Hey folks,

Having a debate with someone that thinks, or claims, that anyone disagreeing with this President is Racist, is like attempting to have an intellectual debate on the topic of cold fusion with a Three Year Old. Just not possible.
It is the Left throwing the Racism label around because they TRULY think that THIS will win their argument. It is sad and pathetic. There is no truth to back it up, and they are counting on the fact that it is hard to defend against the claim. They even come right out and say, "Some are Racist, and do not even know it." BS. Complete BS.
You are, or, you are not. It really is just that simple. But they are attempting to intimidate you into going along with whatever this President wants to do. You will wear the Letter R on your chest if you do speak up or speak out.. Your coworkers will see you for what you are, ETC. Your Neighbors will shun you. You will be an outcast.
Problem is, you are NOT a Racist. You, your Family, your Coworkers, and your Neighbors KNOW you are not a Racist. Just because they DECLARE it, doesn't make it so. But this is an interesting piece from the AP - Dueling 'racist' claims defuse once powerful word By JESSE WASHINGTON, AP National Writer Jesse Washington, Ap National Writer – Thu Sep 17, 8:56 pm ET
Everybody's racist, it seems.
Republican Rep. Joe Wilson? Racist, because he shouted "You lie!" at the first black president. Health care protesters, affirmative action supporters? Racist. And Barack Obama? He's the "Racist in Chief," wrote a leader of the recent conservative protest in Washington.
But if everybody's racist, is anyone?
The word is being sprayed in all directions, creating a hall of mirrors that is draining the scarlet R of its meaning and its power, turning it into more of a spitball than a stigma.
"It gets to the point where we don't have a word that we use to call people racist who actually are," said John McWhorter, who studies race and language at the conservative Manhattan Institute.
Blame the LEFT for this.
"The more abstract and the more abusive we get in the way we use the words, then the harder it is to talk about what we originally meant by those terms," said McWhorter.
What the word once meant — and still does in Webster's dictionary — is someone who believes in the inherent superiority of a particular race or is prejudiced against others.
Yup. Like the KKK, and Obama.
This definition was ammunition for the civil rights movement, which 50 years ago used a strategy of confronting racism to build moral leverage and obtain equal rights.
Thank God for MLK! I wish we had another.
Overt bigotry waned, but many still see shadows of prejudice across the landscape and cry racism.
Even when there is none.
Obama's spokesman has rejected suggestions that racism is behind criticism of the president. But others saw Wilson's eruption during the president's speech as just that, citing his past support of segregationists and his labeling the emergence of Strom Thurmond's secret black daughter after the senator's death a "smear."
"I think (Wilson's outburst) is based on racism," former President Jimmy Carter said at a town hall meeting. "There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."
One of the BIGGEST Violators of your point IS Carter. The Worst, soon to be Second Worst, President in HISTORY!
That's an easy charge to make against the rare individual carrying an "Obamacare" sign depicting the president as an African witch doctor with a bone through his nose. But it's almost impossible to prove — or refute — assertions that bias, and not raw politics, fuels opposition to Obama.
"You have to be very careful about going down that road. You've cried wolf," said Sean Wilentz, a Princeton University professor who studies U.S. political and social history.
"It's a way of interpreting the world, where race runs through everything — everything is about race," said Wilentz, who supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 and claimed Obama's campaign falsely accused her of stoking racial fears.
As the Left see it? YES. Not true. But the Race Card is their NUMBER ONE fall back attack, whenever they can not win in the arena of Ideals.
"Everything is not about race," he said. "It's not Mississippi in 1965 any more. Even in Mississippi it's not Mississippi in 1965 any more."
Still, race remains a major factor in American life, said Brian D. Smedley, director of the health policy institute at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which focuses on people of color.
"We know from a large body of social science that a large portion of Americans harbor racial bias," Smedley said. "In the context of health reform, it's quite evident that race plays a very large role in helping shape public opinion."
NO IT DOESN'T you MORON! Policy and Ideals are what this is all about. FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and the American Way, is what this is all about. It doesn't matter to me, or most, if the President is Black, White, or Pink with Purple polka dots. He is on a quest for Tyranny, and THAT is what this is all about. Sorry. Just because you SAY Race is the driving Factor, does not make it so. Idiot!
Yet Smedley chooses not to deploy the R-word: "It's difficult to say racism is the reason (for objections to health care) because people don't believe they are racist."
