Hey folks,
In todays Health and Science Segment, we are going to look at another aspect of Obamacare. This one is a real problem in America, so please do not mis understand me.

Our meal portions have grown in size. You can Super Size just about anywhere you go, from Fast Food Joints, to actual Restaurants. Then you have this thing I'm talking to you on. The Computer. Since more and more things are automated, and in the name of convenience, we educate ourselves on how to do ANYTHING by sitting down at a key board or control panel. Our kids? TV, Video Games, and the Internet. Even a lot of their games now a days, their toys, do everything for them. Basically, they need only sit and watch.
We have become lazy. We have also started to loose a VERY PRECIOUS gift. Imagination. You no longer have to go outside to run around and play Army. Now you can just play Video Games and fly remote controlled helicopters. More exciting? Of course. But is it really good for our kids?
Generation after generation we get more and more Lazy. It becomes the norm. So we get fat. You want to know what the best diet in the world really is? Guaranteed to work EVERY TIME? It also will not cost you a dime? Eat less, move more.
So I see this Article in Health Day - Curbing Obesity Epidemic Key to Health Care Reform: Experts by Karen Pallarito healthday Reporter
{Sigh} OK. So what are they going to do using the back drop of people who are overweight? I started reading.
FRIDAY, Sept. 11 (HealthDay News) -- A diverse alliance of payer, provider and consumer organizations, girded by two former U.S. Surgeons General, on Wednesday urged policymakers to address the nation's obesity epidemic as part of federal health care reform legislation. AKA: Obamacare
"At this critical juncture where we're dealing with health-care transformation, we want to make sure that the federal government and our elected leaders recognize the importance of including approaches to obesity that are evidence-based and proven within their legislative strategy," former Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona told reporters during a media briefing.
OK. I have no problem yet.
Carmona serves as the health and wellness chairperson of the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance, whose steering committee includes the American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, among other public and private organizations.
Most of which are either Government, and or Liberal Groups. But let's give them a chance. Sounds like a good cause. Right? Then I read THIS.
The alliance is funded by drug makers Sanofi-Aventis U.S. L.L.C. and Amylin Pharmaceuticals.
{Laughing, banging hand on desk} READ THAT AGAIN.

So who are they? Well, you KNOW Sanofi-Aventis U.S. L.L.C. Yes you do. They are the ones that make Allegra®, D, Ambien®, CR, ETC. But they also make Rimonabant. Rimonabant is toted as a way to lose weight for Diabetics, and others, ETC.
Who is Amylin Pharmaceuticals? Well, one of their
So we have two major, or what the Left USE to call "Big Drug," companies, lobbying Congress to include into Obamacare, the mandated use of their Products. I'm not kidding folks. More on that in a second. But first, of course, they want to Police our food.
Former Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, whose 2001 report on obesity recognized the problem as an "epidemic," emphasized the need to invest in health promotion and disease prevention, particularly for the health of the nation's youth.
"We are in essence addicting our children to sedentary lifestyles; we're addicting them to high-salt, high-sweet, high-fat diets," he said, "and then we pay for it later on when they come to us with cancer, heart disease, [and] diabetes."
America's weight problem is pervasive. Two-thirds of the population is now overweight and obese, according to the CDC, and as many as 72 million adults are considered obese. In fact, obesity rates have doubled for adults and tripled for children since 1980.
OK. Stop. We have talked about this before. If they had their way, we would all be subject to their little chart. You are a Man? How tall? You should weight xyz.

Obesity accounts for 9.1 percent of annual health-care spending in the United States, or nearly $150 billion annually, according to a study in a recent issue of Health Affairs.
To help arrest the epidemic, the alliance urges policymakers to include four specific elements in health reform:
Recognize proven clinical interventions.
AKA DRUGS. Not to mention other PROGRAMS that will bring OTHER people a lot of money.
Studies demonstrate, for example, that shedding just 5 percent to 10 percent of body weight can lower the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.
On SOME people. Others? No one really knows why someone like George Burns can live as long as he did while smoking Cigars and Drinking Alcohol, and others die in their 40s or 50's while living "healthy lifestyles."
Enhance the use of preventive services.
AKA DRUGS, and Government funded Programs.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends obesity screening for all adults, yet studies show height and weight data often is not recorded during an office visit.
{Laughing} They want to MANDATE your Doctor "screens you" during your visit and report you as Obese or Fat and in need of all this.
Foster community programs and polices that encourage and support healthy lifestyles.
Police YOU. Tell you how to live. What to eat. ETC.
A community might design public spaces that accommodate walkers and bikers, for example, or sponsor a farmer's market to make fresh produce available to local residents.
More Government, uh, that would be YOUR money, hard at work. For your own good of course.
Coordinate research efforts to improve the quality of care, show which interventions work in various settings and translate science into practice.
Morgan Downey, the alliance's policy adviser, noted one positive aspect of health reform proposals from the House of Representatives and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee: They eliminate the worry that overweight Americans might not be able to obtain health insurance coverage because of preexisting health conditions.
"Just the removal of that language really frees up individuals who are overweight or obese to have access to health insurance," he said.
Yes we want them to be covered. This way we can make MORE money,,,I mean help them. {Smile}
Folks, it really is this simple. Eat less, move more. Go for a walk. Take a bike ride. The kind that pedal. Play with your kids outside. Encourage them to use their imagination. We are NOT cookies. We do not conform to any cookie cutter programs. What works for me, may not work for you. What works for you, may not work for your Neighbor. You weigh what you weigh and look the way you look. We can get healthy, be healthy, or stay healthy if we CHOSE to. We do NOT need the Government coming in and telling us how to live our lives. Plain and simple.
Health Day - Curbing Obesity Epidemic Key to Health Care Reform: Experts
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