If Cap and Tax Passes, it will be even worse.
Hey folks,
Just this past Friday, From the Emails, I posted this. Government Priorities? Yes, the Government can spend billions, bailing out, or taking over is closer to the truth, Multi-Billion dollar Private Industries, yet, for our Senior Citizens, those that have worked their whole life, contributing to society, they get nothing. No Social Security "Cost of Living" raise at all for the next two years.
Well, Irish Godfather sent me a follow up of sorts. Just because the Obama Administration doesn't care to increase SS, in some cases the only income our Seniors have, that does not mean the cost of EVERYTHING else will NOT go up. It will. According to ALL BUSINESS - USDA'S 2009 food price increase forecast at 4-5 percent.
Publication: Food & Drink Weekly
Higher meat prices, driven by escalating grain prices, will fuel an increase of 4 to 5 percent in U.S. food prices in 2009, the third consecutive year of large increases, USDA forecast last week. Food prices are estimated to rise by 5 percent this year, the largest annual increase since 1990. They rose by 4 percent in 2007.
In its first estimate for 2009, USDA said food prices would be led by red meat and poultry, which account for 10 percent of food spending. Beef prices will rise by 6.5 percent, it estimated, and pork and poultry by 5.5 percent. USDA economist Ephraim Leibtag, who prepared the forecast, said higher feed costs "will impact the meat industry, supplies and production will tighten, and prices will rise."
For this year, the biggest price increases are forecast for eggs, up 14 percent, cereals and bakery products, up 9.5 percent, and fats and oils, up 12 percent. In that group, cereals and bakery products are the largest component of the food basket, 7.4 percent of overall spending. All would moderate in 2009, rising at 4 percent or less.
The USDA also sees the food-inflation rate slowing slightly from this year. The agency expects the food consumer-price index to climb between 4.5 percent and 5.5 percent in 2008, which would be the highest food-inflation rate since 1990. That is despite the Bureau of Labor Statistics report last week that its food-price index jumped 6.8 percent during the first six months of this year at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate.
While prices have been rising in the United Stats and Europe, the biggest increases are being felt in Asia, and countries like India and Vietnam already have to deal with double-digit inflation. Sharp rises in global food and oil prices are now spilling over into wages and broader measures of inflation across Asia, as the Asian Development Bank noted in a report released Tuesday.
Higher inflation in Asia is also starting to contribute to higher prices in the United States. According to the Labor Department, prices for imports from Pacific Rim countries--mostly Asian goods--rose 2.7 percent in the 12 months through June, after falling 1.4 percent in the preceding 12 months.
Asia's central bankers, who are preparing for their annual gathering July 28 in Shanghai, have been unable to develop a united response to deal with the worst inflation threat in at least a decade. That is because most central banks in Asia have been reluctant to give up any of their economic independence or challenge the United States by coordinating their monetary and currency policies, even as they fret about rising prices
Then of course if you throw in there, Cap and Tax, all the Global Warming Bunk, and the continued out of control Spending by the Looney Leadership, you will see energy costs, Food Prises, and EVERYTHING else climb in costs that are out of reach of some folks in this country.
This is NOT just Politics. This is NOT just Obama Bashing Rhetoric. This is FACT. Look at what happened when Gas Prices rose to over $4.00 a gallon. Remember that? The cost of EVERYTHING ELSE went up as well. If it cost more for your local Supermarket or Big Box Stores to get things delivered to them, they will charge YOU more to get the items. If it costs the Energy Companies more to produce the Energy, they will charge YOU more to receive it.
It really is simple to understand folks. They do NOT CARE about older people. They said so. They do NOT CARE about the poor or the Middle Class. Those are the ones that will be hurt the most. They only attack the Rich, because THEY are a cash cow for them. Not for you. Contrary to what they may want you to believe, they are NOT going to take from Peter to give to Paul. They are going to take from Peter, and KEEP IT. Paul will pay even MORE than Peter, because Paul has much less to spend.
This is why I keep telling you folks, just like the GWBS and the Carbon Credit Scam, it does not effect those with the resources to PAY for it. But it DOES effect you. Let me try to explain this again.
