Hey folks,
I was going to talk about Obama's Speech to the Kiddies, but because YOU learned what it was suppose to be all about, he changed it. I do not know if they officially pulled the planners, but I hear that they will NOT be used. Once again, this Administration attempted to do something they had no business doing, and got caught.

Well, that lead to this following comment left by "Anna Kay"
Anna Kay said...
"I must disagree. Have you watched the videos Chevron posted? They were totally fabricated by Chevron to delay the ruling and I'm surprised oil giant like Chevron did such a lousy job. Nowhere in those tapes does the judge discuss or accept the bribe.
As for Ecuadorian government releasing Texaco from liabilities.. This is what Chevron doesn't say. One, the “release agreement” with the government excluded individual claims, saying there was no way the government would or could prevent an individual from suing Texaco in the future. Two, Texaco never cleaned up the pits, so the agreement is null and void anyway. Court evidence has shown oil site after oil site with high levels of contamination, even though Texaco claimed to have remediated the site."
Now I'm thinking that Anna is just an average, everyday person. Most likely an Envionut, just buying into the whole "Big Oil" evil thing. That they make way to much profit and that "windfall profit," which is nothing even related to windfall profit as we have talked about in the past, should be redistributed to the poor. But that is not the case.
Turns out that Anna Kay is a pseudonym used by Karen Hinton, PR representative for the Plaintiffs. So who is the Amazon Defense Coalition? Of which Hinton is the one and only Spokesperson for? From what I can tell, the Amazon Defense Coalition does not exist. Perhaps nothing more than a front for the Ecuadorian Government, and the main violator of Environmental violations, Petroecuador itself.
Seriously folks, Amazon Defense Coalition has no Website, no physical Office. There is no President, nor Board of Directors. There is no Secretary and no Budget listed anywhere. No tax returns, nor Tax exemption status. It is a FAKE COMPANY. The only person who is consistently listed anywhere is Karen Hinton herself.
When a fellow blogger ended up dealing with Karen, he found this.
Karen Hinton should come clean and reveal what I already know: that her American company is working for the President of Ecuador Rafael Correa as a foreign agent and appears to be financed by them.
Hinton's ties in this matter are deep. She's linked with Washington lobbyist Ben Barnes, who's linked with Steve Donziger, of the law firm Kohn, Swift, and Graft (who hired Barnes), and who's the master lawyer in the lawsuit against Chevron and who may be getting resources from the Ecuadorian government, too. Indeed, the The Ben Barnes Group is listed as one of Hinton's clients and Hinton's the Amazon Defense Coalition so one can effectively say that Barnes has a major role in the Amazon Defense Coalition because it's really just Hinton who's paid by Barnes, who in turn is paid by Donziger / Kohn, Swift, and Graft, who must get its money from the Ecuadorian government, because they too stand to rake in billions, even with the one-third award stake Donziger will gain should he prevail in these legal battles. It's worth the investment.
The Ben Barnes Group is an effective lobbying organization, and its founder, Barnes, has made millions doing deals between special interest groups, companies, and powerful Democratic office-holders. Barnes has served as the spokesperson for R. Allen Stanford, who's the focal point of the Stanford Investment Scandal. (To be fair, Barnes says he has played no role in Stanford's business dealings and is said to be "shocked and saddened" by the allegations against his friend and client.)
So We have a corrupt Government and a corrupt Judge, and a phony lawsuit. We have a FAKE company, FAKE Spokesperson, and FAKE Person leaving comments. Posting incorrect information in the form of a comment? We have PROOF that the Government owned and controlled Oil Company, Petroecuador, IS the guilty one here. They fail to protect the environment and continue to pollute to this day. With all this, we are suppose to believe that Chevron is to blame. Even though THEY had nothing to do with Texaco at the time and Texaco hasn't even been there for over twenty years? Amazing.
What was Anna's response when I outed her? She denied it of course. She said this.

Then why do you not care about all the pollution and Environmental damage that Petroecuador is doing as we speak? Where is the Lawsuit against them? Where is your concern about the Government spraying entire villages with chemicals causing sickness and disease? Even in infants? I guess that doesn't concern you. I know, Chevron has a lot of money and you would love to get some of the 27 Billion dollars. Screw the people. You just, uh, sorry, Karen {Smile, wink wink} just wants to get paid.
OPNTalk -Ecuador Judge Says Recuses Himself From Lawsuit Vs Chevron
NYFocus- Amazon Defense Coalition A Fake Company of Hinton Communications
1 comment:
The Amazon Defense Coalition is an Ecuadorian non-government organization given official recognition by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Social Welfare on June 4, 1995 under #535.
Its main office is on: Calle José Maria Abascal E1279 y Portete, Quito, Ecuador.
Its President is Luis Yanza
Its website in both Spanish and English pertaining to the case against Chevron is: www.texacotoxico.org
Its email address is: casotexaco@gmail.com
Hope this clears up any doubts as to its existence.
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