Hey folks,

When talking about Iran, especially Ahmadinejad, one HAS to talk about Hitler. Hitler was a great Orator. He gave great speeches and had the gift that some say Obama himself possesses, to fire up a crowd, getting the masses to follow him. He started out a nobody and rose, with help from others, including some in this country, to the position of Tyrant who massacred 6 million Jews and others. Started a World War, ending in the death of millions more.
Just like the original, there are some in this country that are appeasing Ahmadinejad. Ignoring him, his words, and excusing his actions. Even though he has come right out and TOLD the World his intentions. This is why I call him Little Hitler. Just like the original, he is rising. Only THIS time, he is not going to make the same mistake. He WANTS a Nuclear bomb.
So when you watch this video, and you listen to Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for near East Policy, think about the Original Hitler, and also think about the history of President Clinton and North Korea.
Now the first thing I thought as I was watching this, is this guy's {Patrick Clawson} body language. He thinks he is the smartest person in the room. You can tell. But listen to what he keeps saying. As long as we can be assured that Iran is going to use their Nuclear Technology for peaceful means, it's OK.
During the early Clinton years, President Clinton elected to rely on former President Jimmy Carter in deciding to appease North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
Carter met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang and returned to America waving a piece of paper for all the cameras declaring that we would have "peace in our time." Kim, according to Carter, had agreed to stop his Nuclear Weapons Development. He promised to be a good little Dictator. He was saying things like "Of course we do not want Nuclear Weapons. No, no, no. We want peace with you. We will just use this for Energy. Not bombs."

So what did Kim DO? He made Nuclear Weapons. He starved to death over a Million of his own people, even with all the money Clinton gave him. Then he created missiles that can deliver his new Nuclear Warheads. Remember in 98, one week after Clinton's Military Chief of Staff, John Podesta, testified that North Korea did not have an active Missile Program able to carry Nukes, Whoosh. What was that? That was the missile over Japan that landed off the Alaska coast. Where did that come from? North Korea. You know, those folks that do not have a weapons program. Do not have a missile program?
Now looks look at Iran. "They do not have an active Nuclear Weapons program." Yet Little Hitler announces that he expanded Uranium Enrichment with almost 7,000 Centrifuges. "They are simply going to use this for Energy." Little Hitler says, "I will wipe Israel off the map." Well, they have no way to deploy them even if they had them. Was that a missile? President Obama says "I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations." I repeat, President Obama says "I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations." I repeat, Little Hitler says "I will wipe Israel off the map." He also says, "Death to America. Death to the Great Satan!"Legitimate aspirations?
"As long as we can be assured that Iran has peaceful intentions, it's OK if they go Nuclear." I have two words for ya. North Korea. I will also repeat this. "He who does not learn from History, is doomed to repeat it."
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