I DO understand more than you know.
Hey folks,
K, we're back. Now to Pete. While talking about the Arizona Immigration reform Law, I posted several things. One of those things was the fact that 70 percent of Arizonians FAVOR the new Law to enforce the Law. This prompted Pete to post this, in the Comment Section.
Peter said...
If 99% of the people were in favor of lynching Negros would you hype that? Arizona's new law is, simply, STUPID. Making US citizens prove they are citizens????? Wow. Backwards. Obviously this law will never see the light of day. Not only is it unconstitutional but AZ will suffer an immense financial disaster. Those GOPers keep amazing me.
I responded with this.
Hey Peter,
Now you see, the Race Card. To bad that is sad. You are smarter than that.
First, 99 percent of the People NEVER were in favor of lynching. Never of course would be today.
Second, The law makes the Cops ENFORCE the LAW. If you get pulled over, the Cop is going to ask you to prove who YOU are. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. The Police will not be forcing Citizens to prove that they are, but Illegals to admit they aren't.
The Law is in the light of day. Arizona has already seen MASS new Employment of it's CITIZENS when some Illegals have been fired. Amazing. They will also see a SPIKE in Revenue, because, like it or not, MOST favor Illegal Alien Crackdown. Sorry Pete. Come here Legally, we welcome you. Come here ILLEGALLY, we don't. Why is that so hard to grasp? More on this coming up, along with me answering another question that I have been asked.
Well, it was the Race Card thing, that seems to have bothered him. He responded with this. It's a little lengthy, but well worth the read.
You referred to the race card. I will share quite a bit of personal history with you and your reader(s). I'll preface this story with this simple fact: My mom, biological dad, and I are white. My parents divorced when I was 3. My mom remarried when I was 5. 1972. She married a black man. Interracial marriages were illegal in most southern states then but luckily (I guess) we lived in Chicago. Chicago – next to Boston – is probably the most racist city in the country. Growing up I experienced some amazing examples of racism. I won't get into too many details here; cops making us stand on the side of the road while they searched just my step-dad, restaurants refusing to serve us, “nigger go home” spray-painted on the garage door. And yes, this was in the north. My mom and step-dad were blessed with a son. They named him Jamaal – after the great Lakers' forward. He's gotten to spend whole nights in jail because of his color and name. Never been charged with anything. Pulled over countless times because he was in an affluent Chicago suburb visiting his parents looking like he “didn't belong here.” Hassled by white people with a badge and a gun for no reason other than the color of his skin. And this was in the aughts. Not the 60's. Try flying with the name Jamaal. It's not fun.
Some people think the phrase “social injustice” is a code phrase. My definition of social injustice is the ability and willingness of the authority to coerce the citizenry. And that's exactly what will happen in Arizona. I've seen social injustice first hand. I feel my experiences as a white person being discriminated against because of the color of my skin because of the color of my step-dad's skin qualifies me in ways most white people cannot possibly comprehend. My “race card” is experienced-based. Your race card is based on the bullet point. Clueless.
11:12 PM
Peter said...
Now, tying all this into what just went down in Arizona. While I 100% agree something has to be done about illegal immigration, AZ's “solution” is simply not the answer. A cop cannot have the authority to even begin to think that someone “appears to be an ILLEGAL immigrant”. That is just perpetuating racism. Stop it. The police will not pull you over just because you have a tail light out then ask who you are, they will now pull you over because you “appear to be and an illegal immigrant”. Just like the cops never pulled my brother over because he did something wrong. They just flicked on their lights because he looked like “he didn't belong here.” The feds have to do something about this (immigration). One (maybe the only) thing I really agreed with Bush on was his amnesty plan. At least it started things in motion – in the right direction. But the GOP-led congress put an end to that. Not once, but twice.
To your silliness about ending illegal immigration would create revenue for AZ. Illegals buy stuff, pay state, county and city taxes on that stuff. Who do you think is going to change the sheets at the convention halls, or scrub the pots at the restaurants, or pick all those veggies (Cali). White college kids? Hahahaha. Ask what happened to the convention industry when AZ refused to adopt MLK Jr. day. This law will be a financial nightmare for AZ. It's a RACIST policy. And the cops DON'T like it. Ask ANY sheriff besides Arpaio what they think of it. Most are telling their troops not to even enforce the new law.
11:12 PM
Peter said...