Cap and Tax = Carbon Credits, Higher Energy costs that will effect all prices.
1 - The Rich? They do not care. If they have Millions or Billions, what do they care if they have to pay a few grand or even a few hundred grand? They will continue to live as they chose.
2- Those that live paycheck to paycheck? The Poor? Those that have very little left over at the end of the month? They can NOT Pay to play, so THEY will be forced to change there lifestyles, become dependant on Government, or just go away and die.
Higher Food Prices? Inflation?
1- The Rich? So what. If I have to pay $20 to $30 bucks for a steak, I'm still going to eat it.
2- EVERYONE Else? Can you say Food Riots? Can you say Food Stamps?
1- The Rich? Such as those in Congress? Get whatever medical treatment they want.
2- Everyone else? The Government will decide who gets what and they will make that decision based solely on cost. Old people, just take a pill and die. Poor people? Stop having babies. Or we will STOP you from having babies.
The FACTS are really pretty clear folks. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE OLD OR THE POOR! They WANT you dependant on the Government for EVERYTHING. They WANT power and control over every aspect of your lives. They WANT an America that THEY control and YOU are nothing but pawns. Old folks do not contribute all that much anymore, so in their view, they need to go away. It really is JUST that simple.
Hey folks,

Well, Irish Godfather sent me a follow up of sorts. Just because the Obama Administration doesn't care to increase SS, in some cases the only income our Seniors have, that does not mean the cost of EVERYTHING else will NOT go up. It will. According to ALL BUSINESS - USDA'S 2009 food price increase forecast at 4-5 percent.
Publication: Food & Drink Weekly
Higher meat prices, driven by escalating grain prices, will fuel an increase of 4 to 5 percent in U.S. food prices in 2009, the third consecutive year of large increases, USDA forecast last week. Food prices are estimated to rise by 5 percent this year, the largest annual increase since 1990. They rose by 4 percent in 2007.
In its first estimate for 2009, USDA said food prices would be led by red meat and poultry, which account for 10 percent of food spending. Beef prices will rise by 6.5 percent, it estimated, and pork and poultry by 5.5 percent. USDA economist Ephraim Leibtag, who prepared the forecast, said higher feed costs "will impact the meat industry, supplies and production will tighten, and prices will rise."
For this year, the biggest price increases are forecast for eggs, up 14 percent, cereals and bakery products, up 9.5 percent, and fats and oils, up 12 percent. In that group, cereals and bakery products are the largest component of the food basket, 7.4 percent of overall spending. All would moderate in 2009, rising at 4 percent or less.
The USDA also sees the food-inflation rate slowing slightly from this year. The agency expects the food consumer-price index to climb between 4.5 percent and 5.5 percent in 2008, which would be the highest food-inflation rate since 1990. That is despite the Bureau of Labor Statistics report last week that its food-price index jumped 6.8 percent during the first six months of this year at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate.
While prices have been rising in the United Stats and Europe, the biggest increases are being felt in Asia, and countries like India and Vietnam already have to deal with double-digit inflation. Sharp rises in global food and oil prices are now spilling over into wages and broader measures of inflation across Asia, as the Asian Development Bank noted in a report released Tuesday.
Higher inflation in Asia is also starting to contribute to higher prices in the United States. According to the Labor Department, prices for imports from Pacific Rim countries--mostly Asian goods--rose 2.7 percent in the 12 months through June, after falling 1.4 percent in the preceding 12 months.
Asia's central bankers, who are preparing for their annual gathering July 28 in Shanghai, have been unable to develop a united response to deal with the worst inflation threat in at least a decade. That is because most central banks in Asia have been reluctant to give up any of their economic independence or challenge the United States by coordinating their monetary and currency policies, even as they fret about rising prices
Then of course if you throw in there, Cap and Tax, all the Global Warming Bunk, and the continued out of control Spending by the Looney Leadership, you will see energy costs, Food Prises, and EVERYTHING else climb in costs that are out of reach of some folks in this country.