Because they are NOT. The Majority of this country LIVE in 2009. You may chose to live in the 50s and 60s. But the rest of us are far more intelligent than you. We can look at people and see their Character. NOT the color of their skin. YOU are in the minority. Not us.
Many, though, have no doubt that other people are racist — even when those other people are black.
The Manhattan Institute's McWhorter said that during the affirmative action battles of the 1990s, "racism" and "racist" began to be applied to liberal policies designed to redress past discrimination, then were extended to people who believed in those policies.
That's how they have come to be wielded against Obama.
No. Obama's own words and actions are what has come to oust him for who and what he is. Not Affirmative Action. Statements like "White mans greed, runs a country in need." "Return the Wealth to the country's rightful owners" ETC. His associations ousted him. He is what he is.
"A racist is a person who discriminates or holds prejudices based on race. Discrimination is treatment based on category rather than individual merit," said Tom Molloy, a 65-year-old retired financial services executive from Brentwood, N.H. "Barack Obama favors policies that will give preference to groups based on race rather than individual merit. It's called affirmative action."
Amongst many other things. Yes.
Mark Williams, one of the leaders of the Sept. 12 rallies in Washington, D.C., headlined a blog entry about the arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his own home by a white police officer, "Racist In Chief Obama Fanning Flames of Racism." And too many bloggers to count are saying that Congressman Jim Clyburn, who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and has called Wilson and other health care protesters racist, is the real racist himself.
Yeah when he called the WHITE Police Officer "Stupid" because he dared arrest and out of control Black Racist Professor.
One result of this infinite loop: Actual racists can get a pass simply denying it.
{Laughing} You see what they are doing here? They are attempting to make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to deny the false charge that you are Racist. You can not deny it because of the misuse of the label. Besides, you were BORN that way, and you may not even KNOW you are Racist. You are, we said so, deal with it!
"Who does a guy have to lynch around here to get called a racist?" the writer Ta-Nehisi Coates asked in an article about charges and denials of racism in the Obama-Clinton primary.
The rise in whites accusing blacks of racism is the inevitable result of years of black identity politics, which created a blueprint for whites who feel threatened by America's changing demographics, says Carol Swain, a Vanderbilt University professor and author of "The New White Nationalism In America."
I have been telling you this for years folks. It is the Revs. It is the Media. It is the Policies that LEGALIZE Discrimination, that BREEDS Racism. It is the cases like Sotomayor's CLEARLY Bias ruling against the White Firefighters.
I have said it so many times in the past. I will say it again now. If we were to ever have true equality in this country, we must treat EVERYONE EQUALLY. The good, bad, and ugly. We have to make decisions based on Merit, and Content of Character, NOT the color of skin. Period. Racism and discrimination is just that, no matter who is on what side, and no matter how good the intentions are.
"We need to rethink what is racist and who can legitimately call whom racist," Swain said, citing the argument that blacks can't be racist because racism requires power.
"With a black president, a black attorney general, and blacks holding various power positions around the country, now might be a time when we can concede that anyone can express attitudes and actions that others can justifiably characterize as racist."
Look folks, I know you are tired of tuning in to the ABC {All Barack Channel} OR NBC {New Barack Channel,} CNN {Clinton News Net,,uh, Obama won, Convince Nitwits News, that Obama is God}, or, picking up the New York Slimes, LA Slimes, ETC, and hearing how YOU are a Racist and to stupid to understand that Obama is a god to you and you need to fall into place.
I know that you are tired of all the complete and utter nonsense out there that is trying to scare or intimidate you into staying home from these Rallies, speaking your mind, or even DARING to ask a question.
I know that you are tired of the LIES about what Obama's agenda IS. Being outright lied to about what is in these Bills. I know you are tired of watching this President DESTROY relationships with our longest and closest Allies, and cater to Dictators and Tyrants. I know you are telling your Representatives what you TRULY feel to only have them ignore you. Or insult you when they can no longer ignore you.
NOW is the time to ratchet it up. Now is the time to fight back. You can not let this childless attempt to insult and intimidate you by labeling you a Racist stop you. Silence you. That is what they WANT. No. Now is the time to let them know, you are not a Racist, you are THEIR BOSS, and you WILL have a say this next election. They can either listen to you know, or hear you on their way out the door.
AP - Dueling 'racist' claims defuse once powerful word
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