Hey folks,

First, privately, the Top Generals were told to ask for anything they want, with one exception, do not DARE ask for more troops. When this news came out, of course, publicly Obama and Crew suggested a willingness to consider an increase. However, then Harry Reid just said that we must build up the Afghan Army, send more civilians to Afghanistan to provide economic and political assistance, and reach out to Taliban supporters who are willing to recognize the Kabul government. He doesn't want more Troops. I guess he thinks "This War is Lost." also. Welcome to the Big Leagues Barack. Now go back to just being their Puppet. Give great speeches and let them do whatever they want. {Smile}
Anyway, coming right up today?
Pep Talk or Brainwashing, Obama School Kids Speech
Obama Attacking Israel
Defending the American Dream
Cows Farting? Feed Them Seaweed
IWA for Sunday 090609
But first I wanted to give you an update. Back on Tuesday, September 1, 2009, I posted this.
Video Of Judge Being Bribed 3 Million Dollars Well he is no longer presiding over this case? REALLY? After this came to light, he feels he can no longer show impartiality? {Laughing}
Ecuador Judge Says Recuses Himself From Lawsuit Vs Chevron
QUITO (Dow Jones)--The Ecuadorean judge purportedly caught on videotape discussing a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against Chevron Corp. (CVX) has recused himself from the on-going case, Judge Juan Nunez said Friday.
Chevron released recordings Monday that it claims shows Nunez, who oversees the Lago Agrio court where the trial is being held, affirming that he would hold the oil company culpable for environmental damages. It said the videos prove the judge should be disqualified from the case.
Nunez has contended that the video footage was manipulated. Chevron has said the videos are authentic and haven't been doctored.
"I have communicated with both sides in this case that I recuse myself from continuing with this case," Nunez told Dow Jones Newswires. "However, I will continue with my work as a judge, and as president of the Lago Agrio Court, because I have not committed any illegality or irregularity."
Nah, just agreed to rule in favor of a Plaintiff for the sum of a Million Dollars. Nothing illegal of irregular there. Not in Ecuador at least. But he is still the President of the Court, so whichever Judge takes up the case still has to content with him. He still has some say in this mess, but now he will be watched VERY Closely. He should not only be removed, he should be JAILED.
Nunez declined to explain the reason for his recusal. He did say that he had notified both Chevron and the plaintiffs, a group residing in the Amazon region that accuses Chevron of being responsible environmental contamination that took place decades ago, of his recusal.
The group claims that Chevron should pay for pollution caused by the oil operations of Texaco, which the energy giant acquired in 2001, while Chevron says Ecuador released it from liabilities after a cleanup by the company.
They were released. The FACTS are clear who is to really blame. It's NOT Chevron.
Be right back after I go fill my cup. Today I think I'm just sticking with a favorite, Eight O' Clock, Wholebean "Hazelnut" www.eightoclock.com Yes D.S. That would be coffee. {Smile} Be right back.
AP - Dems signal resistance to Afghan troop increase
OPNTalk - Video Of Judge Being Bribed 3 Million Dollars
I must disagree. Have you watched the videos Chevron posted? They were totally fabricated by Chevron to delay the ruling and I'm surprised oil giant like Chevron did such a lousy job. Nowhere in those tapes does the judge discuss or accept the bribe.
As for Ecuadorian government releasing Texaco from liabilities.. This is what Chevron doesn't say. One, the “release agreement” with the government excluded individual claims, saying there was no way the government would or could prevent an individual from suing Texaco in the future. Two, Texaco never cleaned up the pits, so the agreement is null and void anyway. Court evidence has shown oil site after oil site with high levels of contamination, even though Texaco claimed to have remediated the site.
For more info, see www.chevrontoxico.com
Hey Anna,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog, Sunday Edition, Glad to have ya.
"Have you watched the videos Chevron posted? They were totally fabricated by Chevron to delay the ruling and I'm surprised oil giant like Chevron did such a lousy job."
Other than getting this information from an ANTI- "Big Oil" Site, Do you have any proof that these were "fabricated by Chevron?"
Second "Texaco never cleaned up the pits."
That is simply not true. Most of the pollution and environmental damage due to oil there was being, and is STILL being done by the Ecuadorian Government Controlled Oil Company, Petroecuador.
Since the government of Ecuador assumed full ownership of the operation nearly 20 years ago, Petroecuador has compiled a deplorable record of environmental irresponsibility, tallying more than 1,400 oil spills since 2000 alone.
These facts by themselves demonstrate that the Government of Ecuador, not Chevron, bears both the legal and moral responsibility for the Environmental conditions presently on display in Petroecuador’s production area.
As for the Judge? If these tapes were bogus, why did he recuse himself? I look forward, although I doubt we will see it, to a FULL investigation into these tapes and into this Judge. If found to be true, not only should this case be dropped all together, this Judge should go to jail.
Sorry Anna, but the FACTS just do not play out the way many anti- "Big Oil," and Envionuts would like it to play out.
Where is the lawsuits against Petroecuador? Where are the lawsuits against the Government for spraying deadly chemicals over entire Villages? Where are the Envionuts on these PROVEN problems?
All this is is an attempt to shake down "Big Oi" and redistribute it's wealth, and an attempt to set a prescient as a tool to block any further production here in the States. A move that is foolish at best.
Anna, Anna, Anna,
Here I thought you were just an average, everyday person, Most likely an Envionut, just buying into the whole "Big Oil" evil thing. That they make way to much profit and that "windfall profit," which is nothing even related to windfall profit, should be redistributed to the poor. But that is not the case is it?
Why did you not just be honest in the beginning? You could have said,
"Hi, my name is Karen Hinton, PR representative for the Plaintiffs in this case and I disagree with the facts as you presented."
We could have had a much more open and honest discussion. But since you would rather lie and say your name is Anna, I guess we know where you are coming from. Right?
I am not Karen Hinton, but I read the press releases she writes for the Amazon Defense Coalition on chevrontoxico.com. You are right. I am an environmentalist, and I do care about issues related to indigenous tribes.
Hey Kar, Uh Anna,
Welcome back.
I have a question for you. If you care about the issues related to indigenous tribes, then why do you not care about all the pollution and Environmental damage that Petroecuador is doing as we speak?
Where is the Lawsuit against them?
Where is your concern about the Government spraying entire villages with chemicals causing sickness and disease? Even in infants?
I guess that doesn't concern you. I know, Chevron has a lot of money and you would love to get some of the 27 Billion dollars. Screw the people. You just, uh, sorry, Karen {Smile, wink wink} just wants to get paid.
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