This is NOT just Politics. This is NOT just Obama Bashing Rhetoric. This is FACT. Look at what happened when Gas Prices rose to over $4.00 a gallon. Remember that? The cost of EVERYTHING ELSE went up as well. If it cost more for your local Supermarket or Big Box Stores to get things delivered to them, they will charge YOU more to get the items. If it costs the Energy Companies more to produce the Energy, they will charge YOU more to receive it.
It really is simple to understand folks. They do NOT CARE about older people. They said so. They do NOT CARE about the poor or the Middle Class. Those are the ones that will be hurt the most. They only attack the Rich, because THEY are a cash cow for them. Not for you. Contrary to what they may want you to believe, they are NOT going to take from Peter to give to Paul. They are going to take from Peter, and KEEP IT. Paul will pay even MORE than Peter, because Paul has much less to spend.

Cap and Tax = Carbon Credits, Higher Energy costs that will effect all prices.
1 - The Rich? They do not care. If they have Millions or Billions, what do they care if they have to pay a few grand or even a few hundred grand? They will continue to live as they chose.

Higher Food Prices? Inflation?
1- The Rich? So what. If I have to pay $20 to $30 bucks for a steak, I'm still going to eat it.
2- EVERYONE Else? Can you say Food Riots? Can you say Food Stamps?

2- Everyone else? The Government will decide who gets what and they will make that decision based solely on cost. Old people, just take a pill and die. Poor people? Stop having babies. Or we will STOP you from having babies.
The FACTS are really pretty clear folks. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE OLD OR THE POOR! They WANT you dependant on the Government for EVERYTHING. They WANT power and control over every aspect of your lives. They WANT an America that THEY control and YOU are nothing but pawns. Old folks do not contribute all that much anymore, so in their view, they need to go away. It really is JUST that simple.
Wat gets me is that these morons in Washington claim the cost of living has not gone up. I beg to differ.
Not only the cost of utilities have risen but the cost of food and gas looks like it is on the way up again.
If Obama gets his cap and trade that will increase utilities so much more.
Medicare payments will rise with no increase in social security to off set it so in effect a decrease in money flow.
One more time;
Forget all the rhetoric on cost indexs, price of oil etc etc etc.
Smoke screens to hide reality.
It has to do with the cost of MONEY
The more there is (like everything else in this world) the less it's worth. Governments love this type of arrangements since they can purchase goods at tomorrow's dollar value at today's dollar prices and the people eventually pick up the tab. It's called INFLATION because that's what these criminals are doing. (Stealing)
Hey Anonymous
Welcome to the Opntalk Blog Glad to have ya.
"Wat gets me is that these morons in Washington claim the cost of living has not gone up. I beg to differ.
Not only the cost of utilities have risen but the cost of food and gas looks like it is on the way up again.
If Obama gets his cap and trade that will increase utilities so much more."
That is true. Cap and Tax, Carbon Offsets, Obamacare, WILL, in Obama's own words, cause the prices to "Skyrocket." But he justifies this by saying it is being done in the name of Saving the Planet, and for your own good.
Problem is, like with most things out of this Administration, it's all BS
"Medicare payments will rise with no increase in social security to off set it so in effect a decrease in money flow."
Not to mention the fact he has also purposed massive CUTS to Medicaid and Medicare. So services will be cut, Doctors reduced, and care HARDER to come by.
Couple that with Obamacare in general, where Obama thinks it better that old people just take a pill and die, Seniors will be hit the hardest.
We are all looking at the Face of a Fascist Dictator that WANTS to Remake this country into something fashioned after the likes of Chavez, Saddam, and the Stalin. We can not allow this to continue, or we will loose the very country that made it possible for him to get into power to begin with.
Hey D.S.Harford
This, with everything else Obama and Crew want to do, remember what Hillary said? "The Country can't afford all the things I want to do." Even SHE wasn't stupid enough to try all the things that Obama is doing.
WE can also thank Bush for getting the ball rolling in this direction. The First Bailouts opened the door for Obama to take it to levels that we should never DREAM of going.
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