From the Energy Front for 051810
Hey folks,
Dale Earnhardt Sr. died in a famous Race. Shut down all Racing? A Plane crashed just this past weekend in South Florida. Ban all flying? People died. It is bad. So stop EVERYTHING? Maybe we should halt ALL further flights until every plane can be checked. Every Plane, every Company. Right?
Well, that's what some are saying about off shore drilling. Because of this accident, we must stop ALL Off Shore Oil Exploration and Drilling. A statement based solely on feelings and agendas, yet void of any thought or Logic whatsoever.
Now of course one would expect people like Rodger Schlickeisen,President and CEO of the Defenders of Wildlife, and Sierra Club Chairman Carl Pope to come out and make these insane statements. Like Pope who actually said this.
Hey folks,

Well, that's what some are saying about off shore drilling. Because of this accident, we must stop ALL Off Shore Oil Exploration and Drilling. A statement based solely on feelings and agendas, yet void of any thought or Logic whatsoever.
Now of course one would expect people like Rodger Schlickeisen,President and CEO of the Defenders of Wildlife, and Sierra Club Chairman Carl Pope to come out and make these insane statements. Like Pope who actually said this.
"BP doesn't know what it is doing -- and neither do any of the other oil companies."
That's like Obama saying that Banks, Car Companies, Insurance Companies, Doctors, ETC, do not know what THEY are doing and he and his Ilk know better. Hows that working out for us?
You see, Liberal Loon Policies require NO THOUGHT. Require NO Facts or Truth. They attempt to sell them based on nothing more than FEELINGS. They do not, or have the inability to, think about the long term consequences of their FEELINGS.
If it WAS just the Environmental Kooks out there, spouting off at the mouth, we could just laugh and move on with life. But it's not. Now there are some on the Loony Left that are in positions of power to enact laws to actually Ban ALL US Off Shore Drilling making statements like Sen. Bill Nelson.
You see, Liberal Loon Policies require NO THOUGHT. Require NO Facts or Truth. They attempt to sell them based on nothing more than FEELINGS. They do not, or have the inability to, think about the long term consequences of their FEELINGS.
If it WAS just the Environmental Kooks out there, spouting off at the mouth, we could just laugh and move on with life. But it's not. Now there are some on the Loony Left that are in positions of power to enact laws to actually Ban ALL US Off Shore Drilling making statements like Sen. Bill Nelson.
"Drilling too close to the coast poses too great a risk to the economy and the environment of Florida and other coastal states."
{Sigh} And $5.00 plus a gallon is NOT a GREAT Risk to the Economy or ALL of the US? We have been there. At $4.00 a gallon, we had Single Moms trying to decide how to pay for gas to work their two jobs just to put food on their table. We had elderly on fixed incomes not able to put Heating Fuel in their Homes. We have prices on EVERYTHING Skyrocketing due to the increased Transportation Costs to get it to the stores. It was horrible. Then, President Bush said we are going to Drill Here, Drill More, and everyone will pay less. BAM!!!!!!! Overnight, prices plummeted back to reasonable levels.
So now, because of this Accident, here we go again. We must "reinstate the Moratorium on all offshore drilling.""Drilling too close to the coast poses too great a risk to the economy and the environment of Florida and other coastal states." " Halt all Exploration and Drilling until we can inspect ALL Oil Rigs." Etc.
Who's going to tell China that? China, Russia, Venezuela, Vietnam? They are exploring and preparing to Drill 60 miles off the US Coasts. That's closer than ANY of the US Companies. But that's OK? So we stop Exploring and Drilling, where do you think we will be getting ALL our Energy from? How much do you think we will be paying if ALL our Energy Sources are outside? Where does that put us Security wise?
Yet, they forget the fact that after 40 years, this is the only accident like this to happen. But then again, people are still using Chernobyl to argue against Nuclear Power.
All the evidence points to this being nothing more than a tragic Accident. ONE in Forty Years. It's not even as bad as they would like you to believe. Something like THRITY PERCENT of it has simply been eaten up by the Ocean. It's GONE. Nature is helping with the clean up. Yet? We now have people actively engaged in using this to further their insane agendas. Are our cars going to miraculously start running on Solar, Wind, or Hydrogen over night? Will we all get free Windmills put in our Back Yards to Power our homes? Are we going to have Solar powered Planes? Will the least amongst us be able to SURVIVE $5 to $10 Dollar a gallon Gas Prices? Anyone with an intelligence level about Second Grade can answer that. The answer is NO.
But then again, that IS the Liberal Mindset. Feelings. Hopes. Dreams. No thought required.
So now, because of this Accident, here we go again. We must "reinstate the Moratorium on all offshore drilling.""Drilling too close to the coast poses too great a risk to the economy and the environment of Florida and other coastal states." " Halt all Exploration and Drilling until we can inspect ALL Oil Rigs." Etc.
Who's going to tell China that? China, Russia, Venezuela, Vietnam? They are exploring and preparing to Drill 60 miles off the US Coasts. That's closer than ANY of the US Companies. But that's OK? So we stop Exploring and Drilling, where do you think we will be getting ALL our Energy from? How much do you think we will be paying if ALL our Energy Sources are outside? Where does that put us Security wise?
Yet, they forget the fact that after 40 years, this is the only accident like this to happen. But then again, people are still using Chernobyl to argue against Nuclear Power.
All the evidence points to this being nothing more than a tragic Accident. ONE in Forty Years. It's not even as bad as they would like you to believe. Something like THRITY PERCENT of it has simply been eaten up by the Ocean. It's GONE. Nature is helping with the clean up. Yet? We now have people actively engaged in using this to further their insane agendas. Are our cars going to miraculously start running on Solar, Wind, or Hydrogen over night? Will we all get free Windmills put in our Back Yards to Power our homes? Are we going to have Solar powered Planes? Will the least amongst us be able to SURVIVE $5 to $10 Dollar a gallon Gas Prices? Anyone with an intelligence level about Second Grade can answer that. The answer is NO.
But then again, that IS the Liberal Mindset. Feelings. Hopes. Dreams. No thought required.
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