So, in closing, your inability to walk in someone else's shoes, to even acknowledge the existence of human caused destruction (climate change – another first hand experience I can directly speak to) or policy based on hatred (AZ law) is just too (and it's TOO, not TO) draining. My “race card” comes from my own experience, but also from my ability to put myself in another's position. Your blathering lunacy comes from somewhere, too. A dark, desperate place. I hope someday you can find the light. Peace be with you.
OK Pete. Thanks for sharing what appears to be such a truly HEART FELT and Personal story. Now as I just posted, the Law does NOT allow any Cop to stop you because he thinks you are Illegal. It does not give the Police power to pull you over for Driving while Hispanic. That is not what this is about. But reading your story, I found we are a lot more similar than you would EVER image. So since you shared some of your OWN personal story, Allow me to share mine.
My Dad was half Native American {Black Foot Tribe} and half Polish. He left when I was Thirteen Months Old and I never knew him until I was something like 21, or 22 years old. We
lived with my Grandmother and just had a GREAT Childhood.
Back around 82 or 83, My Mother met and fell in love with Patrick. Patrick and his family are from the Seychelles Islands. A pin prick off the coast of Africa. My Uncle Manue, is a Rasta. {Rastafarian} Dreadlocks down past his knees. When most people see Manue, they immediately walk on the other side of the street of whereever we may be. Going to the Mall is fun with him. Voodoo man cometh. {Laughing}
I have been in the car when my Step dad and Uncle were pulled over for Driving while Black. I have been there to see my Uncle get arrested just because some drunk White guy got scared of him. I get it Pete.
This is why for most of my life I have been walking the walk as well as talking the talk about TRUE EQUALITY in this country. Check the Archives. Until we start treating EVERYONE Equally, we will NEVER have TRUE Equality in this country. But then again, the Racial Divide help some stay in the lime light and gives them a continuous income.
True equality means treating everyone equally. Jobs, Housing, Crime and Punishment. We can not have two sets of Laws. One for one group and one for others. We can not have one set of grades in school for one set of people and another for others. We can not have one set of requirements for one group to get a job and another for anyone else. All these things do, is further divide the Races, and BREED Racism.
We have to follow, TRULY follow, MLK's teachings. "Judge one another by the content of their Character, and NOT the color of their skin." When we have two sets of rules, laws, and policies, we accomplish NOTHING while SOUNDING like we care. If a Student needs a 80 to pass and get into a College, then ALL do. If the Job requires a certain set of requirements to be met, then the one with the MOST qualification get's it. If I rob someone, Rape, Beat, or whatever, I need to be arrested and pay for my crimes, just like anyone else that commit a similar Crime. One does not make one worse or less important based on the color of the shin of those committing crime or have become Victims of. If we expect the Police to find out who we are whenever they have to get involved, then they should find out who ALL are. If we expect all to follow the Laws of the land, then we must hold ALL accountable.
You see Pete, as I just explained in the last Post, I get it. I understand the compassion aspect of it. But we can not solve the problem by Amnesty for Votes. They do not CARE a wink about the PEOPLE. They care only for themselves and the Votes to keep them in power. By saying screw you to all those that are upset with their insane agenda, and attempt to create 12 to 20 million new Votes, does nothing to help those they are creating the Amnesty for. The States that will have to deal with this new Influx of people on their Dole, and or, REAL and TRUE American Citizens. Do we do away with the Law all together? Do we say it is now OK to rob a bank if you have no money? It's OK to steal from someone else if you are lacking?
Do you know how many people come here LEGALLY every year? These are those that do it the right way, and they are entitled to reap the benefits. My Step Dad, my Uncle, and the rest of their family came here the Legal way. My Aunt is a Nurse, My Step dad in a Trucker for the past 25 years. My Uncle is a Painter. They have a good life now, because they did it the right way.
I have friends from all over the world. I have been to and hosted World Summit Dinners. I have had these folks over to my house. I have friends from and in Russia, the Czech Republic, the Philippians, Thailand, India, Mexico, OK, yeah even Canada, The Dominican Republic, Hatti, Poland, and even Sweden. Just off the top of my head. I have spend time with these folks, learning first hand what their cultures are and how their Daily Lives are first hand. You know what is amazing? They ALL love this country, because of the Freedoms we have and because of the opportunities await them here. They ALSO all believe in assimilation and going through the process.
