagged, our cash accepted. Not even an ID check.
The Contact Five Investigators opened both packages, and just as the clerks promised, they were an herbal mixture that looks just like the K2 drug we've been warned about.
The Contact Five investigators also searched online and found this: k2cafe.org.
With the click of a mouse, the Contact Five Investigators bought the drug online, only had to sign a waiver pledging we were over 18, and would not be using it for human consumption.
"If I'm a parent and I go into my kids room and I find what I think looks like incense or potpourri, I need to be asking some questions?" the Contact Five Investigators asked Bulone.
"That's correct," he said. "If it appears to be incense or smells real sweet like crushed flowers, this could be an indication that it's K2."So there you have it folks, Fake Pot. What say you?
1 comment:
I think our government wastes too much money going after people who smoke a little weed, or alternatives like k2 incense even. It's a bit hypocritical to have tobacco and alcohol legal and not marijuana, which does have medicinal benefits.
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