It IS an insult. And some are becoming insulted.
Hey folks,
What is Astroturfing? Astroturfing is describing formal Political, Advertising, or Public Relations Campaigns seeking to create the impression of being spontaneous. Basically they are calling any of these Grassroots movements, be they against Obamacare or for Energy Independence, phony.
What they are trying to say is this is just the efforts of a Political or Commercial Entity, such as the Republicans or "Big Oil" to orchestrate the actions of apparently diverse and Geographically distributed Individuals. Common folks. YOU. The general Public. They are saying that YOU are not really upset with any of this, although EVERY Poll shows otherwise, but that you are merely doing this because someone told you to. You are just mindless Robots that will follow your leaders. Be your leaders The Right, people like Rush Limbaugh, or I guess they think "Big Oil."
We already know that they think you are stupid. They basically come right out and say it. "Bitter Clingers," "Fly over country," "Ignorant of facts or reality, just follow what they are told," You know, like a lot of Liber,,,I mean, Progressives, today. But they are saying that these Townhalls, and Energy Rallies are nothing more than an orchestrated show, put on by those that just do not like Obama. You RACIST you!
Why do they feel this way? Do they really think this? Maybe. No Seriously. They may actually believe this BS. Why? THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME! Can you say Can you say Code Pink? Can you say the Daily Kos? Can you say ACORN? Can you say Cindy Sheehan? Well, OK, you can't talk about her anymore. But you get the point. So they may ACTUALLY believe that you are not really serious, that you are just being lead to do this.
The problem though, for them, is this. Look at the make up of a Progressive Rally. Who's there? Progressives. Look at the Townhalls, and the Energy Rallies. Who's there? Republicans, Independents, Democrats, Christians, Jews, Black, White, Rich and Poor. I hear even the Kitchen Sink has made an appearance. My point is, it IS diverse and Geographically distributed Individuals, all coming together for one thing. To STOP OBAMA and Crew from what they see as HURTING, if not leading to the utter DESTRUCTION, of this very Country.
They can say it is Astroturfing. They can call you Racists. They can say it doesn't matter. However, that is NOT the facts. They can pretend that they do not hear you all they want. But they DO hear you. Their NUMBER ONE GOAL is to be Re-Elected. THAT is totally up to YOU. They HEAR you loud and clear. Do not give up now. Right now in those back rooms, they are talking about you. They are scared to do what the Leadership wants them to do. The Leadership does not care about you. They truly think that they are untouchable. But the rest KNOW differently.
Saying what you are doing at these things is nothing more than Astroturfing is an INSULT to you, and the American Way. Be OFFENDED. Let them know that you are nobody's mindless Robot. Let them know that you are doing these things because they are what you TRULY believe. Also make sure that you leave them with no doubt whatsoever, that it is ALSO the American Way to Vote OUT of office those that most Americans think are doing the wrong thing.
Hey folks,

What they are trying to say is this is just the efforts of a Political or Commercial Entity, such as the Republicans or "Big Oil" to orchestrate the actions of apparently diverse and Geographically distributed Individuals. Common folks. YOU. The general Public. They are saying that YOU are not really upset with any of this, although EVERY Poll shows otherwise, but that you are merely doing this because someone told you to. You are just mindless Robots that will follow your leaders. Be your leaders The Right, people like Rush Limbaugh, or I guess they think "Big Oil."
We already know that they think you are stupid. They basically come right out and say it. "Bitter Clingers," "Fly over country," "Ignorant of facts or reality, just follow what they are told," You know, like a lot of Liber,,,I mean, Progressives, today. But they are saying that these Townhalls, and Energy Rallies are nothing more than an orchestrated show, put on by those that just do not like Obama. You RACIST you!
Why do they feel this way? Do they really think this? Maybe. No Seriously. They may actually believe this BS. Why? THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME! Can you say Can you say Code Pink? Can you say the Daily Kos? Can you say ACORN? Can you say Cindy Sheehan? Well, OK, you can't talk about her anymore. But you get the point. So they may ACTUALLY believe that you are not really serious, that you are just being lead to do this.
The problem though, for them, is this. Look at the make up of a Progressive Rally. Who's there? Progressives. Look at the Townhalls, and the Energy Rallies. Who's there? Republicans, Independents, Democrats, Christians, Jews, Black, White, Rich and Poor. I hear even the Kitchen Sink has made an appearance. My point is, it IS diverse and Geographically distributed Individuals, all coming together for one thing. To STOP OBAMA and Crew from what they see as HURTING, if not leading to the utter DESTRUCTION, of this very Country.
They can say it is Astroturfing. They can call you Racists. They can say it doesn't matter. However, that is NOT the facts. They can pretend that they do not hear you all they want. But they DO hear you. Their NUMBER ONE GOAL is to be Re-Elected. THAT is totally up to YOU. They HEAR you loud and clear. Do not give up now. Right now in those back rooms, they are talking about you. They are scared to do what the Leadership wants them to do. The Leadership does not care about you. They truly think that they are untouchable. But the rest KNOW differently.
Saying what you are doing at these things is nothing more than Astroturfing is an INSULT to you, and the American Way. Be OFFENDED. Let them know that you are nobody's mindless Robot. Let them know that you are doing these things because they are what you TRULY believe. Also make sure that you leave them with no doubt whatsoever, that it is ALSO the American Way to Vote OUT of office those that most Americans think are doing the wrong thing.
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