My Czech friends, Father and two adult Sons, would never even IMAGINE taking dollar one from our Government. They come from the Salt Minds. You go down and work everyday with a 8 oz bottle of water. No breaks. If the Government has it or feels like it, they pay you monthly. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. My Russian friend told me that she was blown away when she first walked into a supermarket here. "All this food?" She told me how to this day, well over half of the homes in Moscow do not even have running water. Everyone in Poland thinks we are rich. Everyone of us. If only WE, as Americans could look at this country through the eyes of foreigners, MAYBE, just MAYBE, we would understand what we have here. What we have here is worth fighting for.
So I do not see anything wrong with the Arizona Law. I see nothing wrong with finding out who is here legally and who is not. I have no problem ENFORCING the Law that is on the books NOW. I do have compassion on the plight of immigrates. I know A LOT of them. I understand the need for true Equality in this country. We have come a long way, by we have a long way to go. Legalizing Racism is NOT going to fix the problem.
So thank you Pete for sharing your Personal Story with us. I hope you appreciated mine.
Alright folks, enough about me. Be right back with the Health and Science Segment.
Hey folks,

Peter said...
If 99% of the people were in favor of lynching Negros would you hype that? Arizona's new law is, simply, STUPID. Making US citizens prove they are citizens????? Wow. Backwards. Obviously this law will never see the light of day. Not only is it unconstitutional but AZ will suffer an immense financial disaster. Those GOPers keep amazing me.
I responded with this.
Hey Peter,
Now you see, the Race Card. To bad that is sad. You are smarter than that.
First, 99 percent of the People NEVER were in favor of lynching. Never of course would be today.
Second, The law makes the Cops ENFORCE the LAW. If you get pulled over, the Cop is going to ask you to prove who YOU are. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. The Police will not be forcing Citizens to prove that they are, but Illegals to admit they aren't.
The Law is in the light of day. Arizona has already seen MASS new Employment of it's CITIZENS when some Illegals have been fired. Amazing. They will also see a SPIKE in Revenue, because, like it or not, MOST favor Illegal Alien Crackdown. Sorry Pete. Come here Legally, we welcome you. Come here ILLEGALLY, we don't. Why is that so hard to grasp? More on this coming up, along with me answering another question that I have been asked.
Well, it was the Race Card thing, that seems to have bothered him. He responded with this. It's a little lengthy, but well worth the read.
You referred to the race card. I will share quite a bit of personal history with you and your reader(s). I'll preface this story with this simple fact: My mom, biological dad, and I are white. My parents divorced when I was 3. My mom remarried when I was 5. 1972. She married a black man. Interracial marriages were illegal in most southern states then but luckily (I guess) we lived in Chicago. Chicago – next to Boston – is probably the most racist city in the country. Growing up I experienced some amazing examples of racism. I won't get into too many details here; cops making us stand on the side of the road while they searched just my step-dad, restaurants refusing to serve us, “nigger go home” spray-painted on the garage door. And yes, this was in the north. My mom and step-dad were blessed with a son. They named him Jamaal – after the great Lakers' forward. He's gotten to spend whole nights in jail because of his color and name. Never been charged with anything. Pulled over countless times because he was in an affluent Chicago suburb visiting his parents looking like he “didn't belong here.” Hassled by white people with a badge and a gun for no reason other than the color of his skin. And this was in the aughts. Not the 60's. Try flying with the name Jamaal. It's not fun.
Some people think the phrase “social injustice” is a code phrase. My definition of social injustice is the ability and willingness of the authority to coerce the citizenry. And that's exactly what will happen in Arizona. I've seen social injustice first hand. I feel my experiences as a white person being discriminated against because of the color of my skin because of the color of my step-dad's skin qualifies me in ways most white people cannot possibly comprehend. My “race card” is experienced-based. Your race card is based on the bullet point. Clueless.
11:12 PM
Peter said...
Now, tying all this into what just went down in Arizona. While I 100% agree something has to be done about illegal immigration, AZ's “solution” is simply not the answer. A cop cannot have the authority to even begin to think that someone “appears to be an ILLEGAL immigrant”. That is just perpetuating racism. Stop it. The police will not pull you over just because you have a tail light out then ask who you are, they will now pull you over because you “appear to be and an illegal immigrant”. Just like the cops never pulled my brother over because he did something wrong. They just flicked on their lights because he looked like “he didn't belong here.” The feds have to do something about this (immigration). One (maybe the only) thing I really agreed with Bush on was his amnesty plan. At least it started things in motion – in the right direction. But the GOP-led congress put an end to that. Not once, but twice.
To your silliness about ending illegal immigration would create revenue for AZ. Illegals buy stuff, pay state, county and city taxes on that stuff. Who do you think is going to change the sheets at the convention halls, or scrub the pots at the restaurants, or pick all those veggies (Cali). White college kids? Hahahaha. Ask what happened to the convention industry when AZ refused to adopt MLK Jr. day. This law will be a financial nightmare for AZ. It's a RACIST policy. And the cops DON'T like it. Ask ANY sheriff besides Arpaio what they think of it. Most are telling their troops not to even enforce the new law.
11:12 PM
Peter said...
So, in closing, your inability to walk in someone else's shoes, to even acknowledge the existence of human caused destruction (climate change – another first hand experience I can directly speak to) or policy based on hatred (AZ law) is just too (and it's TOO, not TO) draining. My “race card” comes from my own experience, but also from my ability to put myself in another's position. Your blathering lunacy comes from somewhere, too. A dark, desperate place. I hope someday you can find the light. Peace be with you.
OK Pete. Thanks for sharing what appears to be such a truly HEART FELT and Personal story. Now as I just posted, the Law does NOT allow any Cop to stop you because he thinks you are Illegal. It does not give the Police power to pull you over for Driving while Hispanic. That is not what this is about. But reading your story, I found we are a lot more similar than you would EVER image. So since you shared some of your OWN personal story, Allow me to share mine.
My Dad was half Native American {Black Foot Tribe} and half Polish. He left when I was Thirteen Months Old and I never knew him until I was something like 21, or 22 years old. We

Back around 82 or 83, My Mother met and fell in love with Patrick. Patrick and his family are from the Seychelles Islands. A pin prick off the coast of Africa. My Uncle Manue, is a Rasta. {Rastafarian} Dreadlocks down past his knees. When most people see Manue, they immediately walk on the other side of the street of whereever we may be. Going to the Mall is fun with him. Voodoo man cometh. {Laughing}
I have been in the car when my Step dad and Uncle were pulled over for Driving while Black. I have been there to see my Uncle get arrested just because some drunk White guy got scared of him. I get it Pete.
This is why for most of my life I have been walking the walk as well as talking the talk about TRUE EQUALITY in this country. Check the Archives. Until we start treating EVERYONE Equally, we will NEVER have TRUE Equality in this country. But then again, the Racial Divide help some stay in the lime light and gives them a continuous income.
True equality means treating everyone equally. Jobs, Housing, Crime and Punishment. We can not have two sets of Laws. One for one group and one for others. We can not have one set of grades in school for one set of people and another for others. We can not have one set of requirements for one group to get a job and another for anyone else. All these things do, is further divide the Races, and BREED Racism.
We have to follow, TRULY follow, MLK's teachings. "Judge one another by the content of their Character, and NOT the color of their skin." When we have two sets of rules, laws, and policies, we accomplish NOTHING while SOUNDING like we care. If a Student needs a 80 to pass and get into a College, then ALL do. If the Job requires a certain set of requirements to be met, then the one with the MOST qualification get's it. If I rob someone, Rape, Beat, or whatever, I need to be arrested and pay for my crimes, just like anyone else that commit a similar Crime. One does not make one worse or less important based on the color of the shin of those committing crime or have become Victims of. If we expect the Police to find out who we are whenever they have to get involved, then they should find out who ALL are. If we expect all to follow the Laws of the land, then we must hold ALL accountable.
You see Pete, as I just explained in the last Post, I get it. I understand the compassion aspect of it. But we can not solve the problem by Amnesty for Votes. They do not CARE a wink about the PEOPLE. They care only for themselves and the Votes to keep them in power. By saying screw you to all those that are upset with their insane agenda, and attempt to create 12 to 20 million new Votes, does nothing to help those they are creating the Amnesty for. The States that will have to deal with this new Influx of people on their Dole, and or, REAL and TRUE American Citizens. Do we do away with the Law all together? Do we say it is now OK to rob a bank if you have no money? It's OK to steal from someone else if you are lacking?
Do you know how many people come here LEGALLY every year? These are those that do it the right way, and they are entitled to reap the benefits. My Step Dad, my Uncle, and the rest of their family came here the Legal way. My Aunt is a Nurse, My Step dad in a Trucker for the past 25 years. My Uncle is a Painter. They have a good life now, because they did it the right way.
I have friends from all over the world. I have been to and hosted World Summit Dinners. I have had these folks over to my house. I have friends from and in Russia, the Czech Republic, the Philippians, Thailand, India, Mexico, OK, yeah even Canada, The Dominican Republic, Hatti, Poland, and even Sweden. Just off the top of my head. I have spend time with these folks, learning first hand what their cultures are and how their Daily Lives are first hand. You know what is amazing? They ALL love this country, because of the Freedoms we have and because of the opportunities await them here. They ALSO all believe in assimilation and going through the process.
My Czech friends, Father and two adult Sons, would never even IMAGINE taking dollar one from our Government. They come from the Salt Minds. You go down and work everyday with a 8 oz bottle of water. No breaks. If the Government has it or feels like it, they pay you monthly. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. My Russian friend told me that she was blown away when she first walked into a supermarket here. "All this food?" She told me how to this day, well over half of the homes in Moscow do not even have running water. Everyone in Poland thinks we are rich. Everyone of us. If only WE, as Americans could look at this country through the eyes of foreigners, MAYBE, just MAYBE, we would understand what we have here. What we have here is worth fighting for.
So I do not see anything wrong with the Arizona Law. I see nothing wrong with finding out who is here legally and who is not. I have no problem ENFORCING the Law that is on the books NOW. I do have compassion on the plight of immigrates. I know A LOT of them. I understand the need for true Equality in this country. We have come a long way, by we have a long way to go. Legalizing Racism is NOT going to fix the problem.
So thank you Pete for sharing your Personal Story with us. I hope you appreciated mine.
Alright folks, enough about me. Be right back with the Health and Science Segment.
I saw Jay Leno at Correspondent Dinner his best line was; “That was my favorite story (this year) Republicans and a Lesbian bondage club. It’s ironic, Republicans don’t want lesbian getting married but they do like watching them “tie the knot”. So I thought that was interesting.”
You can say the same about Tea Party (they are haters not debaters or as others have dubbed them screamers not dreamers), they say they respect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence but they do not mind passing laws, through weak Governors (no one voted for this crazy) who only care about getting reelected on the backs of undocumented workers, that will not pass Constitution muster, just like Arizona’s House Bill 2779 from two years ago and your MLK Day ban, keep passing them Arizona and the rest of us will continue to challenged them in a court of law and you will fail again (and yes we will Boycott Arizona). Their phony patriotism is sickening; they are just racists going by another name. We all know you are just itching to put a sheet on their head? Let’s face it the Republicans had eight years to deal with health care, immigration, climate change and financial oversight and governance and they failed. It appears that the Republican Party is only good at starting wars (two in eight years, with fat contracts to friends of Cheney/Bush) but not at winning wars as seen by the continuing line of body bags that keep coming home. The Republicans party will continue turned inward to their old fashion obstructionist party (and their Confederacy appreciation roots) because they continue to allow a small portions (but very loud portion) of their party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” to rule their party. I will admit that this fringe is very good at playing “Follow the Leader” by listening to their dullard leaders, Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush, Savage, Sarah Bailin, Orly Taitz, Victoria Jackson, Michele Bachmann and the rest of the Blowhards and acting as ill programmed robots (they have already acted against doctors that perform abortions). The Birthers and the Tea party crowd think they can scare, intimidate and force others to go along with them by comments like “This time we came unarmed”, let me tell you something not all ex-military join the fringe militia crazies who don’t pay taxes and run around with face paint in the parks playing commando, the majority are mature and understand that the world is more complicated and grey than the black and white that these simpleton make it out to be and that my friend is the point. The world is complicated and people like Hamilton, Lincoln, and Roosevelt believed that we should use government a little to increase social mobility, now it’s about dancing around the claim of government is the problem. The sainted Reagan passed the biggest tax increase in American history and as a result federal employment increased, but facts are lost when mired in mysticism and superstition. For a party that gave us Abraham Lincoln, it is tragic that the ranks are filled with too many empty suits and the crazy Birthers who have not learned that the way our courts work is that you get a competent lawyer, verifiable facts and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked internet lies, then, and only then, do you proceed to trial. The Birthers seem to be having a problem with their so called “facts”. Let’s face it no one will take the Birthers seriously until they win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. I heard that Orly Taitz now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC), she wants to re-establish a family values party, that’s like saying that the Catholic Church cares about the welling being of children in their care, too late for that. Yee Haw!
Hey Montana,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
Thanks for adding. You know, Uh, I'll leave it at that. Thanks for adding. {Smile}
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